From eecdb982e0d4e88b95f51464d07300d6d2c3d3c4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "maud.marty" <>
Date: Wed, 26 Jul 2023 15:48:44 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 01/23] Germplasm V1, V2, Mcpd unified

 .../gnpis-pg-to-json/germplasmV2.sql          | 360 ++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 360 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/germplasmV2.sql

diff --git a/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/germplasmV2.sql b/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/germplasmV2.sql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..afbd05e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/germplasmV2.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,360 @@
+-- Warning: The name of this file is used as the elasticsearch document type name
+-- Example of usage:
+-- psql --host -p 9122 -U scratchy -d scratchy -A -t -f germplasmV2.sql -v faidareURL= > germplasmV2.json
+-- Making sure to stop psql with non-zero exit code on any error
+\set ON_ERROR_STOP true
+SELECT json_build_object(
+    'accessionNames', array(
+        SELECT a.accession_name
+        UNION
+        SELECT DISTINCT(accsyn.accession_synonym_name)
+        FROM accession_synonym_t accsyn
+        WHERE accsyn.accession_id = a.accession_id
+    ),
+    'accessionNumber', a.accession_number,
+    'acquisitionDate', a.collecting_date,
+    'acquisitionSourcecode', collecting_site.environment_type,
+    'acquisitionSourceCodeDescription', -- environmentType
+    'alternadeIDs', null,
+    'ancestralData', a.pedigree,
+    'biologicalStatusOfAccessionCode', biostat.name_en,
+    'biologicalStatusOfAccessionDescription', null,
+    'breedingInstitutes', json_build_object(
+        'instituteCode', bi.fao_code,
+        'instituteName', bi.institution_name,
+    	'acronym', bi.acronym,
+    	'organisation', bi.organization,
+    	'instituteType', bi_type.name_en,
+    	'webSite', bi.internet_site,
+    	'address', trim(concat_ws(', ',
+    		CASE WHEN bi_address.address is not null and bi_address.address != '' THEN bi_address.address END,
+    		CASE WHEN bi_address.postal_box is not null and bi_address.postal_box != '' THEN bi_address.postal_box END,
+    		CASE WHEN trim(concat_ws(' ', bi_address.postcode,, bi_address.cedex)) != '' THEN trim(concat_ws(' ', bi_address.postcode,, bi_address.cedex)) END,
+    		CASE WHEN bi_address_country.name_en is not null and bi_address_country.name_en != '' THEN bi_address_country.name_en END
+    	)),
+    	'logo', bi.institution_logo
+    ),
+    'breedingMethodDbId', null,
+    'breedingMethodName', null,
+    'collection', array(
+    	SELECT json_build_object(
+    		'id', co.collection_id,
+    		'name', (
+    			CASE
+    				WHEN tr.translated_name is not null THEN tr.translated_name
+    				ELSE co.collection_code
+    			END
+    		),
+    		'type', ot.name_en,
+    		'germplasmCount', (
+    			SELECT count(distinct ac2.accession_id)
+    			FROM accession_collection_t ac2
+    			WHERE ac2.collection_id = co.collection_id
+    		)
+    	)
+    	FROM collections_t co
+    	JOIN accession_collection_t ac ON co.collection_id = ac.collection_id
+    	LEFT JOIN translations_t tr ON co.collection_id = tr.named_collection_id
+    	LEFT JOIN ontology_term_t ot ON ot.ontology_term_id = co.collection_type_id
+    	WHERE ac.accession_id = a.accession_id
+    	GROUP BY co.collection_id, ot.name_en, tr.translated_name
+    ),
+    'collectinInfo', json_build_object(
+        'collectingDate', a.collecting_date,
+        'collectingInstitutes', array(
+            SELECT json_build_object(
+                'instituteName', ci.institution_name,
+                'instituteCode', ci.fao_code,
+                'acronym', ci.acronym,
+                'organisation', ci.organization,
+                'instituteType', ci_type.name_en,
+                'webSite', ci.internet_site,
+                'instituteAddress', trim(concat_ws(', ',
+                    CASE WHEN ci_address.address is not null and ci_address.address != '' THEN ci_address.address END,
+                    CASE WHEN ci_address.postal_box is not null and ci_address.postal_box != '' THEN ci_address.postal_box END,
+                    CASE WHEN trim(concat_ws(' ', ci_address.postcode,, ci_address.cedex)) != '' THEN trim(concat_ws(' ', ci_address.postcode,, ci_address.cedex)) END,
+                    CASE WHEN ci_address_country.name_en is not null and ci_address_country.name_en != '' THEN ci_address_country.name_en END
+                )),
+                'logo', '' || ci.institution_logo
+            )
+            FROM institution_t ci
+            LEFT JOIN ontology_term_t ci_type ON ci_type.ontology_term_id = ci.institution_type_id
+            LEFT JOIN address_t ci_address ON ci_address.address_id = ci.address_id
+            LEFT JOIN ontology_term_t ci_address_country ON ci_address_country.ontology_term_id = ci_address.country_id
+            WHERE ci.institution_id = a.collector_institution_id
+        ),
+        'collectingMissionIdentifier', null,
+        'collectingNumber', a.collecting_number,
+        'collectingSite', json_build_object(
+            'coordinateUncertainty', null,
+            'elevation', collecting_site.elevation,
+            'geoReferencingMethod', null,
+            'latitudeDecimal', collecting_site.latitude,
+            'latitudeDegrees', -- formule collecting_site.latitude,
+            'locationDescription', collecting_site.description,
+            'longitudeDecimal', collecting_site.longitude,
+            'longitudeDegrees', -- formule collecting_site.longitude,
+            'spatialReferenceSystem', null,
+        	'locationDbId', collecting_site.site_id,
+        	'locationName', collecting_site.site_name
+        	),
+        'materialType', cmt.name_en,
+        'collectors', a.collectors_list
+    ),
+    'commonCropName', (
+        CASE
+    	    WHEN ta.dataset_id = (select dataset_id from dataset_t where dataset_name = 'Forest tree taxa') AND a.taxon_group != 'Cherry' AND a.taxon_group != 'Walnut' THEN 'Forest tree'
+    		ELSE a.taxon_group
+    	END
+    ),
+    'countryOfOriginCode', originCountry.name_en,
+    'originSite', json_build_object(
+        'siteId', origin_site.site_id,
+    	'siteName', origin_site.site_name,
+    	'latitude', origin_site.latitude,
+    	'longitude', origin_site.longitude,
+    	'siteType', origin_site.site_type
+    ),
+    'defaultDisplayName', a.accession_name,
+    'documentationURL', null,
+    'donorInfo', array(
+        SELECT json_build_object(
+            'donorAccessionNumber', a.donor_accession_number,
+            'donorAccessionPUI', null,
+            'donorInstitute', json_build_object(
+            'instituteName', donor.institution_name,
+                'instituteCode', donor.fao_code,
+                'acronym', donor.acronym,
+                'organisation', donor.organization,
+                'instituteType', donor_type.name_en,
+                'webSite', donor.internet_site,
+                'address', trim(concat_ws(', ',
+                	CASE WHEN address.address is not null and address.address != '' THEN address.address END,
+                	CASE WHEN address.postal_box is not null and address.postal_box != '' THEN address.postal_box END,
+                	CASE WHEN trim(concat_ws(' ', address.postcode,, address.cedex)) != '' THEN trim(concat_ws(' ', address.postcode,, address.cedex)) END,
+                	CASE WHEN address_country.name_en is not null and address_country.name_en != '' THEN address_country.name_en END
+                )),
+                'logo', donor.institution_logo
+            ),
+            'donationDate', a.donation_date
+    	)
+    	FROM institution_t donor
+    	LEFT JOIN ontology_term_t donor_type ON donor_type.ontology_term_id = donor.institution_type_id
+    	LEFT JOIN address_t address ON address.address_id = donor.address_id
+    	LEFT JOIN ontology_term_t address_country ON address_country.ontology_term_id = address.country_id
+    	WHERE donor.institution_id = a.donor_institution_id
+    ),
+    'externalReferences', --,
+    'genus', (
+        CASE
+    	    WHEN ta.genus is not null AND ta.genus != '' THEN ta.genus
+    		ELSE ''
+    	END
+    ),
+    'germplasmDbId', text(a.accession_id),
+    'germplasmName', a.accession_name,
+    'germplasmPUI', a.puid,
+    'instituteCode', hi.fao_code,
+    'instituteName', hi.institution_name,
+    'holdingInstitute', json_build_object(
+        'instituteName', hi.institution_name,
+    	'instituteCode', hi.fao_code,
+    	'acronym', hi.acronym,
+    	'organisation', hi.organization,
+    	'instituteType', hi_type.name_en,
+    	'webSite', hi.internet_site,
+    	'address', trim(concat_ws(', ',
+    		CASE WHEN hi_address.address is not null and hi_address.address != '' THEN hi_address.address END,
+    		CASE WHEN hi_address.postal_box is not null and hi_address.postal_box != '' THEN hi_address.postal_box END,
+    		CASE WHEN trim(concat_ws(' ', hi_address.postcode,, hi_address.cedex)) != '' THEN trim(concat_ws(' ', hi_address.postcode,, hi_address.cedex)) END,
+    		CASE WHEN hi_address_country.name_en is not null and hi_address_country.name_en != '' THEN hi_address_country.name_en END
+    	)),
+    	'logo', hi.institution_logo
+    ),
+    'holdingGenbank', json_build_object (
+    	'instituteName', (
+    		CASE
+    			WHEN grc_name.translated_name is not null and grc_name.translated_name != '' THEN grc_name.translated_name
+    			ELSE ''
+    		END
+    	),
+    	'instituteCode', grc.grc_code,
+    	'webSite', grc.internet_site,
+    	'logo',
+    		CASE
+    			WHEN grc.grc_code is not null THEN ''
