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  • seqoccin/hifi-metabarcoding-analysis
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#SBATCH -J cutadapt
#SBATCH -c 20
#SBATCH --mem=5GB
#SBATCH -t 03-00 #Acceptable time formats include "minutes", "minutes:seconds", "hours:minutes:seconds", "days-hours", "days-hours:minutes" and "days-hours:minutes:seconds".
#SBATCH --output=slurm-%x.%j.out
#SBATCH -p workq
# 16S primers
# five_prime_primer=AGRGTTYGATYMTGGCTCAG
# three_prim_primer=AAGTCGTAACAAGGTARCY
# 16S-23S primers
mkdir -p $outdir/tmp
for fastq_file in ../fastq/*fastq.gz; do
echo "======================================="
fastq_file_name=`basename $fastq_file`
cutadapt -g $five_prime_primer --error-rate 0.1 --discard-untrimmed --match-read-wildcards --revcomp -j $t --overlap $overlap -o $outfile_5prim $fastq_file > ${outfile_5prim%.fastq.gz}.log ; head -n40 ${outfile_5prim%.fastq.gz}.log
cutadapt -a $three_prim_primer --error-rate 0.1 --discard-untrimmed --match-read-wildcards -j $t --overlap $overlap -o $outfile_final $outfile_5prim > ${outfile_final%.fastq.gz}.log; head -n40 ${outfile_final%.fastq.gz}.log
......@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ for fastq_file in ../fastq/*fastq.gz; do
cutadapt -a $three_prim_primer --error-rate 0.1 --discard-untrimmed --match-read-wildcards --revcomp -j $t --overlap $overlap -o $outfile_final $outfile_5prim > ${outfile_final%.fastq.gz}.log; head -n40 ${outfile_final%.fastq.gz}.log
cutadapt -a $three_prim_primer --error-rate 0.1 --discard-untrimmed --match-read-wildcards -j $t --overlap $overlap -o $outfile_final $outfile_5prim > ${outfile_final%.fastq.gz}.log; head -n40 ${outfile_final%.fastq.gz}.log
# getting the fastq data
mkdir fastq
cp -P /work2/project/seqoccin/metaG/metabarcoding/polymerase_test/fastq/*Pbr322* fastq/
# fastqc
sbatch fastqc.sbatch
# download ref sequence of the plasmide
## from ncbi web site
ncbi page:
Download manually the sequence in plasmide_Pbr322_ncbi.fasta
## from NEB web site
download manually in plasmide_Pbr322_neb.fasta
## seq comparison
1 nt difference between the 2 seq
# cleaning the reads
Pacbio adaptateur have not been removed by pacbio postprocess.
Primer + adaptateur
adaptateur Pacbio:
## using frogs preprocess tool
let's remove them with the primer sequences using preprocess of frogs.
simple test on the first 200 reads
zcat ../fastq/Accustart-Pbr322-PCR1-1.fastq.gz | head -n800 > h800_Accustart-Pbr322-PCR1-1.fastq
#three_prim_primer=TGGATCACTTGTGCAAGCATCACATCGTAGATCGATGATAAGCTGTCAAAC need to be reverse complement to work with frogs
three_prim_primer=GTTTGACAGCTTATCATCGATCTACGATGTGATGCTTGCACAAGTGATCCA pacbio-hifi --min-amplicon-size 4000 --max-amplicon-size 4500 --five-prim-primer $five_prime_primer --three-prim-primer $three_prim_primer -p 2 --input-reads h800_Accustart-Pbr322-PCR1-1.fastq
preprocess on all samples
sort preprocess_counts.tsv file to see the more abundant sequence
sort -k2 -rn preprocess_counts.tsv | head
### launch frogs on the plasmides
in dir frogs_pipeline
run frogs until otu filters (no affiliation.. )
# Aligning the reads to the plasmid
In mapping_reads_to_plasmide/test
module load bioinfo/samtools-1.11
module load bioinfo/minimap2-2.11
read_name=`basename ${reads%.fastq.gz}`
ref_name=`basename ${ref%.fasta}`
echo $output_basename
minimap2 -ax asm20 $ref $reads | samtools sort -o ${output_basename}.bam
samtools index ${read_name}_to_${ref_name}.bam
samtools flagstat ${read_name}_to_${ref_name}.bam > ${read_name}_to_${ref_name}.flagstat
samtools coverage ${read_name}_to_${ref_name}.bam > ${read_name}_to_${ref_name}.coverage
In IGV, we can clearly see that a position 1134 a T is present and not a C. --> the correct ref is the one from neb web site !