+    			ELSE ''
+    		END
+    ),
+    'mlsStatus', (
+        SELECT
+            CASE string_agg(distinct(ott.textual_code), ', ')
+                WHEN 'MLS' THEN '1'
+                ELSE '0'
+                END
+        FROM accession_distributor_t ad
+        JOIN ontology_term_t ott ON ott.ontology_term_id = ad.distribution_status_id
+        WHERE ad.accession_id = a.accession_id
+    ),
+    'pedigree', a.pedigree,
+    'remarks', agg_accession_comments.accession_comments,
+    'species', ta.species,
+    'speciesAuthority', species.author_list,
+    'safetyDuplicateInstitutes', array(
+        'instituteCode', hi.fao_code,
+    	'instituteName', hi.institution_name,
+    ),
+    'storageType', null,
+    'subtaxa', trim(concat_ws(' ',
+        CASE WHEN ta.subspecies is not null AND ta.subspecies != '' THEN 'subsp. ' || ta.subspecies END,
+    	CASE WHEN ta.variety is not null AND ta.variety != '' THEN 'var. ' || ta.variety END,
+    	CASE WHEN ta.cultivar is not null AND ta.cultivar != '' THEN 'cv. ' || ta.cultivar END,
+    	CASE WHEN ta.form is not null AND ta.form != '' THEN 'f. ' || ta.form END,
+    	CASE WHEN ta.tax_group is not null AND ta.tax_group != '' THEN 'gr. ' || ta.tax_group END,
+    	CASE WHEN ta.subgroup is not null AND ta.subgroup != '' THEN 'sgr. ' || ta.subgroup END
+    )),
+    'subtaxaAuthority', (
+        CASE
+    	    WHEN (ta.subspecies is not null AND ta.subspecies != '')
+    		    OR (ta.variety is not null AND ta.variety != '')
+    			OR (ta.cultivar is not null AND ta.cultivar != '')
+    			OR (ta.form is not null AND ta.form != '')
+    			OR (ta.tax_group is not null AND ta.tax_group != '')
+    			OR (ta.subgroup is not null AND ta.subgroup != '')
+    			THEN ta.author_list
+    		ELSE ''
+    	END
+    ),
+    'synonyms', null,
+    'taxonIds', ta.taxon_external_ids
+FROM accession_t a
+-- taxon
+JOIN taxon_t ta ON a.taxon_id = ta.taxon_id
+-- Recursive join to get species authors
+	WITH RECURSIVE tax(descendant_id, rank, taxon_id, parent_id) AS (
+		SELECT descendant_id,, tax.taxon_id, tax.parent_id, tax.author_list
+		FROM taxon_t tax
+		JOIN taxon_path_t tax_path ON tax_path.ascendant_id = tax.taxon_id
+		JOIN bio_type_t bt ON bt.bio_type_id = tax.rank_id
+		SELECT tax.descendant_id,, parent_tax.taxon_id, parent_tax.parent_id, parent_tax.author_list
+		FROM tax
+		JOIN taxon_t parent_tax ON parent_tax.taxon_id = tax.parent_id
+		JOIN bio_type_t bt ON bt.bio_type_id = parent_tax.rank_id
+	)
+	WHERE RANK = 'species'
+) AS species ON species.descendant_id = ta.taxon_id
+-- biological status
+LEFT JOIN ontology_term_t biostat ON biostat.ontology_term_id = a.biological_status_id
+-- genetic nature
+LEFT JOIN ontology_term_t genetic_nature ON genetic_nature.ontology_term_id = a.genetic_nature_id
+-- aggregates acccession comments in one line
+	SELECT acc.accession_id, string_agg(distinct(translated_name), ', ') AS accession_comments
+	FROM translations_t tra
+	JOIN accession_t acc ON tra.commented_accession_id = acc.accession_id
+	GROUP BY acc.accession_id
+) AS agg_accession_comments ON agg_accession_comments.accession_id = a.accession_id
+-- photo
+LEFT JOIN photo_t photo ON photo.photo_id = a.photo_id
+-- holding institution
+LEFT JOIN institution_t hi ON hi.institution_id = a.holding_institution_id
+LEFT JOIN ontology_term_t hi_type ON hi_type.ontology_term_id = hi.institution_type_id
+LEFT JOIN address_t hi_address ON hi_address.address_id = hi.address_id
+LEFT JOIN ontology_term_t hi_address_country ON hi_address_country.ontology_term_id = hi_address.country_id
+-- grc
+LEFT JOIN grc_t grc ON grc.grc_id = a.grc_id
+	SELECT grc_tra.named_grc_id, grc_tra.translated_name
+	FROM translations_t grc_tra
+	JOIN languages_t l ON grc_tra.language_id = l.language_id
+	WHERE l.language_code = 'en'
+) AS grc_name ON grc_name.named_grc_id = a.grc_id
+-- presence status
+LEFT JOIN ontology_term_t pres_status ON pres_status.ontology_term_id = a.presence_status_id
+-- genealogy
+LEFT JOIN genealogy_t genea on genea.genealogy_id = a.genealogy_id
+LEFT JOIN accession_t fp ON fp.accession_id = genea.first_parent_id
+LEFT JOIN ontology_term_t fp_type ON fp_type.ontology_term_id = genea.first_parent_type_id
+LEFT JOIN accession_t sp ON sp.accession_id = genea.second_parent_id
+LEFT JOIN ontology_term_t sp_type ON sp_type.ontology_term_id = genea.second_parent_type_id
+-- origin site
+	SELECT s.site_id, s.site_name, s.latitude, s.longitude, ot.name_en AS site_type
+	FROM site_t s
+	JOIN ontology_term_t ot ON ot.ontology_term_id = s.site_type_id
+) AS origin_site ON origin_site.site_id = a.origin_site_id
+-- Recursive join on site_t.geographical_location_id = ontology_term_t.ontology_term_id
+-- Select geographical location level = COUNTRY or OLD_COUNTRY
+	WITH RECURSIVE geo(site_id, level_textual_code, ontology_term_id, parent_id, textual_code, name_en) AS (
+		SELECT location.site_id, level.textual_code, geo.ontology_term_id, geo.parent_id, geo.textual_code, geo.name_en
+		FROM ontology_term_t geo
+		JOIN site_t location ON location.geographical_location_id = geo.ontology_term_id
+		LEFT JOIN ontology_term_t level ON level.ontology_term_id = geo.term_level_id
+		SELECT geo.site_id, level.textual_code, parent_geo.ontology_term_id, parent_geo.parent_id, parent_geo.textual_code, parent_geo.name_en
+		FROM geo
+		JOIN ontology_term_t parent_geo ON parent_geo.ontology_term_id = geo.parent_id
+		LEFT JOIN ontology_term_t level ON level.ontology_term_id = parent_geo.term_level_id
+	)
+	SELECT DISTINCT ON (site_id) site_id, level_textual_code, ontology_term_id, parent_id, textual_code, name_en
+	FROM geo
+	WHERE level_textual_code = 'COUNTRY' OR level_textual_code = 'OLD_COUNTRY'
+) AS originCountry ON originCountry.site_id = a.origin_site_id
+-- collecting site
+	SELECT s.site_id, s.site_name, s.latitude, s.longitude, ot.name_en AS site_type
+	FROM site_t s
+	JOIN ontology_term_t ot ON ot.ontology_term_id = s.site_type_id
+) AS collecting_site ON collecting_site.site_id = a.site_id
+-- collector
+LEFT JOIN institution_t ci ON ci.institution_id = a.collector_institution_id
+LEFT JOIN ontology_term_t ci_type ON ci_type.ontology_term_id = ci.institution_type_id
+LEFT JOIN address_t ci_address ON ci_address.address_id = ci.address_id
+LEFT JOIN ontology_term_t ci_address_country ON ci_address_country.ontology_term_id = ci_address.country_id
+-- collected material type
+LEFT JOIN ontology_term_t cmt ON cmt.ontology_term_id = a.collected_material_type_id
+-- breeder
+LEFT JOIN institution_t bi ON bi.institution_id = a.breeder_institution_id
+LEFT JOIN ontology_term_t bi_type ON bi_type.ontology_term_id = bi.institution_type_id
+LEFT JOIN address_t bi_address ON bi_address.address_id = bi.address_id
+LEFT JOIN ontology_term_t bi_address_country ON bi_address_country.ontology_term_id = bi_address.country_id
+-- dataset
+LEFT JOIN dataset_t ds ON ds.dataset_id = a.dataset_id
+WHERE a.accession_id between :startPageId and :endPageId
+ORDER BY a.accession_id
+--LIMIT 5
\ No newline at end of file

From 46a4e9bed3298306a31ec84274cfa8af080e989e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "maud.marty" <>
Date: Wed, 26 Jul 2023 16:15:05 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 02/23] Other fields

 .../gnpis-pg-to-json/germplasmV2.sql          | 296 +++++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 295 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/germplasmV2.sql b/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/germplasmV2.sql
index afbd05e..90d4c60 100644
--- a/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/germplasmV2.sql
+++ b/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/germplasmV2.sql
@@ -230,7 +230,301 @@ SELECT json_build_object(
     'synonyms', null,
-    'taxonIds', ta.taxon_external_ids
+    'taxonIds', ta.taxon_external_ids,
+    'groupId', a.group_id,
+    'seedSource', null,
+    'source', 'INRAE-URGI',
+    'typeOfGermplasmStorageCode', null,
+    'genusSpecies', (
+    	CASE
+        	WHEN ta.species is not null AND ta.species != '' THEN
+    			CASE
+    				WHEN ta.subgenus is not null AND ta.subgenus != '' and ta.subgenus != '-' THEN ta.subgenus || ' ' || ta.species
+    				WHEN ta.genus is not null AND ta.genus != '' THEN ta.genus || ' ' || ta.species
+    				ELSE ta.species
+    			END
+    		ELSE ''
+    	END
+    ),
+    'speciesAuthority', species.author_list,
+    'genusSpeciesSubtaxa', (
+    	CASE
+    		WHEN (ta.subspecies is not null AND ta.subspecies != '')
+    			OR (ta.variety is not null AND ta.variety != '')
+    			OR (ta.cultivar is not null AND ta.cultivar != '')
+    			OR (ta.form is not null AND ta.form != '')
+    			OR (ta.tax_group is not null AND ta.tax_group != '')
+    			OR (ta.subgroup is not null AND ta.subgroup != '')
+    			THEN concat_ws(' ',
+    				CASE
+    					WHEN ta.subgenus is not null AND ta.subgenus != '' and ta.subgenus != '-' THEN ta.subgenus || ' ' || ta.species
+    					WHEN ta.genus is not null AND ta.genus != '' THEN ta.genus || ' ' || ta.species
+    					ELSE ta.species
+    				END,
+    				CASE WHEN ta.subspecies is not null AND ta.subspecies != '' THEN 'subsp. ' || ta.subspecies END,
+    				CASE WHEN ta.variety is not null AND ta.variety != '' THEN 'var. ' || ta.variety END,
+    				CASE WHEN ta.cultivar is not null AND ta.cultivar != '' THEN 'cv. ' || ta.cultivar END,
+    				CASE WHEN ta.form is not null AND ta.form != '' THEN 'f. ' || ta.form END,
+    				CASE WHEN ta.tax_group is not null AND ta.tax_group != '' THEN 'gr. ' || ta.tax_group END,
+    				CASE WHEN ta.subgroup is not null AND ta.subgroup != '' THEN 'sgr. ' || ta.subgroup END
+    			)
+    		ELSE ''
+    	END
+    ),
+    'taxonSynonyms', array(
+    	SELECT distinct ts.taxon_synonym_name as ta_synonym_name
+    	FROM taxon_t ta
+    	JOIN taxon_synonym_taxon_t tst ON tst.taxons_id = ta.taxon_id
+    	JOIN taxon_synonym_t ts ON ts.taxon_synonym_id = tst.taxon_synonyms_id
+    	JOIN ontology_term_t ot ON ot.ontology_term_id = ts.name_type_id
+    	WHERE ot.textual_code = 'SCIENTIFIC'
+    	AND ta.taxon_id = a.taxon_id
+    ),
+    'taxonCommonNames', array(
+    	SELECT distinct ts.taxon_synonym_name as ta_common_name
+    	FROM taxon_t ta
+    	JOIN taxon_synonym_taxon_t tst ON tst.taxons_id = ta.taxon_id
+    	JOIN taxon_synonym_t ts ON ts.taxon_synonym_id = tst.taxon_synonyms_id
+    	JOIN ontology_term_t ot ON ot.ontology_term_id = ts.name_type_id
+    	WHERE ot.textual_code != 'SCIENTIFIC'
+    	AND ta.taxon_id = a.taxon_id
+    ),
+    'taxonComment', ta.taxon_comment_en,
+    'geneticNature', genetic_nature.name_en,
+    'photo', json_build_object(
+    	'file', (
+    		'' ||
+    		CASE
+    			WHEN grc.grc_code is not null and grc.grc_code != '' THEN grc.grc_code || '/' || photo.file_name
+    			ELSE photo.file_name
+    		END
+    	),
+    	'thumbnailFile', (
+    		'' ||
+    		CASE
+    			WHEN grc.grc_code is not null and grc.grc_code != '' THEN grc.grc_code || '/' || photo.thumbnail_file_name
+    			ELSE photo.thumbnail_file_name
+    		END
+    	),
+    	'photoName', photo.photo_name_en,
+    	'description', photo.description_en,
+    	'copyright', trim(concat_ws(' ',, photo.photo_year))
+    ),
+    'holdingGenbank', json_build_object (
+    	'instituteName', (
+    		CASE
+    			WHEN grc_name.translated_name is not null and grc_name.translated_name != '' THEN grc_name.translated_name
+    			ELSE ''
+    		END
+    	),
+    	'instituteCode', grc.grc_code,
+    	'webSite', grc.internet_site,
+    	'logo',
+    		CASE
+    			WHEN grc.grc_code is not null THEN ''
+    			ELSE ''
+    		END
+    ),
+    'accessionHolder', (
+    	CASE
+    		WHEN (select string_agg(distinct(coll.collection_code), ', ')
+    		      from accession_collection ac
+    		      join collections coll on coll.collection_id = ac.collection_id
+    		      where a.accession_id = ac.accession_id
+    		      group by ac.accession_id) like '%BRC4Forest_CMD%' THEN
+    			CASE
+    				WHEN ds.dataset_name = 'Salicaceae' THEN 'Forest BRC - Orleans'
+    				WHEN ds.dataset_name = 'Pinus Portal' or ds.dataset_name = 'Quercus Portal' THEN 'Forest BRC - Pierroton'
+    				WHEN ds.dataset_name = 'PlantaExp' THEN 'Forest BRC - Avignon'
+    				ELSE 'Forest BRC'
+    			END
+    		--WHEN grc.grc_code is not null and grc.grc_code != 'BRC4Forest' THEN replace(grc.grc_code, '_', ' ')
+    		ELSE ''
+           END
+    ),
+    'presenceStatus', pres_status.name_en,
+    'genealogy', json_build_object(
+    	'crossingPlan', genea.crossing_plan,
+    	'crossingYear', genea.crossing_year,
+    	'familyCode', genea.family_code,
+    	'firstParentName', fp.accession_name,
+    	'firstParentPUI', fp.puid,
+    	'firstParentType', fp_type.name_en,
+    	'secondParentName', CASE WHEN sp.accession_name != 'None' THEN sp.accession_name ELSE '' END,
+    	'secondParentPUI', CASE WHEN sp.accession_name != 'None' THEN sp.puid ELSE '' END,
+    	'secondParentType', CASE WHEN sp.accession_name != 'None' THEN sp_type.name_en ELSE '' END,
+    	'sibblings', array(
+    		SELECT json_build_object(
+    			'pui', acc.puid,
+    			'name', acc.accession_name
+    		)
+    		FROM accession_t acc
+    		WHERE acc.genealogy_id = genea.genealogy_id AND acc.accession_id != a.accession_id
+    	)
+    ),
+    'children', array(
+    	SELECT json_build_object(
+    		'firstParentName', p1.accession_name,
+    		'firstParentPUI', p1.puid,
+    		'secondParentName', CASE WHEN p2.accession_name != 'None' THEN p2.accession_name ELSE '' END,
+    		'secondParentPUI', CASE WHEN p2.accession_name != 'None' THEN p2.puid ELSE '' END,
+    		'sibblings', array(
+    			SELECT json_build_object(
+    				'pui', acc.puid,
+    				'name', acc.accession_name
+    			)
+    			FROM accession_t acc
+    			WHERE acc.genealogy_id = g.genealogy_id
+    		)
+    	)
+    	FROM genealogy_t g
+    	JOIN accession_t p1 ON p1.accession_id = g.first_parent_id
+    	LEFT JOIN accession_t p2 ON p2.accession_id = g.second_parent_id
+    	WHERE p1.accession_id = a.accession_id OR p2.accession_id = a.accession_id
+    ),
+    'descriptors', array(
+    	SELECT json_build_object(
+    		'name', ot.name_en,
+    		'value', ad.descriptor_value
+    		)
+    	FROM accession_descriptor_t ad
+    	JOIN ontology_term_t ot ON ot.ontology_term_id = ad.descriptor_id
+    	WHERE ad.accession_id = a.accession_id
+    ),
+    'originSite', json_build_object(
+    	'siteId', origin_site.site_id,
+    	'siteName', origin_site.site_name,
+    	'latitude', origin_site.latitude,
+    	'longitude', origin_site.longitude,
+    	'siteType', origin_site.site_type
+    ),
+    'collectingSite', json_build_object(
+    	'siteId', collecting_site.site_id,
+    	'siteName', collecting_site.site_name,
+    	'latitude', collecting_site.latitude,
+    	'longitude', collecting_site.longitude,
+    	'siteType', collecting_site.site_type
+    ),
+    'evaluationSites', array(
+    	SELECT json_build_object(
+    		'siteId', s.site_id,
+    		'siteName', s.site_name,
+    		'latitude', s.latitude,
+    		'longitude', s.longitude,
+    		'siteType', ot.name_en
+    	)
+    	FROM site_t s
+    	JOIN ontology_term_t ot ON ot.ontology_term_id = s.site_type_id
+    	JOIN trial_t t ON t.site_id = s.site_id
+    	JOIN trial_lot_t tl ON tl.trials_id = t.trial_id
+    	JOIN lot_t l ON l.lot_id = tl.lots_id
+    	WHERE l.accession_id = a.accession_id
+    	GROUP BY s.site_id, s.site_name, s.latitude, s.longitude, ot.name_en
+    ),
+    'distributors', array(
+        SELECT json_build_object(
+    		'institute', json_build_object(
+    			'instituteName', di.institution_name,
+    			'instituteCode', di.fao_code,
+    			'acronym', di.acronym,
+    			'organisation', di.organization,
+    			'instituteType', di_type.name_en,
+    			'webSite', di.internet_site,
+    			'address', trim(concat_ws(', ',
+    				CASE WHEN di_address.address is not null AND di_address.address != '' THEN di_address.address END,
+    				CASE WHEN di_address.postal_box is not null AND di_address.postal_box != '' THEN di_address.postal_box END,
+    				CASE WHEN trim(concat_ws(' ', di_address.postcode,, di_address.cedex)) != '' THEN trim(concat_ws(' ', di_address.postcode,, di_address.cedex)) END,
+    				CASE WHEN di_address_country.name_en is not null AND di_address_country.name_en != '' THEN di_address_country.name_en END
+    			)),
+    			'logo', di.institution_logo
+    		),
+    		'accessionNumber', ad.distributor_accession_number,
+    		'distributionStatus', ot.name_en
+    	)
+    	FROM accession_distributor_t ad
+    	JOIN ontology_term_t ot ON ot.ontology_term_id = ad.distribution_status_id
+    	JOIN institution_t di ON di.institution_id = ad.distributor_institution_id
+    	LEFT JOIN ontology_term_t di_type ON di_type.ontology_term_id = di.institution_type_id
+    	LEFT JOIN address_t di_address ON di_address.address_id = di.address_id
+    	LEFT JOIN ontology_term_t di_address_country ON di_address_country.ontology_term_id = di_address.country_id
+    	WHERE ad.accession_id = a.accession_id
+    ),
+    'panel', array(
+    	SELECT json_build_object(
+    		'id', pa.panel_id,
+    		'name', pa.panel_name,
+    		'germplasmCount', (
+    			SELECT count(distinct l2.accession_id)
+    			FROM lot_t l2
+    			JOIN panel_lot_t pl2 on pl2.lot_id = l2.lot_id
+    			WHERE pl2.panel_id = pa.panel_id
+    		)
+    	)
+    	FROM panel_t pa
+    	JOIN panel_lot_t pl ON pa.panel_id = pl.panel_id
+    	JOIN lot_t l ON pl.lot_id = l.lot_id
+    	WHERE l.accession_id = a.accession_id
+    	GROUP BY pa.panel_id, pa.panel_name
+    ),
+    'collection', array(
+    	SELECT json_build_object(
+    		'id', co.collection_id,
+    		'name', (
+    			CASE
+    				WHEN tr.translated_name is not null THEN tr.translated_name
+    				ELSE co.collection_code
+    			END
+    		),
+    		'type', ot.name_en,
+    		'germplasmCount', (
+    			SELECT count(distinct ac2.accession_id)
+    			FROM accession_collection_t ac2
+    			WHERE ac2.collection_id = co.collection_id
+    		)
+    	)
+    	FROM collections_t co
+    	JOIN accession_collection_t ac ON co.collection_id = ac.collection_id
+    	LEFT JOIN translations_t tr ON co.collection_id = tr.named_collection_id
+    	LEFT JOIN ontology_term_t ot ON ot.ontology_term_id = co.collection_type_id
+    	WHERE ac.accession_id = a.accession_id
+    	GROUP BY co.collection_id, ot.name_en, tr.translated_name
+    ),
+    'population', array(
+    	SELECT json_build_object(
+    		'id', prg.population_id,
+    		'name', prg.population_name,
+    		'type', ot.name_en,
+    		'germplasmRef', json_build_object(
+    			'pui', acc.puid,
+    			'name', acc.accession_name
+    		),
+    		'germplasmCount', (
+    			SELECT count(distinct aprg2.accession_id)
+    			FROM accession_population_rg_t aprg2
+    			WHERE aprg2.population_id = prg.population_id
+    		)
+    	)
+    	FROM population_rg_t prg
+    	JOIN accession_population_rg_t aprg ON aprg.population_id = prg.population_id
+    	JOIN ontology_term_t ot ON ot.ontology_term_id = prg.population_type_id
+    	LEFT JOIN accession_t acc ON acc.accession_id = prg.ref_accession_id
+    	WHERE aprg.accession_id = a.accession_id
+    		OR acc.accession_id = a.accession_id
+    	GROUP BY prg.population_id, prg.population_name, ot.name_en, acc.puid, acc.accession_name
+    ),
+    -- List of trial number in which this germplasm is used