## map frogs preprocessed reads to plasmide sequence
in frogs_preprocess/
run script align_preprocess_reads_to_plasmide_seq.sbatch
## map frogs preprocessed reads to expected amplicon of the plasmide
instead f takinf the whole plasmide sequence it will be easier to map the read only on the expected amplicon sequence (subsequence of the plasmide).
It will much easier to compute error rate at each position.
run script align_preprocess_reads_to_expected_amplicon_seq.sbatch
# Analyse amplicon error
type of analysis already performed here : /work2/project/seqoccin/metaG/metabarcoding/16S-23S_27_10_2020/ADNmockbact/frogs_results/preprocess_affiliation/map_amplicon_to_genomes
It has also been made here along dada2 analysis of ccs data :
Filter bam to have a smaller dataset to work with
module load bioinfo/samtools-1.11
conda activate jupy
cp ~/metaG/axis-3-whole-metagenome/A3P2_samples/scripts/ .
# modification of to parse read name by removing the size info to be able to identify them..
samtools view preprocess_reads_to_expected_seq.bam | python -r best_2k_preprocess_reads.list -v > best_2k_preprocess_reads_to_expected_seq.sam
# Get error rate from shotgun
In dir shotgun_analysis
cp -P /work2/project/seqoccin/metaG/metabarcoding/polymerase_test/fastq/PBR322-proto-shotgun-ligation.fastq.gz .
module load bioinfo/FastQC_v0.11.7
module load bioinfo/MultiQC-v1.7
mkdir -p fastqc
fastqc PBR322-proto-shotgun-ligation.fastq.gz -o fastqc/
multiqc fastqc/
map ll
......@@ -16,12 +16,18 @@ __email__ = ''
__status__ = 'dev'
from argparse import ArgumentParser, ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter, FileType
from argparse import ArgumentParser, ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter
import logging
import sys
import frogs_analysis_fct
from frogs_analysis_fct import process_frogs_affiliation, get_corresponding_species_mock, clean_mock_sp_relation
def load_mock_taxonomies(mock_taxonomies_file):
with open(mock_taxonomies_file) as fl:
return {l.rstrip().split("\t")[1]:l.split("\t")[0] for l in fl if l.rstrip()}
def parse_arguments():
"""Parse script arguments."""
parser = ArgumentParser(description="...",
......@@ -41,6 +47,12 @@ def parse_arguments():
parser.add_argument('--taxonomic_ranks', default='Domain Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species Species', help='Taxonomic ranks of the affiliation')
parser.add_argument('--mock_taxonomies', default=None, help='Specify this argument if the sample is from mock communities. '
'It allows clusters to be linked to their corresponding mock species. '
'Provide a tabulated file with two columns: the first column containing the name of the mock species, '
'and the second column containing the taxonomy of this species based on the affiliation database used. '
'The taxonomy should be represented from Phylum to Species, separated by semicolons.')
parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', default='affi_tables_merged.tsv', help='output table name')
parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", help="increase output verbosity",
......@@ -70,9 +82,10 @@ def main():
region = args.region
affi_db_name = args.affi_db_name
mock_taxonomies_file = args.mock_taxonomies
analysis_df = frogs_analysis_fct.process_frogs_affiliation(affi_abundance_fl, multihit_fl, taxonomic_ranks,
analysis_df = process_frogs_affiliation(affi_abundance_fl, multihit_fl, taxonomic_ranks,
min_ids = [min_identity], min_covs = [min_coverage])
df_valid_affi = analysis_df.loc[analysis_df[f'id>{min_identity}_cov>{min_coverage}']]
......@@ -89,6 +102,17 @@ def main():
analysis_df['region'] = region
analysis_df['db'] = affi_db_name
if mock_taxonomies_file:'Linking cluster to their corresponding mock species using {mock_taxonomies_file}')
taxonomies2mock_species = load_mock_taxonomies(mock_taxonomies_file)
analysis_df["sp_mock_taxonomy"] = analysis_df[["blast_taxonomy", "mutliaffiliation"]].apply(
get_corresponding_species_mock, args=(taxonomies2mock_species,), axis=1 )
analysis_df["sp_mock_taxonomy"] = analysis_df["sp_mock_taxonomy"].apply(clean_mock_sp_relation)
analysis_df["mock_species"] = analysis_df["sp_mock_taxonomy"].apply(lambda x: x if x not in taxonomies2mock_species else taxonomies2mock_species[x] )'Writting merged table in {args.output}')
analysis_df.to_csv(args.output, sep='\t', index=False)
......@@ -64,6 +64,7 @@ def main():
tax_table = args.affiliation_table
samples = args.samples
valid_col = 'valid_affiliation'
samples_concat_str = "-".join(samples)
......@@ -74,6 +75,10 @@ def main():
df = pd.read_csv(tax_table, sep="\t")
assert all(( type(v) is bool for v in set(df[valid_col])) ), f'Not all value of {valid_col} column is a boolean. So we cannot filter out weak affiliations for the plot.'