+    'studyDbIds', array(
+    	SELECT DISTINCT t.trial_number
+    	FROM trial_t t
+    	JOIN trial_lot_t tl ON tl.trials_id = t.trial_id
+    	JOIN lot_t l ON l.lot_id = tl.lots_id
+    	WHERE l.accession_id = a.accession_id
+    )
 FROM accession_t a

From 685ea5706ea6bac2a2ef7f713b80be80c6bbe4ac Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "maud.marty" <>
Date: Wed, 26 Jul 2023 16:19:52 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 03/23] MCPD fields

 etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/germplasmV2.sql | 8 +++++++-
 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/germplasmV2.sql b/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/germplasmV2.sql
index 90d4c60..718d02e 100644
--- a/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/germplasmV2.sql
+++ b/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/germplasmV2.sql
@@ -524,7 +524,13 @@ SELECT json_build_object(
     	JOIN trial_lot_t tl ON tl.trials_id = t.trial_id
     	JOIN lot_t l ON l.lot_id = tl.lots_id
     	WHERE l.accession_id = a.accession_id
-    )
+    ),
+    -- IN MCPD --
+    'breederAccessionNumber', a.breeder_accession_number,
+    'breedingCreationYear', a.breeding_creation_year,
+    'catalogRegistrationYear', a.catalog_registration_year,
+    'catalogDeregistrationYear', a.catalog_deregistration_year
 FROM accession_t a

From c215d9d2d232c48f1511e6d26ab76b333ac34bc8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "maud.marty" <>
Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 14:06:24 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 04/23] Minors corrections

 .../gnpis-pg-to-json/germplasmV2.sql          | 20 ++++++++++++++-----
 1 file changed, 15 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/germplasmV2.sql b/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/germplasmV2.sql
index 718d02e..9e49977 100644
--- a/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/germplasmV2.sql
+++ b/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/germplasmV2.sql
@@ -204,9 +204,9 @@ SELECT json_build_object(
     'remarks', agg_accession_comments.accession_comments,
     'species', ta.species,
     'speciesAuthority', species.author_list,
-    'safetyDuplicateInstitutes', array(
+    'safetyDuplicateInstitutes', json_build_object (
         'instituteCode', hi.fao_code,
-    	'instituteName', hi.institution_name,
+    	'instituteName', hi.institution_name
     'storageType', null,
     'subtaxa', trim(concat_ws(' ',
@@ -629,10 +629,20 @@ LEFT JOIN (
 ) AS originCountry ON originCountry.site_id = a.origin_site_id
 -- collecting site
+--	SELECT s.site_id, s.site_name, s.latitude, s.longitude, ot.name_en AS site_type
+--	FROM site_t s
+--	JOIN ontology_term_t ot ON ot.ontology_term_id = s.site_type_id
+--) AS collecting_site ON collecting_site.site_id = a.site_id
+-- collecting site Mcpd
-	SELECT s.site_id, s.site_name, s.latitude, s.longitude, ot.name_en AS site_type
-	FROM site_t s
-	JOIN ontology_term_t ot ON ot.ontology_term_id = s.site_type_id
+    SELECT s.site_id, s.site_name, s.latitude, s.longitude, s.elevation, ot.name_en AS site_type, ot2.numeric_code AS environment_type, string_agg(distinct(t.translated_name), ', ') AS description
+    FROM site_t s
+             JOIN ontology_term_t ot ON ot.ontology_term_id = s.site_type_id
+             LEFT JOIN ontology_term_t ot2 ON ot2.ontology_term_id = s.environment_type_id
+             LEFT JOIN translations_t t ON t.commented_site_id = s.site_id
+    GROUP BY s.site_id, s.site_name, s.latitude, s.longitude, s.elevation, site_type, environment_type
 ) AS collecting_site ON collecting_site.site_id = a.site_id
 -- collector

From 4dd23c12e6f07201b6678146039b19db848b7129 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "maud.marty" <>
Date: Fri, 4 Aug 2023 15:20:02 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 05/23] Typo

 etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/germplasmV2.sql | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/germplasmV2.sql b/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/germplasmV2.sql
index 9e49977..b5d0934 100644
--- a/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/germplasmV2.sql
+++ b/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/germplasmV2.sql
@@ -566,7 +566,7 @@ LEFT JOIN ontology_term_t biostat ON biostat.ontology_term_id = a.biological_sta
 -- genetic nature
 LEFT JOIN ontology_term_t genetic_nature ON genetic_nature.ontology_term_id = a.genetic_nature_id
--- aggregates acccession comments in one line
+-- aggregates accession comments in one line
 	SELECT acc.accession_id, string_agg(distinct(translated_name), ', ') AS accession_comments
 	FROM translations_t tra

From 3d9b7669d8c75d85c03bca2317ab8de5d2f991ce Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "maud.marty" <>
Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2023 10:51:58 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 06/23] Correct request

 .../gnpis-pg-to-json/germplasm.sql            | 977 ++++++++++--------
 .../gnpis-pg-to-json/germplasmV2.sql          | 670 ------------
 2 files changed, 544 insertions(+), 1103 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/germplasmV2.sql

diff --git a/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/germplasm.sql b/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/germplasm.sql
index 7e838b7..ad9aab6 100644
--- a/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/germplasm.sql
+++ b/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/germplasm.sql
@@ -2,442 +2,543 @@
 -- Warning: The name of this file is used as the elasticsearch document type name
 -- Example of usage:
--- psql --host -p 9122 -U scratchy -d scratchy -A -t -f germplasm.sql -v faidareURL= > germplasm.json
+-- psql --host -p 9122 -U scratchy -d scratchy -A -t -f germplasmV2.sql -v faidareURL= > germplasmV2.json
 -- Making sure to stop psql with non-zero exit code on any error
 \set ON_ERROR_STOP true
 SELECT json_build_object(
-	'groupId', a.group_id,
-	'documentationURL', NULL,
-	'germplasmDbId', text(a.accession_id),
-	'defaultDisplayName', a.accession_name,
-	'accessionNumber', a.accession_number,
-	'germplasmName', a.accession_name,
-	'germplasmPUI', a.puid,
-	'pedigree', a.pedigree,
-	'seedSource', null,
-	'source', 'INRAE-URGI',
-	'synonyms', array(
-		SELECT distinct accsyn.accession_synonym_name AS synonyms
-		FROM accession_synonym_t accsyn
-		WHERE accsyn.accession_id = a.accession_id
-	),
-	'commonCropName', (
-			WHEN ta.dataset_id = (select dataset_id from dataset_t where dataset_name = 'Forest tree taxa') AND a.taxon_group != 'Cherry' AND a.taxon_group != 'Walnut' THEN 'Forest tree'
-			ELSE a.taxon_group
-		END
-	),
-	'instituteCode', hi.fao_code,
-	'instituteName', hi.institution_name,
-	'biologicalStatusOfAccessionCode', biostat.name_en,
-	'countryOfOriginCode', originCountry.name_en,
-	'typeOfGermplasmStorageCode', null,
-	'taxonIds', ta.taxon_external_ids,
-	'genus', (
-			WHEN ta.genus is not null AND ta.genus != '' THEN ta.genus
-			ELSE ''
-		END
-	),
-	'species', ta.species,
-	'genusSpecies', (
-			WHEN ta.species is not null AND ta.species != '' THEN
-				CASE
-					WHEN ta.subgenus is not null AND ta.subgenus != '' and ta.subgenus != '-' THEN ta.subgenus || ' ' || ta.species
-					WHEN ta.genus is not null AND ta.genus != '' THEN ta.genus || ' ' || ta.species
-					ELSE ta.species
-				END
-			ELSE ''
-		END
-	),
-	'speciesAuthority', species.author_list,
-	'subtaxa', trim(concat_ws(' ', 
-		CASE WHEN ta.subspecies is not null AND ta.subspecies != '' THEN 'subsp. ' || ta.subspecies END,
-		CASE WHEN ta.variety is not null AND ta.variety != '' THEN 'var. ' || ta.variety END,
-		CASE WHEN ta.cultivar is not null AND ta.cultivar != '' THEN 'cv. ' || ta.cultivar END,
-		CASE WHEN ta.form is not null AND ta.form != '' THEN 'f. ' || ta.form END,
-		CASE WHEN ta.tax_group is not null AND ta.tax_group != '' THEN 'gr. ' || ta.tax_group END,
-		CASE WHEN ta.subgroup is not null AND ta.subgroup != '' THEN 'sgr. ' || ta.subgroup END
-	)),
-	'genusSpeciesSubtaxa', (
-			WHEN (ta.subspecies is not null AND ta.subspecies != '')
-				OR (ta.variety is not null AND ta.variety != '')
-				OR (ta.cultivar is not null AND ta.cultivar != '')
-				OR (ta.form is not null AND ta.form != '')
-				OR (ta.tax_group is not null AND ta.tax_group != '')
-				OR (ta.subgroup is not null AND ta.subgroup != '')
-				THEN concat_ws(' ', 
-					CASE
-						WHEN ta.subgenus is not null AND ta.subgenus != '' and ta.subgenus != '-' THEN ta.subgenus || ' ' || ta.species
-						WHEN ta.genus is not null AND ta.genus != '' THEN ta.genus || ' ' || ta.species
-						ELSE ta.species
-					END,
-					CASE WHEN ta.subspecies is not null AND ta.subspecies != '' THEN 'subsp. ' || ta.subspecies END,
-					CASE WHEN ta.variety is not null AND ta.variety != '' THEN 'var. ' || ta.variety END,
-					CASE WHEN ta.cultivar is not null AND ta.cultivar != '' THEN 'cv. ' || ta.cultivar END,
-					CASE WHEN ta.form is not null AND ta.form != '' THEN 'f. ' || ta.form END,
-					CASE WHEN ta.tax_group is not null AND ta.tax_group != '' THEN 'gr. ' || ta.tax_group END,
-					CASE WHEN ta.subgroup is not null AND ta.subgroup != '' THEN 'sgr. ' || ta.subgroup END
-				)
-			ELSE ''
-		END
-	),
-	'subtaxaAuthority', (
-			WHEN (ta.subspecies is not null AND ta.subspecies != '')
-				OR (ta.variety is not null AND ta.variety != '')
-				OR (ta.cultivar is not null AND ta.cultivar != '')
-				OR (ta.form is not null AND ta.form != '')
-				OR (ta.tax_group is not null AND ta.tax_group != '')
-				OR (ta.subgroup is not null AND ta.subgroup != '')
-				THEN ta.author_list
-			ELSE ''
-		END
-	),
-	'donors', array(
-		SELECT json_build_object(
-			'donorInstituteCode', donor.fao_code,
-			'donorGermplasmPUI', null,
-			'donorAccessionNumber', a.donor_accession_number,
-			'donorInstitute', json_build_object(
-				'instituteName', donor.institution_name,
-				'instituteCode', donor.fao_code,
-				'acronym', donor.acronym,
-				'organisation', donor.organization,
-				'instituteType', donor_type.name_en,
-				'webSite', donor.internet_site,
-				'address', trim(concat_ws(', ',
-					CASE WHEN address.address is not null and address.address != '' THEN address.address END,
-					CASE WHEN address.postal_box is not null and address.postal_box != '' THEN address.postal_box END,
-					CASE WHEN trim(concat_ws(' ', address.postcode,, address.cedex)) != '' THEN trim(concat_ws(' ', address.postcode,, address.cedex)) END,
-					CASE WHEN address_country.name_en is not null and address_country.name_en != '' THEN address_country.name_en END
-				)),
-				'logo', donor.institution_logo
-			),
-			'donationDate', a.donation_date
-		)
-		FROM institution_t donor
-		LEFT JOIN ontology_term_t donor_type ON donor_type.ontology_term_id = donor.institution_type_id
-		LEFT JOIN address_t address ON address.address_id = donor.address_id
-		LEFT JOIN ontology_term_t address_country ON address_country.ontology_term_id = address.country_id
-		WHERE donor.institution_id = a.donor_institution_id
-	),
-	'acquisitionDate', a.collecting_date,
-	'taxonSynonyms', array(
-		SELECT distinct ts.taxon_synonym_name as ta_synonym_name
-		FROM taxon_t ta
-		JOIN taxon_synonym_taxon_t tst ON tst.taxons_id = ta.taxon_id
-		JOIN taxon_synonym_t ts ON ts.taxon_synonym_id = tst.taxon_synonyms_id
-		JOIN ontology_term_t ot ON ot.ontology_term_id = ts.name_type_id
-		WHERE ot.textual_code = 'SCIENTIFIC'
-		AND ta.taxon_id = a.taxon_id
-	),
-	'taxonCommonNames', array(
-		SELECT distinct ts.taxon_synonym_name as ta_common_name
-		FROM taxon_t ta
-		JOIN taxon_synonym_taxon_t tst ON tst.taxons_id = ta.taxon_id
-		JOIN taxon_synonym_t ts ON ts.taxon_synonym_id = tst.taxon_synonyms_id
-		JOIN ontology_term_t ot ON ot.ontology_term_id = ts.name_type_id
-		WHERE ot.textual_code != 'SCIENTIFIC'
-		AND ta.taxon_id = a.taxon_id
-	),
-	'taxonComment', ta.taxon_comment_en,
-	'geneticNature', genetic_nature.name_en,
-	'comment', agg_accession_comments.accession_comments,
-	'photo', json_build_object(
-		'file', (
-			'' ||
-			CASE
-				WHEN grc.grc_code is not null and grc.grc_code != '' THEN grc.grc_code || '/' || photo.file_name
-				ELSE photo.file_name
-			END
-		),
-		'thumbnailFile', (
-			'' ||
-			CASE
-				WHEN grc.grc_code is not null and grc.grc_code != '' THEN grc.grc_code || '/' || photo.thumbnail_file_name
-				ELSE photo.thumbnail_file_name
-			END
-		),
-		'photoName', photo.photo_name_en,
-		'description', photo.description_en,
-		'copyright', trim(concat_ws(' ',, photo.photo_year))
-	),
-	'holdingInstitute', json_build_object(
-		'instituteName', hi.institution_name,
-		'instituteCode', hi.fao_code,
-		'acronym', hi.acronym,
-		'organisation', hi.organization,
-		'instituteType', hi_type.name_en,
-		'webSite', hi.internet_site,
-		'address', trim(concat_ws(', ',
-			CASE WHEN hi_address.address is not null and hi_address.address != '' THEN hi_address.address END,
-			CASE WHEN hi_address.postal_box is not null and hi_address.postal_box != '' THEN hi_address.postal_box END,
-			CASE WHEN trim(concat_ws(' ', hi_address.postcode,, hi_address.cedex)) != '' THEN trim(concat_ws(' ', hi_address.postcode,, hi_address.cedex)) END,
-			CASE WHEN hi_address_country.name_en is not null and hi_address_country.name_en != '' THEN hi_address_country.name_en END
-		)),
-		'logo', hi.institution_logo
-	),
-	'holdingGenbank', json_build_object (
-		'instituteName', (
-			CASE
-				WHEN grc_name.translated_name is not null and grc_name.translated_name != '' THEN grc_name.translated_name
-				ELSE ''
-			END
-		),
-		'instituteCode', grc.grc_code,
-		'webSite', grc.internet_site,
-		'logo',
-			CASE 
-				WHEN grc.grc_code is not null THEN ''
-				ELSE ''
-			END
-	),
-	'accessionHolder', (
-			WHEN (select string_agg(distinct(coll.collection_code), ', ')
-			      from accession_collection ac 
-			      join collections coll on coll.collection_id = ac.collection_id 
-			      where a.accession_id = ac.accession_id 
-			      group by ac.accession_id) like '%BRC4Forest_CMD%' THEN
-				CASE
-					WHEN ds.dataset_name = 'Salicaceae' THEN 'Forest BRC - Orleans'
-					WHEN ds.dataset_name = 'Pinus Portal' or ds.dataset_name = 'Quercus Portal' THEN 'Forest BRC - Pierroton'
-					WHEN ds.dataset_name = 'PlantaExp' THEN 'Forest BRC - Avignon'
-					ELSE 'Forest BRC'
-				END
-			--WHEN grc.grc_code is not null and grc.grc_code != 'BRC4Forest' THEN replace(grc.grc_code, '_', ' ')
-			ELSE ''
-        END
-	),
-	'presenceStatus', pres_status.name_en,
-	'genealogy', json_build_object(
-		'crossingPlan', genea.crossing_plan,
-		'crossingYear', genea.crossing_year,
-		'familyCode', genea.family_code,
-		'firstParentName', fp.accession_name,
-		'firstParentPUI', fp.puid,
-		'firstParentType', fp_type.name_en,
-		'secondParentName', CASE WHEN sp.accession_name != 'None' THEN sp.accession_name ELSE '' END,
-		'secondParentPUI', CASE WHEN sp.accession_name != 'None' THEN sp.puid ELSE '' END,
-		'secondParentType', CASE WHEN sp.accession_name != 'None' THEN sp_type.name_en ELSE '' END,
-		'sibblings', array(
-			SELECT json_build_object(
-				'pui', acc.puid,
-				'name', acc.accession_name
-			)
-			FROM accession_t acc
-			WHERE acc.genealogy_id = genea.genealogy_id AND acc.accession_id != a.accession_id
-		)
-	),
-	'children', array(
-		SELECT json_build_object(
-			'firstParentName', p1.accession_name,
-			'firstParentPUI', p1.puid,
-			'secondParentName', CASE WHEN p2.accession_name != 'None' THEN p2.accession_name ELSE '' END,
-			'secondParentPUI', CASE WHEN p2.accession_name != 'None' THEN p2.puid ELSE '' END,
-			'sibblings', array(
-				SELECT json_build_object(
-					'pui', acc.puid,
-					'name', acc.accession_name
-				)
-				FROM accession_t acc
-				WHERE acc.genealogy_id = g.genealogy_id
-			)
-		)
-		FROM genealogy_t g
-		JOIN accession_t p1 ON p1.accession_id = g.first_parent_id
-		LEFT JOIN accession_t p2 ON p2.accession_id = g.second_parent_id
-		WHERE p1.accession_id = a.accession_id OR p2.accession_id = a.accession_id
-	),
-	'descriptors', array(
-		SELECT json_build_object(
-			'name', ot.name_en,
-			'value', ad.descriptor_value
-		)
-		FROM accession_descriptor_t ad
-		JOIN ontology_term_t ot ON ot.ontology_term_id = ad.descriptor_id
-		WHERE ad.accession_id = a.accession_id
-	),
-	'originSite', json_build_object(
-		'siteId', origin_site.site_id,
-		'siteName', origin_site.site_name,
-		'latitude', origin_site.latitude,
-		'longitude', origin_site.longitude,
-		'siteType', origin_site.site_type
-	),
-	'collectingSite', json_build_object(
-		'siteId', collecting_site.site_id,
-		'siteName', collecting_site.site_name,
-		'latitude', collecting_site.latitude,
-		'longitude', collecting_site.longitude,
-		'siteType', collecting_site.site_type
-	),
-	'evaluationSites', array(
-		SELECT json_build_object(
-			'siteId', s.site_id,
-			'siteName', s.site_name,
-			'latitude', s.latitude,
-			'longitude', s.longitude,
-			'siteType', ot.name_en
-		)
-		FROM site_t s
-		JOIN ontology_term_t ot ON ot.ontology_term_id = s.site_type_id
-		JOIN trial_t t ON t.site_id = s.site_id
-		JOIN trial_lot_t tl ON tl.trials_id = t.trial_id
-		JOIN lot_t l ON l.lot_id = tl.lots_id
-		WHERE l.accession_id = a.accession_id
-		GROUP BY s.site_id, s.site_name, s.latitude, s.longitude, ot.name_en
-	),
-	'collector', json_build_object(
-		'institute', json_build_object(
-			'instituteName', ci.institution_name,
-			'instituteCode', ci.fao_code,
-			'acronym', ci.acronym,
-			'organisation', ci.organization,
-			'instituteType', ci_type.name_en,
-			'webSite', ci.internet_site,
-			'address', trim(concat_ws(', ', 
-				CASE WHEN ci_address.address is not null and ci_address.address != '' THEN ci_address.address END,
-				CASE WHEN ci_address.postal_box is not null and ci_address.postal_box != '' THEN ci_address.postal_box END,
-				CASE WHEN trim(concat_ws(' ', ci_address.postcode,, ci_address.cedex)) != '' THEN trim(concat_ws(' ', ci_address.postcode,, ci_address.cedex)) END,
-				CASE WHEN ci_address_country.name_en is not null and ci_address_country.name_en != '' THEN ci_address_country.name_en END
-			)),
-			'logo', ci.institution_logo
-		),
-		'accessionNumber', a.collecting_number,
-		'accessionCreationDate', a.collecting_date,
-		'materialType', cmt.name_en,
-		'collectors', a.collectors_list
-	),
-	'breeder', json_build_object(
-		'institute', json_build_object(
-			'instituteName', bi.institution_name,
-			'instituteCode', bi.fao_code,
-			'acronym', bi.acronym,
-			'organisation', bi.organization,
-			'instituteType', bi_type.name_en,
-			'webSite', bi.internet_site,
-			'address', trim(concat_ws(', ', 
-				CASE WHEN bi_address.address is not null and bi_address.address != '' THEN bi_address.address END,
-				CASE WHEN bi_address.postal_box is not null and bi_address.postal_box != '' THEN bi_address.postal_box END,
-				CASE WHEN trim(concat_ws(' ', bi_address.postcode,, bi_address.cedex)) != '' THEN trim(concat_ws(' ', bi_address.postcode,, bi_address.cedex)) END,
-				CASE WHEN bi_address_country.name_en is not null and bi_address_country.name_en != '' THEN bi_address_country.name_en END
-			)),
-			'logo', bi.institution_logo
-		),
-		'accessionNumber', a.breeder_accession_number,
-		'accessionCreationDate', a.breeding_creation_year,
-		'registrationYear', a.catalog_registration_year,
-		'deregistrationYear', a.catalog_deregistration_year