#keep only row with a valid affiliation.
df = df.loc[df[valid_col]]
# Filter samples
# remove row that have no count in the given samples colonnes
......@@ -142,7 +147,9 @@ def main():
colors_iter = cycle(colors)
phylums = set(df["Phylum"])
taxonomies = set(df["blast_taxonomy_cleaned"])
phylums = {taxo.split(';')[1] for taxo in taxonomies} # index 1 for phylum}
# write itol TREE_COLORS style
phylum_colors_file = os.path.join(outdir, f"{outdir}_s{samples_concat_str}_colors_styles_phylum.txt")
title: "DADA2 + PacBio HiFi + FROGS format: ZymoBIOMICS Microbial Community Standard"
output: html_document
<!-- #region -->
This Rmarkdown is an adaptation of "DADA2 + PacBio: ZymoBIOMICS Microbial Community Standard" by Benjamin J Callahan
## Data
The mock community being sequenced is the ZymoBIOMICS Microbial Community Standard: . This mock community contains the following bacterial and yeast species (but we'll ignore the yeast as they aren't amplified by this protocol):
* Pseudomonas aeruginosa
* Escherichia coli
* Salmonella enterica
* Lactobacillus fermentum
* Enterococcus faecalis
* Staphylococcus aureus
* Listeria monocytogenes
* Bacillus subtilis
## Setup
Load libraries, setup paths, prepare environment:
<!-- #endregion -->
```{r init, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE}
Define function to write dada2 result into frogs compatible files:
```{r setup}
write_result_to_frogs_format <- function(dada_obj, out_dir, sample_names ) {
seqtab <- makeSequenceTable(dada_obj)
row.names(seqtab) <- sample_names
asv_seqs <- colnames(seqtab)
asv_headers <- paste(">",colnames(seqtab),sep="")
asv_fasta <- c(rbind(asv_headers, asv_seqs))
write(asv_fasta, file.path(out_dir,"clustering.fasta"))
asv_tab <- t(seqtab)
row.names(asv_tab) <- sub(">", "", asv_headers)
write.table(asv_tab, file.path(out_dir,"ASVs_counts.txt"), sep="\t", quote=F)
st.biom <- make_biom(t(seqtab))
write_biom(st.biom, file.path(out_dir,"clustering.biom"))
```{r error=TRUE}
path <- "fastq_no_primers"
path.out <- "."
fns <- sort(list.files(path, pattern="fastq.gz", full.names = TRUE))
sample.names <- sapply(strsplit(basename(fns), ".fastq.gz"), `[`, 1)
## Remove Primers and Filter
Remove primers and orient reads:
This step has already been applied to the data using cutadapt tool.
```{r primers, error=TRUE}
#nops <- file.path(path, "noprimers", basename(fns))
#prims <- removePrimers(fns, nops, primer.fwd=forward_primer, primer.rev=reverse_primer, orient=TRUE, verbose=TRUE)
nops <- file.path(path, basename(fns))
More loss than with FROGS... :-/
original statement: Very little loss there even though primer indels aren't allowed currently.
Inspect length distribution.
```{r length_distribution}
lens.fn <- lapply(nops, function(fn) nchar(getSequences(fn)))
lens <-, lens.fn)
lens <- as.numeric(lens)
hist(lens, 200)
original statement: Sharply peaked at the expected length range.
```{r filter}
filts <- file.path(path.out, "filtered", basename(nops))
track_filt <- filterAndTrim(nops, filts, minQ=3, minLen=3500, maxLen=5000, maxN=0, rm.phix=FALSE, maxEE=2)
track_filt_df = data.frame(track_filt)
count_pre_filt = track_filt_df$
count_post_filt = track_filt_df$reads.out
track_filt_df$prct_out = 100 * track_filt_df$reads.out / track_filt_df$
<!-- #region -->
In the original markdown: 94.9% of sequence are kept after filtering.