-	),
-	'distributors', array(
-		SELECT json_build_object(
-			'institute', json_build_object(
-				'instituteName', di.institution_name,
-				'instituteCode', di.fao_code,
-				'acronym', di.acronym,
-				'organisation', di.organization,
-				'instituteType', di_type.name_en,
-				'webSite', di.internet_site,
-				'address', trim(concat_ws(', ', 
-					CASE WHEN di_address.address is not null AND di_address.address != '' THEN di_address.address END,
-					CASE WHEN di_address.postal_box is not null AND di_address.postal_box != '' THEN di_address.postal_box END,
-					CASE WHEN trim(concat_ws(' ', di_address.postcode,, di_address.cedex)) != '' THEN trim(concat_ws(' ', di_address.postcode,, di_address.cedex)) END,
-					CASE WHEN di_address_country.name_en is not null AND di_address_country.name_en != '' THEN di_address_country.name_en END
-				)),
-				'logo', di.institution_logo
-			),
-			'accessionNumber', ad.distributor_accession_number,
-			'distributionStatus', ot.name_en
-		)
-		FROM accession_distributor_t ad
-		JOIN ontology_term_t ot ON ot.ontology_term_id = ad.distribution_status_id
-		JOIN institution_t di ON di.institution_id = ad.distributor_institution_id
-		LEFT JOIN ontology_term_t di_type ON di_type.ontology_term_id = di.institution_type_id
-		LEFT JOIN address_t di_address ON di_address.address_id = di.address_id
-		LEFT JOIN ontology_term_t di_address_country ON di_address_country.ontology_term_id = di_address.country_id
-		WHERE ad.accession_id = a.accession_id
-	),
-	'panel', array(
-		SELECT json_build_object(
-			'id', pa.panel_id,
-			'name', pa.panel_name,
-			'germplasmCount', (
-				SELECT count(distinct l2.accession_id)
-				FROM lot_t l2
-				JOIN panel_lot_t pl2 on pl2.lot_id = l2.lot_id
-				WHERE pl2.panel_id = pa.panel_id
-			)
-		)
-		FROM panel_t pa
-		JOIN panel_lot_t pl ON pa.panel_id = pl.panel_id
-		JOIN lot_t l ON pl.lot_id = l.lot_id
-		WHERE l.accession_id = a.accession_id
-		GROUP BY pa.panel_id, pa.panel_name
-	),
-	'collection', array(
-		SELECT json_build_object(
-			'id', co.collection_id,
-			'name', (
-				CASE
-					WHEN tr.translated_name is not null THEN tr.translated_name
-					ELSE co.collection_code
-				END
-			),
-			'type', ot.name_en,
-			'germplasmCount', (
-				SELECT count(distinct ac2.accession_id)
-				FROM accession_collection_t ac2
-				WHERE ac2.collection_id = co.collection_id
-			)
-		)
-		FROM collections_t co
-		JOIN accession_collection_t ac ON co.collection_id = ac.collection_id
-		LEFT JOIN translations_t tr ON co.collection_id = tr.named_collection_id
-		LEFT JOIN ontology_term_t ot ON ot.ontology_term_id = co.collection_type_id
-		WHERE ac.accession_id = a.accession_id
-		GROUP BY co.collection_id, ot.name_en, tr.translated_name
-	),
-	'population', array(
-		SELECT json_build_object(
-			'id', prg.population_id,
-			'name', prg.population_name,
-			'type', ot.name_en,
-			'germplasmRef', json_build_object(
-				'pui', acc.puid,
-				'name', acc.accession_name
-			),
-			'germplasmCount', (
-				SELECT count(distinct aprg2.accession_id)
-				FROM accession_population_rg_t aprg2
-				WHERE aprg2.population_id = prg.population_id
-			)
-		)
-		FROM population_rg_t prg
-		JOIN accession_population_rg_t aprg ON aprg.population_id = prg.population_id
-		JOIN ontology_term_t ot ON ot.ontology_term_id = prg.population_type_id
-		LEFT JOIN accession_t acc ON acc.accession_id = prg.ref_accession_id
-		WHERE aprg.accession_id = a.accession_id
-			OR acc.accession_id = a.accession_id
-		GROUP BY prg.population_id, prg.population_name, ot.name_en, acc.puid, acc.accession_name
-	),
+    'accessionNames', array(
+        SELECT a.accession_name
+        UNION
+        SELECT DISTINCT(accsyn.accession_synonym_name)
+        FROM accession_synonym_t accsyn
+        WHERE accsyn.accession_id = a.accession_id
+    ),
+    'accessionNumber', a.accession_number,
+    'acquisitionDate', a.collecting_date,
+    'acquisitionSourcecode', collecting_site.environment_type,
+    -- environmentType  'acquisitionSourceCodeDescription',
+    'alternadeIDs', null,
+    'ancestralData', a.pedigree,
+    'biologicalStatusOfAccessionCode', biostat.name_en,
+    'biologicalStatusOfAccessionDescription', null,
+    'breedingInstitutes', json_build_object(
+        'instituteCode', bi.fao_code,
+        'instituteName', bi.institution_name,
+    	'acronym', bi.acronym,
+    	'organisation', bi.organization,
+    	'instituteType', bi_type.name_en,
+    	'webSite', bi.internet_site,
+    	'address', trim(concat_ws(', ',
+    		CASE WHEN bi_address.address is not null and bi_address.address != '' THEN bi_address.address END,
+    		CASE WHEN bi_address.postal_box is not null and bi_address.postal_box != '' THEN bi_address.postal_box END,
+    		CASE WHEN trim(concat_ws(' ', bi_address.postcode,, bi_address.cedex)) != '' THEN trim(concat_ws(' ', bi_address.postcode,, bi_address.cedex)) END,
+    		CASE WHEN bi_address_country.name_en is not null and bi_address_country.name_en != '' THEN bi_address_country.name_en END
+    	)),
+    	'logo', bi.institution_logo
+    ),
+    'breedingMethodDbId', null,
+    'breedingMethodName', null,
+    'collection', array(
+    	SELECT json_build_object(
+    		'id', co.collection_id,
+    		'name', (
+    			CASE
+    				WHEN tr.translated_name is not null THEN tr.translated_name
+    				ELSE co.collection_code
+    			END
+    		),
+    		'type', ot.name_en,
+    		'germplasmCount', (
+    			SELECT count(distinct ac2.accession_id)
+    			FROM accession_collection_t ac2
+    			WHERE ac2.collection_id = co.collection_id
+    		)
+    	)
+    	FROM collections_t co
+    	JOIN accession_collection_t ac ON co.collection_id = ac.collection_id
+    	LEFT JOIN translations_t tr ON co.collection_id = tr.named_collection_id
+    	LEFT JOIN ontology_term_t ot ON ot.ontology_term_id = co.collection_type_id
+    	WHERE ac.accession_id = a.accession_id
+    	GROUP BY co.collection_id, ot.name_en, tr.translated_name
+    ),
+    'collectinInfo', json_build_object(
+        'collectingDate', a.collecting_date,
+        'collectingInstitutes', array(
+            SELECT json_build_object(
+                'instituteName', ci.institution_name,
+                'instituteCode', ci.fao_code,
+                'acronym', ci.acronym,
+                'organisation', ci.organization,
+                'instituteType', ci_type.name_en,
+                'webSite', ci.internet_site,
+                'instituteAddress', trim(concat_ws(', ',
+                    CASE WHEN ci_address.address is not null and ci_address.address != '' THEN ci_address.address END,
+                    CASE WHEN ci_address.postal_box is not null and ci_address.postal_box != '' THEN ci_address.postal_box END,
+                    CASE WHEN trim(concat_ws(' ', ci_address.postcode,, ci_address.cedex)) != '' THEN trim(concat_ws(' ', ci_address.postcode,, ci_address.cedex)) END,
+                    CASE WHEN ci_address_country.name_en is not null and ci_address_country.name_en != '' THEN ci_address_country.name_en END
+                )),
+                'logo', '' || ci.institution_logo
+            )
+            FROM institution_t ci
+            LEFT JOIN ontology_term_t ci_type ON ci_type.ontology_term_id = ci.institution_type_id
+            LEFT JOIN address_t ci_address ON ci_address.address_id = ci.address_id
+            LEFT JOIN ontology_term_t ci_address_country ON ci_address_country.ontology_term_id = ci_address.country_id
+            WHERE ci.institution_id = a.collector_institution_id
+        ),
+        'collectingMissionIdentifier', null,
+        'collectingNumber', a.collecting_number,
+        'collectingSite', json_build_object(
+            'coordinateUncertainty', null,
+            'elevation', collecting_site.elevation,
+            'geoReferencingMethod', null,
+            'latitudeDecimal', collecting_site.latitude,
+            -- formule collecting_site.latitude   'latitudeDegrees', ,
+            'locationDescription', collecting_site.description,
+            'longitudeDecimal', collecting_site.longitude,
+            -- formule collecting_site.longitude    'longitudeDegrees', ,
+            'spatialReferenceSystem', null,
+        	'locationDbId', collecting_site.site_id,
+        	'locationName', collecting_site.site_name
+        ),
+        'materialType', cmt.name_en,
+        'collectors', a.collectors_list
+    ),
+    'commonCropName', (
+        CASE
+    	    WHEN ta.dataset_id = (select dataset_id from dataset_t where dataset_name = 'Forest tree taxa') AND a.taxon_group != 'Cherry' AND a.taxon_group != 'Walnut' THEN 'Forest tree'
+    		ELSE a.taxon_group
+    	END
+    ),
+    'countryOfOriginCode', originCountry.name_en,
+    'originSite', json_build_object(
+        'siteId', origin_site.site_id,
+    	'siteName', origin_site.site_name,
+    	'latitude', origin_site.latitude,
+    	'longitude', origin_site.longitude,
+    	'siteType', origin_site.site_type
+    ),
+    'defaultDisplayName', a.accession_name,
+    'documentationURL', null,
+    'donorInfo', array(
+        SELECT json_build_object(
+            'donorAccessionNumber', a.donor_accession_number,
+            'donorAccessionPUI', null,
+            'donorInstitute', json_build_object(
+            'instituteName', donor.institution_name,
+                'instituteCode', donor.fao_code,
+                'acronym', donor.acronym,
+                'organisation', donor.organization,
+                'instituteType', donor_type.name_en,
+                'webSite', donor.internet_site,
+                'address', trim(concat_ws(', ',
+                	CASE WHEN address.address is not null and address.address != '' THEN address.address END,
+                	CASE WHEN address.postal_box is not null and address.postal_box != '' THEN address.postal_box END,
+                	CASE WHEN trim(concat_ws(' ', address.postcode,, address.cedex)) != '' THEN trim(concat_ws(' ', address.postcode,, address.cedex)) END,
+                	CASE WHEN address_country.name_en is not null and address_country.name_en != '' THEN address_country.name_en END
+                )),
+                'logo', donor.institution_logo
+            ),
+            'donationDate', a.donation_date
+    	)
+    	FROM institution_t donor
+    	LEFT JOIN ontology_term_t donor_type ON donor_type.ontology_term_id = donor.institution_type_id
+    	LEFT JOIN address_t address ON address.address_id = donor.address_id
+    	LEFT JOIN ontology_term_t address_country ON address_country.ontology_term_id = address.country_id
+    	WHERE donor.institution_id = a.donor_institution_id
+    ),
+--    'externalReferences', null,
+    'genus', (
+        CASE
+    	    WHEN ta.genus is not null AND ta.genus != '' THEN ta.genus
+    		ELSE ''
+    	END
+    ),
+    'germplasmDbId', text(a.accession_id),
+    'germplasmName', a.accession_name,
+    'germplasmPUI', a.puid,
+    'instituteCode', hi.fao_code,
+    'instituteName', hi.institution_name,
+    'holdingInstitute', json_build_object(
+        'instituteName', hi.institution_name,
+    	'instituteCode', hi.fao_code,
+    	'acronym', hi.acronym,
+    	'organisation', hi.organization,
+    	'instituteType', hi_type.name_en,
+    	'webSite', hi.internet_site,
+    	'address', trim(concat_ws(', ',
+    		CASE WHEN hi_address.address is not null and hi_address.address != '' THEN hi_address.address END,
+    		CASE WHEN hi_address.postal_box is not null and hi_address.postal_box != '' THEN hi_address.postal_box END,
+    		CASE WHEN trim(concat_ws(' ', hi_address.postcode,, hi_address.cedex)) != '' THEN trim(concat_ws(' ', hi_address.postcode,, hi_address.cedex)) END,
+    		CASE WHEN hi_address_country.name_en is not null and hi_address_country.name_en != '' THEN hi_address_country.name_en END
+    	)),
+    	'logo', hi.institution_logo
+    ),
+    'holdingGenbank', json_build_object (
+    	'instituteName', (
+    		CASE
+    			WHEN grc_name.translated_name is not null and grc_name.translated_name != '' THEN grc_name.translated_name
+    			ELSE ''
+    		END
+    	),
+    	'instituteCode', grc.grc_code,
+    	'webSite', grc.internet_site,
+    	'logo', (
+    		CASE
+    			WHEN grc.grc_code is not null THEN ''
+    			ELSE ''
+    		END
+    	)
+    ),
+    'mlsStatus', (
+        SELECT
+            CASE string_agg(distinct(ott.textual_code), ', ')
+                WHEN 'MLS' THEN '1'
+                ELSE '0'
+                END
+        FROM accession_distributor_t ad
+        JOIN ontology_term_t ott ON ott.ontology_term_id = ad.distribution_status_id
+        WHERE ad.accession_id = a.accession_id
+    ),
+    'pedigree', a.pedigree,
+    'remarks', agg_accession_comments.accession_comments,
+    'species', ta.species,
+    'speciesAuthority', species.author_list,
+    'safetyDuplicateInstitutes', json_build_object (
+        'instituteCode', hi.fao_code,
+    	'instituteName', hi.institution_name
+    ),
+    'storageType', null,
+    'subtaxa', trim(concat_ws(' ',
+        CASE WHEN ta.subspecies is not null AND ta.subspecies != '' THEN 'subsp. ' || ta.subspecies END,
+    	CASE WHEN ta.variety is not null AND ta.variety != '' THEN 'var. ' || ta.variety END,
+    	CASE WHEN ta.cultivar is not null AND ta.cultivar != '' THEN 'cv. ' || ta.cultivar END,
+    	CASE WHEN ta.form is not null AND ta.form != '' THEN 'f. ' || ta.form END,
+    	CASE WHEN ta.tax_group is not null AND ta.tax_group != '' THEN 'gr. ' || ta.tax_group END,
+    	CASE WHEN ta.subgroup is not null AND ta.subgroup != '' THEN 'sgr. ' || ta.subgroup END
+    )),
+    'subtaxaAuthority', (
+        CASE
+    	    WHEN (ta.subspecies is not null AND ta.subspecies != '')
+    		    OR (ta.variety is not null AND ta.variety != '')
+    			OR (ta.cultivar is not null AND ta.cultivar != '')
+    			OR (ta.form is not null AND ta.form != '')
+    			OR (ta.tax_group is not null AND ta.tax_group != '')
+    			OR (ta.subgroup is not null AND ta.subgroup != '')
+    			THEN ta.author_list
+    		ELSE ''
+    	END
+    ),
+    'synonyms', null,
+    'taxonIds', ta.taxon_external_ids,
+    'groupId', a.group_id,
+    'seedSource', null,
+    'source', 'INRAE-URGI',
+    'typeOfGermplasmStorageCode', null,
+    'genusSpecies', (
+    	CASE
+        	WHEN ta.species is not null AND ta.species != '' THEN
+    			CASE
+    				WHEN ta.subgenus is not null AND ta.subgenus != '' and ta.subgenus != '-' THEN ta.subgenus || ' ' || ta.species
+    				WHEN ta.genus is not null AND ta.genus != '' THEN ta.genus || ' ' || ta.species
+    				ELSE ta.species
+    			END
+    		ELSE ''
+    	END
+    ),
+    'speciesAuthority', species.author_list,
+    'genusSpeciesSubtaxa', (
+    	CASE
+    		WHEN (ta.subspecies is not null AND ta.subspecies != '')
+    			OR (ta.variety is not null AND ta.variety != '')
+    			OR (ta.cultivar is not null AND ta.cultivar != '')
+    			OR (ta.form is not null AND ta.form != '')
+    			OR (ta.tax_group is not null AND ta.tax_group != '')
+    			OR (ta.subgroup is not null AND ta.subgroup != '')
+    			THEN concat_ws(' ',
+    				CASE
+    					WHEN ta.subgenus is not null AND ta.subgenus != '' and ta.subgenus != '-' THEN ta.subgenus || ' ' || ta.species
+    					WHEN ta.genus is not null AND ta.genus != '' THEN ta.genus || ' ' || ta.species
+    					ELSE ta.species
+    				END,
+    				CASE WHEN ta.subspecies is not null AND ta.subspecies != '' THEN 'subsp. ' || ta.subspecies END,
+    				CASE WHEN ta.variety is not null AND ta.variety != '' THEN 'var. ' || ta.variety END,
+    				CASE WHEN ta.cultivar is not null AND ta.cultivar != '' THEN 'cv. ' || ta.cultivar END,
+    				CASE WHEN ta.form is not null AND ta.form != '' THEN 'f. ' || ta.form END,
+    				CASE WHEN ta.tax_group is not null AND ta.tax_group != '' THEN 'gr. ' || ta.tax_group END,
+    				CASE WHEN ta.subgroup is not null AND ta.subgroup != '' THEN 'sgr. ' || ta.subgroup END
+    			)
+    		ELSE ''
+    	END
+    ),
-	-- List of trial number in which this germplasm is used
-	'studyDbIds', array(
-		SELECT DISTINCT t.trial_number
-		FROM trial_t t
-		JOIN trial_lot_t tl ON tl.trials_id = t.trial_id
-		JOIN lot_t l ON l.lot_id = tl.lots_id
-		WHERE l.accession_id = a.accession_id
-	)
+    'taxonSynonyms', array(
+    	SELECT distinct ts.taxon_synonym_name as ta_synonym_name
+    	FROM taxon_t ta
+    	JOIN taxon_synonym_taxon_t tst ON tst.taxons_id = ta.taxon_id
+    	JOIN taxon_synonym_t ts ON ts.taxon_synonym_id = tst.taxon_synonyms_id
+    	JOIN ontology_term_t ot ON ot.ontology_term_id = ts.name_type_id
+    	WHERE ot.textual_code = 'SCIENTIFIC'
+    	AND ta.taxon_id = a.taxon_id
+    ),
+    'taxonCommonNames', array(
+    	SELECT distinct ts.taxon_synonym_name as ta_common_name
+    	FROM taxon_t ta
+    	JOIN taxon_synonym_taxon_t tst ON tst.taxons_id = ta.taxon_id
+    	JOIN taxon_synonym_t ts ON ts.taxon_synonym_id = tst.taxon_synonyms_id
+    	JOIN ontology_term_t ot ON ot.ontology_term_id = ts.name_type_id
+    	WHERE ot.textual_code != 'SCIENTIFIC'
+    	AND ta.taxon_id = a.taxon_id
+    ),
+    'taxonComment', ta.taxon_comment_en,
+    'geneticNature', genetic_nature.name_en,
+    'photo', json_build_object(
+    	'file', (
+    		'' ||
+    		CASE
+    			WHEN grc.grc_code is not null and grc.grc_code != '' THEN grc.grc_code || '/' || photo.file_name
+    			ELSE photo.file_name
+    		END
+    	),
+    	'thumbnailFile', (
+    		'' ||
+    		CASE
+    			WHEN grc.grc_code is not null and grc.grc_code != '' THEN grc.grc_code || '/' || photo.thumbnail_file_name
+    			ELSE photo.thumbnail_file_name
+    		END
+    	),
+    	'photoName', photo.photo_name_en,
+    	'description', photo.description_en,
+    	'copyright', trim(concat_ws(' ',, photo.photo_year))
+    )
+)::jsonb ||
+     	json_build_object(
+    'holdingGenbank', json_build_object (
+    	'instituteName', (
+    		CASE
+    			WHEN grc_name.translated_name is not null and grc_name.translated_name != '' THEN grc_name.translated_name
+    			ELSE ''
+    		END
+    	),
+    	'instituteCode', grc.grc_code,
+    	'webSite', grc.internet_site,
+    	'logo',
+    		CASE
+    			WHEN grc.grc_code is not null THEN ''
+    			ELSE ''
+    		END
+    ),
+    'accessionHolder', (
+    	CASE
+    		WHEN (select string_agg(distinct(coll.collection_code), ', ')
+    		      from accession_collection ac
+    		      join collections coll on coll.collection_id = ac.collection_id
+    		      where a.accession_id = ac.accession_id
+    		      group by ac.accession_id) like '%BRC4Forest_CMD%' THEN
+    			CASE
+    				WHEN ds.dataset_name = 'Salicaceae' THEN 'Forest BRC - Orleans'
+    				WHEN ds.dataset_name = 'Pinus Portal' or ds.dataset_name = 'Quercus Portal' THEN 'Forest BRC - Pierroton'
+    				WHEN ds.dataset_name = 'PlantaExp' THEN 'Forest BRC - Avignon'
+    				ELSE 'Forest BRC'
+    			END
+    		--WHEN grc.grc_code is not null and grc.grc_code != 'BRC4Forest' THEN replace(grc.grc_code, '_', ' ')
+    		ELSE ''
+           END
+    ),
+    'presenceStatus', pres_status.name_en,
+    'genealogy', json_build_object(
+    	'crossingPlan', genea.crossing_plan,
+    	'crossingYear', genea.crossing_year,
+    	'familyCode', genea.family_code,
+    	'firstParentName', fp.accession_name,
+    	'firstParentPUI', fp.puid,
+    	'firstParentType', fp_type.name_en,
+    	'secondParentName', CASE WHEN sp.accession_name != 'None' THEN sp.accession_name ELSE '' END,