## Run DADA2
<!-- #endregion -->
```{r derep}
drp <- derepFastq(filts, verbose=TRUE)
Learn errors:
```{r learn-err}
err <- learnErrors(drp, BAND_SIZE=32, multithread=multithread_flag, errorEstimationFunction=dada2:::PacBioErrfun) # 10s of seconds
Inspect errors:
```{r plot-err}
Apply inflateErr with different inflation value on the error model:
listErr = c(err[1])
inflate_values = c('None')
Denoise with all the different inflation values and write the result into frogs compatible files:
```{r dada}
listDD <- lapply(1:length(listErr), function(x){
dd <- dada(drp, err=listErr[[x]], BAND_SIZE=32, multithread=multithread_flag)
cur_val <- inflate_values[x]
outdirname = paste("err_inflation", cur_val, sep='_')
dir_out <- file.path(path.out, outdirname)
dir.create(dir_out, showWarnings = FALSE)
write_result_to_frogs_format(dd, dir_out, sample.names)
```{r read_tracking}
denoised_sum = c()
asv_count = c()
listSummary <- lapply(1:length(listDD), function(inflate_index){
dd = listDD[[inflate_index]]
interlign <- lapply(1:length(sample.names), function(sample_index){
if (length(sample.names) == 1 ){
d_sample = dd
d_sample = dd[[sample_index]]
denoised_sum <- sum(d_sample$denoised)
asv_count <- nrow(d_sample$clustering)
cur_ligne <- c(samples = sample.names[sample_index],
primers= count_pre_filt[sample_index],
inflate_value = inflate_values[inflate_index])
sub_table <-, interlign)
full_table <-, listSummary)
```{r write_read_tracking_tsv}
write.table(full_table, file.path(path.out, 'summary_stat.tsv'), sep="\t", quote=F, row.names=F)
import pandas as pd
import logging
def clean_mock_sp_relation(mock_sp_relation):
if len(mock_sp_relation) == 1:
return mock_sp_relation.pop()
elif len(mock_sp_relation) == 0:
return "Other"
elif len(mock_sp_relation) > 1:
logging.warning(f"A cluster have more than one mock species in its affiliation: \n {mock_sp_relation}")
return 'multiple mock species'
def get_corresponding_species_mock(tax_and_multiaffi, mock_taxonomies):
taxonomy_str = tax_and_multiaffi["blast_taxonomy"]
mutliaffiliation_str = tax_and_multiaffi["mutliaffiliation"]
sp_hits = set()
if taxonomy_str.endswith("Multi-affiliation"):
# mutliaffiliation_str = mutliaffiliation_str.replace(
# alternative_fermentum_taxon, "Lactobacillus" )
for affi in mutliaffiliation_str.split('|'):
sp_hits |= get_corresponding_species_mock({'blast_taxonomy':affi, 'mutliaffiliation':None}, mock_taxonomies)
for mock_tax in mock_taxonomies:
if taxonomy_str.startswith(mock_tax):
return sp_hits
def consider_only_selected_samples(df, all_sample, samples_to_keep):
#!/usr/bin/env python3
python -v
# Metadata
__author__ = 'Mainguy Jean - Plateforme biodebugrmatique Toulouse'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright (C) 2020 INRAE'
__license__ = 'GNU General Public License'
__version__ = '0.1'
__email__ = ''
__status__ = 'dev'
from argparse import ArgumentParser, ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter, FileType
import logging
import sys
import frogs_analysis_fct
import pandas as pd
def parse_arguments():
"""Parse script arguments."""
parser = ArgumentParser(description="...",
parser.add_argument('--table_16S23Sdb', required=True, help='Affiliation abundance table with multiaffi debug of the 16S23S db affiliation, output of the script ')
parser.add_argument('--table_16Sdb', required=True, help='Affiliation abundance table with multiaffi debug of the 16S db affiliation, output of the script ')
parser.add_argument('--table_23Sdb', required=True, help='Affiliation abundance table with multiaffi debug of the 23S db affiliation, output of the script ')
parser.add_argument('--min_identity', default=98, type=float, help='Minimal identity to consider an affilition as valid.')
parser.add_argument('--min_qcov_23S', default=40, type=float, help='Minimal coverage of a 23S16S query sequence on 23S subject sequence to consider the affilition valid.')
parser.add_argument('--min_qcov_16S', default=30, type=float, help='Minimal coverage of a 23S16S query sequence on 16S subject sequence to consider the affilition valid.')
parser.add_argument('--min_qcov_16S23S', default=98, type=float, help='Minimal coverage of a 23S16S query sequence on 16S23S subject sequence to consider the affilition valid.')
parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', default='affiliation_multiple_db_merged.tsv', help='output table name')
parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", help="increase output verbosity",
parser.add_argument("--debug", help="increase a lot output verbosity",
args = parser.parse_args()
return args
def add_db_to_specific_db_columns(df, db_specific_cols, db_name):
df = df[db_specific_cols]
new_col_names = {c:f'{db_name}_{c}' for c in df.columns}
df = df.rename(columns=new_col_names)
return df
# iterate through each cluster and unify affiliation
# When 16S 23S affiliation is weak, the 16S and 23S is used.
from itertools import takewhile
def all_equal(items: (tuple, list, str)) -> bool:
A helper function to test if
all items in the given iterable
are identical.
item -> the given iterable to be used
>>> all_same([1, 1, 1])
>>> all_same([1, 1, 2])
>>> all_same((1, 1, 1))
>> all_same((1, 1, 2))
>>> all_same("111")
>>> all_same("112")
return all(item == items[0] for item in items)
def common_prefix(its):
return [items[0] for items in takewhile(all_equal, zip(*its))]
def manage_strain_in_taxo(taxonomy):
assert len(taxonomy) == 7
if taxonomy[-1].count(' ') > 1 and 'metagenome' not in taxonomy[-1]:
logging.debug('taxonomy species look like strain')
sp = ' '.join(taxonomy[-1].split(' ')[:2])
taxonomy = taxonomy[:-1] + [sp, taxonomy[-1]]
return taxonomy
def get_common_taxonomy(taxonomies):
for t in taxonomies:
taxonomies_list = (manage_strain_in_taxo(t.split(";")) for t in taxonomies)
taxonomy = common_prefix(taxonomies_list)
missing_taxon_count = 7 - len(taxonomy)
return ';'.join(taxonomy + ['Multi-affiliation']*missing_taxon_count)
def get_consensus_taxo(affi1, affi2, rank_count):
for i in range(rank_count, 0, -1):
affi1_i = {';'.join(t.split(';')[:i]) for t in affi1}
affi2_i = {';'.join(t.split(';')[:i]) for t in affi2}
shared_affi = affi1_i & affi2_i
if len(shared_affi) == 0:
missing_taxon_count = rank_count - i
affi_found_in_both = { ';'.join(taxonomy.split(";") + ['Multi-affiliation']*missing_taxon_count) for taxonomy in shared_affi}
if len(affi_found_in_both) == 1:
return affi_found_in_both.pop()
return get_common_taxonomy(affi_found_in_both)
return ';'.join(['Multi-affiliation'] * rank_count)
def get_consensus_affi(affi1, affi2):
ranks = ["superkingdom", "phylum", "order", "class",
"family", "genus", "species"]
ranks_count = len(ranks)
affi_origin = affi1['affiliation_origin'] + ' & '+ affi2['affiliation_origin']
affiliation = {k:None for k in affi1}
affiliation['affiliation_origin'] = affi_origin
if affi1['blast_taxonomy'] == affi2['blast_taxonomy']:
affiliation = {k:v for k, v in affi1.items()}
taxonomies = set()
if pd.isna(affi1['mutliaffiliation']) :
taxonomies1 = {affi1['blast_taxonomy']}
taxonomies |= set(affi1['mutliaffiliation'].split('|'))
taxonomies1 = set(affi1['mutliaffiliation'].split('|'))
if pd.isna(affi2['mutliaffiliation']) :
taxonomies2 = {affi2['blast_taxonomy']}
taxonomies |= set(affi2['mutliaffiliation'].split('|'))
taxonomies2 = set(affi2['mutliaffiliation'].split('|'))
taxonomy = get_consensus_taxo(taxonomies1, taxonomies2, ranks_count)
#taxonomy = get_common_taxonomy(taxonomies)
logging.debug('16S affi')
[logging.debug(t) for t in taxonomies1]
logging.debug('23S affi')
[logging.debug(t) for t in taxonomies2]
affiliation['blast_taxonomy'] = taxonomy
affiliation['mutliaffiliation'] = '|'.join(taxonomies)
affiliation['blast_perc_identity'] = min((affi2['blast_perc_identity'], affi1['blast_perc_identity']))
affiliation['blast_perc_query_coverage'] = min((affi2['blast_perc_query_coverage'], affi1['blast_perc_query_coverage']))
affiliation['taxon_affi'] = frogs_analysis_fct.get_taxon_affi(taxonomy, ranks)
affiliation['rank_affi'] = frogs_analysis_fct.get_rank_affi(taxonomy, ranks)
affiliation['affiliation_origin'] = affi_origin
return affiliation
def get_affiliation_from_db(row, db_name):
db_row = {k.replace(db_name+'_', ''):v for k, v in row.items() if k.startswith(db_name)}
db_row['affiliation_origin'] = db_name
return db_row
def unify_affiliation(row, min_id = 98, min_cov_16S23S=99,min_cov_16S = 30, min_cov_23S = 40 ):
is_valid = True
is_16S23S_valid = row["16S23Sdb_blast_perc_identity"] >= min_id and row["16S23Sdb_blast_perc_query_coverage"] >= min_cov_16S23S
is_16Ssilva_valid = row["16Sdb_blast_perc_identity"] >= min_id and row["16Sdb_blast_perc_query_coverage"] >= min_cov_16S
is_23Ssilva_valid = row["23Sdb_blast_perc_identity"] >= min_id and row["23Sdb_blast_perc_query_coverage"] >= min_cov_23S
logging.debug(f'is_16S23S_valid {is_16S23S_valid}')
logging.debug(f'is_16Ssilva_valid {is_16Ssilva_valid}')
logging.debug(f'is_23Ssilva_valid {is_23Ssilva_valid}')
if is_16S23S_valid:
affiliation = get_affiliation_from_db(row, '16S23Sdb')
elif is_16Ssilva_valid and is_23Ssilva_valid:
affiliation16S = get_affiliation_from_db(row, '16Sdb')
affiliation23S = get_affiliation_from_db(row, '23Sdb')
affiliation = get_consensus_affi(affiliation16S, affiliation23S)
elif is_16Ssilva_valid and not is_23Ssilva_valid:
affiliation = get_affiliation_from_db(row, '16Sdb')
elif is_23Ssilva_valid and not is_16Ssilva_valid:
affiliation = get_affiliation_from_db(row, '23Sdb')
# affi is bad every where let's return the 16S23S one.
affiliation = get_affiliation_from_db(row, '16S23Sdb')
affiliation['affiliation_origin'] = "weak affiliation"
is_valid = False
affiliation['is_valid'] = is_valid
return affiliation
def main():
args = parse_arguments()
if args.debug:
logging.basicConfig(format="%(levelname)s: %(message)s", level=logging.DEBUG)
logging.debug('Mode debug ON')
elif args.verbose:
logging.basicConfig(format="%(levelname)s: %(message)s", level=logging.INFO)'Mode verbose ON')
logging.basicConfig(format="%(levelname)s: %(message)s")
# specific columns that change for each db used for affiliation.
db_specific_cols = ["blast_taxonomy",
affi_16S23Sdb_table = args.table_16S23Sdb # "./abundance_and_multiaffi_16S23S_custom.tsv"
affi_16Sdb_table = args.table_16Sdb # "./abundance_and_multiaffi_16Ssilva.tsv"
affi_23Sdb_table = args.table_23Sdb # "./abundance_and_multiaffi_23Ssilva.tsv"
min_id = args.min_identity # 98
min_cov_16S23S = args.min_qcov_16S23S # 99
min_cov_16S = args.min_qcov_16S # 30
min_cov_23S = args.min_qcov_23S # 40"Parse affiliation tables")
df_affi_16S23Sdb = pd.read_csv(affi_16S23Sdb_table, sep='\t').set_index('seed_id', drop=False)
df_affi_23Sdb = pd.read_csv(affi_23Sdb_table, sep='\t').set_index('seed_id', drop=False)
df_affi_16Sdb = pd.read_csv(affi_16Sdb_table, sep='\t').set_index('seed_id', drop=False)
# Create a table with shared column.. so columns that have the same value for all db
common_cols = set(df_affi_16Sdb.columns) - set(db_specific_cols)
df_common = df_affi_16Sdb[[c for c in df_affi_16Sdb.columns if c in common_cols] ]
df_common = df_common.set_index('seed_id', drop=False)
# add db name to the specific columns
df_affi_16Sdb = add_db_to_specific_db_columns(df_affi_16Sdb, db_specific_cols, "16Sdb")
df_affi_23Sdb = add_db_to_specific_db_columns(df_affi_23Sdb, db_specific_cols, "23Sdb")
df_affi_16S23Sdb = add_db_to_specific_db_columns(df_affi_16S23Sdb, db_specific_cols, "16S23Sdb")
# merge affiliation tables"concat affiliation tables")
df = pd.concat([df_common,
df_affi_16S23Sdb] , axis=1)
# Some clusters in 16S23S db could have been removed. Let's check that and log some warning if this is the case
df_rm_suspicious = df.loc[df['16S23Sdb_blast_taxonomy'].isna()]
if len(df_rm_suspicious):
logging.warning(f"{len(df_rm_suspicious)} clusters are not found in 16S-23S affiliation table. These clusters have probably been removed by affilaition filters because they had suspicious affiliation in the 16S3S db.")
sum_seq_in_rm_clusters = df_rm_suspicious['observation_sum'].sum()
abd_of_rm_clusters = 100 * df_rm_suspicious['observation_sum'].sum()/df['observation_sum'].sum()
logging.warning(f"They represent a total of {sum_seq_in_rm_clusters} sequences and a relative abundance of {abd_of_rm_clusters:.3f}%")
logging.warning('These clusters are ignored.')
# remove cluster that does not appear in 16S23S because it has been removed by affiliation filtering due to suspicious affiliation
df = df.loc[~df['16S23Sdb_blast_taxonomy'].isna()]"unify/merge the affiliations")
rows = []
for _, row in df.iterrows():
unified_affi = unify_affiliation(row, min_id, min_cov_16S23S, min_cov_16S, min_cov_23S)
otu_debug = {}
# clean taxonomy --> remove uninformative taxa : taxon with "unknown" or "metagenome" in their name
otu_debug['blast_taxonomy_cleaned'] = frogs_analysis_fct.clean_taxonomy(unified_affi['blast_taxonomy'])
df_merged = pd.DataFrame(rows)
df_merged['abundance'] = 100 * df_merged['observation_sum']/df_merged['observation_sum'].sum()'Writting merged table in {args.output}')
df_merged.to_csv(args.output, sep="\t", index=False)
if __name__ == '__main__':
......@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ def parse_arguments():
parser.add_argument('--min_qcov_23S', default=40, type=float, help='Minimal coverage of a 23S16S query sequence on 23S subject sequence to consider the affilition valid.')
parser.add_argument('--min_qcov_16S', default=30, type=float, help='Minimal coverage of a 23S16S query sequence on 16S subject sequence to consider the affilition valid.')
parser.add_argument('--min_qcov_16S23S', default=98, type=float, help='Minimal coverage of a 23S16S query sequence on 16S23S subject sequence to consider the affilition valid.')
parser.add_argument('--min_qcov_16S23S', default=98, type=float, help='Minimal coverage of a 16S-23S query sequence on 16S23S subject sequence to consider the affilition valid.')
parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', default='affiliation_multiple_db_merged.tsv', help='output table name')
......@@ -131,7 +131,6 @@ def get_consensus_taxo(affi1, affi2, rank_count):
def get_consensus_affi(affi1, affi2, ranks):
ranks_count = len(ranks)
affi_origin = affi1['affiliation_origin'] + ' & '+ affi2['affiliation_origin']
......@@ -227,7 +226,7 @@ def unify_affiliation(row, ranks, min_id = 98, min_cov_16S23S=99,min_cov_16S = 3
is_valid = False
affiliation['is_valid'] = is_valid
affiliation['valid_affiliation'] = is_valid
return affiliation
......@@ -250,6 +249,7 @@ def main():
# specific columns that change for each db used for affiliation.
db_specific_cols = ["blast_taxonomy",
......@@ -313,9 +313,14 @@ def main():
for _, row in df.iterrows():
unified_affi = unify_affiliation(row, ranks, min_id, min_cov_16S23S, min_cov_16S, min_cov_23S)
otu_debug = {}
# clean taxonomy --> remove uninformative taxa : taxon with "unknown" or "metagenome" in their name
otu_debug['blast_taxonomy_cleaned'] = frogs_analysis_fct.clean_taxonomy(unified_affi['blast_taxonomy'], ranks)
......@@ -70,26 +70,58 @@ def main():
logging.basicConfig(format="%(levelname)s: %(message)s")
rank2color = {'superkingdom': 'rgb(95, 70, 144)',
"Domain":'rgb(95, 70, 144)',
'phylum': 'rgb(29, 105, 150)',
'class': 'rgb(56, 166, 165)',
'order': 'rgb(15, 133, 84)',
'family': 'rgb(115, 175, 72)',
'genus': 'rgb(237, 173, 8)',
'species': 'rgb(204, 80, 62)',
'Superkingdom': 'rgb(95, 70, 144)',
'Phylum': 'rgb(29, 105, 150)',
'Class': 'rgb(56, 166, 165)',
'Order': 'rgb(15, 133, 84)',
'Family': 'rgb(115, 175, 72)',
'Genus': 'rgb(237, 173, 8)',
'Species': 'rgb(204, 80, 62)',
"weak affiliation":"grey"}
# rank2color = {'superkingdom': 'rgb(95, 70, 144)',
# "Domain":'rgb(95, 70, 144)',
# 'phylum': 'rgb(29, 105, 150)',
# 'class': 'rgb(56, 166, 165)',
# 'order': 'rgb(15, 133, 84)',
# 'family': 'rgb(115, 175, 72)',
# 'genus': 'rgb(237, 173, 8)',
# 'species': 'rgb(204, 80, 62)',
# 'Superkingdom': 'rgb(95, 70, 144)',
# 'Phylum': 'rgb(29, 105, 150)',
# 'Class': 'rgb(56, 166, 165)',
# 'Order': 'rgb(15, 133, 84)',
# 'Family': 'rgb(115, 175, 72)',
# 'Genus': 'rgb(237, 173, 8)',
# 'Species': 'rgb(204, 80, 62)',
# "weak affiliation":"grey"}
col2code = {"grey":"#999999",
rank2color = {"Domain":col2code['pink'],
'Phylum': col2code['yellow'],
'Class': col2code['ligth_bleu'],
'Order': col2code['darker_blue'],
'Family': col2code['green'],
'Genus': col2code['orange'],
'Species': col2code['darker_orange'],
"weak affiliation":col2code['grey'],}
ranks = [ "Domain", "Phylum", "Class", "Order",
"Family", "Genus", "Species", "Species"]
# color 1-main 000000 0 0 0 black, grey, grey, grey, rich black, grey, cod grey, grey, almost black, grey
# color 2-main 2271B2 34 113 178 honolulu blue, bluish, strong cornflower blue, spanish blue, medium persian blue, sapphire blue, ocean boat blue, french blue, windows blue, tufts blue
# color 2-alt AA0DB4 170 13 180 barney, strong magenta, heliotrope magenta, strong heliotrope, steel pink, barney purple, purple, violet, violet eggplant, deep magenta
# color 3-main 3DB7E9 61 183 233 summer sky, cyan, picton blue, vivid cerulean, deep sky blue, brilliant cornflower blue, malibu, bright cerulean, cerulean, cerulean
# color 3-alt FF54ED 255 84 237 light magenta, violet pink, light brilliant magenta, pink flamingo, light brilliant orchid, brilliant magenta, purple pizzazz, candy pink, blush pink, shocking pink
# color 4-main F748A5 247 72 165 barbie pink, rose bonbon, wild strawberry, brilliant rose, brilliant rose, magenta, wild strawberry, light brilliant rose, frostbite, brilliant cerise
# color 4-alt 00B19F 0 177 159 strong opal, tealish, persian green, keppel, topaz, manganese blue, light sea green, sea green light, puerto rico, turquoise
# color 5-main 359B73 53 155 115 ocean green, sea green, viridian, mother earth, moderate spring green, moderate aquamarine, paolo veronese green, observatory, jungle green, ocean green
# color 5-alt EB057A 235 5 122 vivid rose, red purple, mexican pink, bright pink, rose, strong pink, luminous vivid rose, deep pink, winter sky, hot pink
# color 6-main d55e00 213 94 0 bamboo, smoke tree, red stage, tawny, tenn, tenne, burnt orange, rusty orange, dark orange, mars yellow
# color 6-alt F8071D 248 7 29 vivid red, luminous vivid amaranth, ruddy, ku crimson, vivid amaranth, light brilliant red, cherry red, red, red, bright red
# color 7-main e69f00 230 159 0 gamboge, squash, buttercup, marigold, dark goldenrod, medium goldenrod, fuel yellow, sun, harvest gold, orange
# color 7-alt FF8D1A 255 141 26 dark orange, juicy, west side, tangerine, gold drop, pizazz, princeton orange, university of tennessee orange, tangerine, tahiti gold
# color 8-main f0e442 240 228 66 holiday, buzz, paris daisy, starship, golden fizz, dandelion, gorse, lemon yellow, bright lights, sunflower
# color 8-alt 9EFF37 158 255 55 french lime, lime, green yellow, green lizard, luminous vivid spring bud, spring frost, vivid spring bud, bright yellow green, spring bud, acid green
affi_tables = args.affi_tables
......@@ -144,10 +176,14 @@ def main():
df_rank['abundance_all_sample_round'] = df_rank['abundance_all_sample_round'] + '<br>' + df_rank['observation_name'].astype(str) + ' clusters'
fig =, x="name", y="abundance", color="Taxonomic rank", # facet_col="name",
category_orders={"rank_affi":ranks, "name":labels, #"region":regions_analysed,
'Taxonomic rank':ranks + ["ident or cov < 99%"] }, color_discrete_map=rank2color, )
fig.update_layout( # customize font and legend orientation & position
# width=700,
......@@ -199,8 +235,12 @@ def main():
fig =, x="sample", y="abundance", color="Taxonomic rank", facet_row="n",
category_orders={"rank_affi":ranks, "n":labels, # "dataset":dataset_analysed, "region":regions_analysed,
'Taxonomic rank':ranks + ["ident or cov < 99%"] },
color_discrete_map=rank2color, )
fig.update_layout( # customize font and legend orientation & position
# width=700,
# height=600,)