+    	'secondParentPUI', CASE WHEN sp.accession_name != 'None' THEN sp.puid ELSE '' END,
+    	'secondParentType', CASE WHEN sp.accession_name != 'None' THEN sp_type.name_en ELSE '' END,
+    	'sibblings', array(
+    		SELECT json_build_object(
+    			'pui', acc.puid,
+    			'name', acc.accession_name
+    		)
+    		FROM accession_t acc
+    		WHERE acc.genealogy_id = genea.genealogy_id AND acc.accession_id != a.accession_id
+    	)
+    ),
+    'children', array(
+    	SELECT json_build_object(
+    		'firstParentName', p1.accession_name,
+    		'firstParentPUI', p1.puid,
+    		'secondParentName', CASE WHEN p2.accession_name != 'None' THEN p2.accession_name ELSE '' END,
+    		'secondParentPUI', CASE WHEN p2.accession_name != 'None' THEN p2.puid ELSE '' END,
+    		'sibblings', array(
+    			SELECT json_build_object(
+    				'pui', acc.puid,
+    				'name', acc.accession_name
+    			)
+    			FROM accession_t acc
+    			WHERE acc.genealogy_id = g.genealogy_id
+    		)
+    	)
+    	FROM genealogy_t g
+    	JOIN accession_t p1 ON p1.accession_id = g.first_parent_id
+    	LEFT JOIN accession_t p2 ON p2.accession_id = g.second_parent_id
+    	WHERE p1.accession_id = a.accession_id OR p2.accession_id = a.accession_id
+    ),
+    'descriptors', array(
+    	SELECT json_build_object(
+    		'name', ot.name_en,
+    		'value', ad.descriptor_value
+    		)
+    	FROM accession_descriptor_t ad
+    	JOIN ontology_term_t ot ON ot.ontology_term_id = ad.descriptor_id
+    	WHERE ad.accession_id = a.accession_id
+    ),
+    'originSite', json_build_object(
+    	'siteId', origin_site.site_id,
+    	'siteName', origin_site.site_name,
+    	'latitude', origin_site.latitude,
+    	'longitude', origin_site.longitude,
+    	'siteType', origin_site.site_type
+    ),
+    'collectingSite', json_build_object(
+    	'siteId', collecting_site.site_id,
+    	'siteName', collecting_site.site_name,
+    	'latitude', collecting_site.latitude,
+    	'longitude', collecting_site.longitude,
+    	'siteType', collecting_site.site_type
+    ),
+    'evaluationSites', array(
+    	SELECT json_build_object(
+    		'siteId', s.site_id,
+    		'siteName', s.site_name,
+    		'latitude', s.latitude,
+    		'longitude', s.longitude,
+    		'siteType', ot.name_en
+    	)
+    	FROM site_t s
+    	JOIN ontology_term_t ot ON ot.ontology_term_id = s.site_type_id
+    	JOIN trial_t t ON t.site_id = s.site_id
+    	JOIN trial_lot_t tl ON tl.trials_id = t.trial_id
+    	JOIN lot_t l ON l.lot_id = tl.lots_id
+    	WHERE l.accession_id = a.accession_id
+    	GROUP BY s.site_id, s.site_name, s.latitude, s.longitude, ot.name_en
+    ),
+    'distributors', array(
+        SELECT json_build_object(
+    		'institute', json_build_object(
+    			'instituteName', di.institution_name,
+    			'instituteCode', di.fao_code,
+    			'acronym', di.acronym,
+    			'organisation', di.organization,
+    			'instituteType', di_type.name_en,
+    			'webSite', di.internet_site,
+    			'address', trim(concat_ws(', ',
+    				CASE WHEN di_address.address is not null AND di_address.address != '' THEN di_address.address END,
+    				CASE WHEN di_address.postal_box is not null AND di_address.postal_box != '' THEN di_address.postal_box END,
+    				CASE WHEN trim(concat_ws(' ', di_address.postcode,, di_address.cedex)) != '' THEN trim(concat_ws(' ', di_address.postcode,, di_address.cedex)) END,
+    				CASE WHEN di_address_country.name_en is not null AND di_address_country.name_en != '' THEN di_address_country.name_en END
+    			)),
+    			'logo', di.institution_logo
+    		),
+    		'accessionNumber', ad.distributor_accession_number,
+    		'distributionStatus', ot.name_en
+    	)
+    	FROM accession_distributor_t ad
+    	JOIN ontology_term_t ot ON ot.ontology_term_id = ad.distribution_status_id
+    	JOIN institution_t di ON di.institution_id = ad.distributor_institution_id
+    	LEFT JOIN ontology_term_t di_type ON di_type.ontology_term_id = di.institution_type_id
+    	LEFT JOIN address_t di_address ON di_address.address_id = di.address_id
+    	LEFT JOIN ontology_term_t di_address_country ON di_address_country.ontology_term_id = di_address.country_id
+    	WHERE ad.accession_id = a.accession_id
+    ),
+    'panel', array(
+    	SELECT json_build_object(
+    		'id', pa.panel_id,
+    		'name', pa.panel_name,
+    		'germplasmCount', (
+    			SELECT count(distinct l2.accession_id)
+    			FROM lot_t l2
+    			JOIN panel_lot_t pl2 on pl2.lot_id = l2.lot_id
+    			WHERE pl2.panel_id = pa.panel_id
+    		)
+    	)
+    	FROM panel_t pa
+    	JOIN panel_lot_t pl ON pa.panel_id = pl.panel_id
+    	JOIN lot_t l ON pl.lot_id = l.lot_id
+    	WHERE l.accession_id = a.accession_id
+    	GROUP BY pa.panel_id, pa.panel_name
+    ),
+    'collection', array(
+    	SELECT json_build_object(
+    		'id', co.collection_id,
+    		'name', (
+    			CASE
+    				WHEN tr.translated_name is not null THEN tr.translated_name
+    				ELSE co.collection_code
+    			END
+    		),
+    		'type', ot.name_en,
+    		'germplasmCount', (
+    			SELECT count(distinct ac2.accession_id)
+    			FROM accession_collection_t ac2
+    			WHERE ac2.collection_id = co.collection_id
+    		)
+    	)
+    	FROM collections_t co
+    	JOIN accession_collection_t ac ON co.collection_id = ac.collection_id
+    	LEFT JOIN translations_t tr ON co.collection_id = tr.named_collection_id
+    	LEFT JOIN ontology_term_t ot ON ot.ontology_term_id = co.collection_type_id
+    	WHERE ac.accession_id = a.accession_id
+    	GROUP BY co.collection_id, ot.name_en, tr.translated_name
+    ),
+    'population', array(
+    	SELECT json_build_object(
+    		'id', prg.population_id,
+    		'name', prg.population_name,
+    		'type', ot.name_en,
+    		'germplasmRef', json_build_object(
+    			'pui', acc.puid,
+    			'name', acc.accession_name
+    		),
+    		'germplasmCount', (
+    			SELECT count(distinct aprg2.accession_id)
+    			FROM accession_population_rg_t aprg2
+    			WHERE aprg2.population_id = prg.population_id
+    		)
+    	)
+    	FROM population_rg_t prg
+    	JOIN accession_population_rg_t aprg ON aprg.population_id = prg.population_id
+    	JOIN ontology_term_t ot ON ot.ontology_term_id = prg.population_type_id
+    	LEFT JOIN accession_t acc ON acc.accession_id = prg.ref_accession_id
+    	WHERE aprg.accession_id = a.accession_id
+    		OR acc.accession_id = a.accession_id
+    	GROUP BY prg.population_id, prg.population_name, ot.name_en, acc.puid, acc.accession_name
+    ),
+    -- List of trial number in which this germplasm is used
+    'studyDbIds', array(
+    	SELECT DISTINCT t.trial_number
+    	FROM trial_t t
+    	JOIN trial_lot_t tl ON tl.trials_id = t.trial_id
+    	JOIN lot_t l ON l.lot_id = tl.lots_id
+    	WHERE l.accession_id = a.accession_id
+    ),
+    -- IN MCPD --
+    'breederAccessionNumber', a.breeder_accession_number,
+    'breedingCreationYear', a.breeding_creation_year,
+    'catalogRegistrationYear', a.catalog_registration_year,
+    'catalogDeregistrationYear', a.catalog_deregistration_year
 FROM accession_t a
 -- taxon
 JOIN taxon_t ta ON a.taxon_id = ta.taxon_id
@@ -465,7 +566,7 @@ LEFT JOIN ontology_term_t biostat ON biostat.ontology_term_id = a.biological_sta
 -- genetic nature
 LEFT JOIN ontology_term_t genetic_nature ON genetic_nature.ontology_term_id = a.genetic_nature_id
--- aggregates acccession comments in one line
+-- aggregates accession comments in one line
 	SELECT acc.accession_id, string_agg(distinct(translated_name), ', ') AS accession_comments
 	FROM translations_t tra
@@ -528,10 +629,20 @@ LEFT JOIN (
 ) AS originCountry ON originCountry.site_id = a.origin_site_id
 -- collecting site
+--	SELECT s.site_id, s.site_name, s.latitude, s.longitude, ot.name_en AS site_type
+--	FROM site_t s
+--	JOIN ontology_term_t ot ON ot.ontology_term_id = s.site_type_id
+--) AS collecting_site ON collecting_site.site_id = a.site_id
+-- collecting site Mcpd
-	SELECT s.site_id, s.site_name, s.latitude, s.longitude, ot.name_en AS site_type
-	FROM site_t s
-	JOIN ontology_term_t ot ON ot.ontology_term_id = s.site_type_id
+    SELECT s.site_id, s.site_name, s.latitude, s.longitude, s.elevation, ot.name_en AS site_type, ot2.numeric_code AS environment_type, string_agg(distinct(t.translated_name), ', ') AS description
+    FROM site_t s
+             JOIN ontology_term_t ot ON ot.ontology_term_id = s.site_type_id
+             LEFT JOIN ontology_term_t ot2 ON ot2.ontology_term_id = s.environment_type_id
+             LEFT JOIN translations_t t ON t.commented_site_id = s.site_id
+    GROUP BY s.site_id, s.site_name, s.latitude, s.longitude, s.elevation, site_type, environment_type
 ) AS collecting_site ON collecting_site.site_id = a.site_id
 -- collector
@@ -556,4 +667,4 @@ WHERE a.accession_id between :startPageId and :endPageId
 ORDER BY a.accession_id
 --LIMIT 5
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/germplasmV2.sql b/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/germplasmV2.sql
deleted file mode 100644
index b5d0934..0000000
--- a/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/germplasmV2.sql
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,670 +0,0 @@
--- Warning: The name of this file is used as the elasticsearch document type name
--- Example of usage:
--- psql --host -p 9122 -U scratchy -d scratchy -A -t -f germplasmV2.sql -v faidareURL= > germplasmV2.json
--- Making sure to stop psql with non-zero exit code on any error
-\set ON_ERROR_STOP true
-SELECT json_build_object(
-    'accessionNames', array(
-        SELECT a.accession_name
-        UNION
-        SELECT DISTINCT(accsyn.accession_synonym_name)
-        FROM accession_synonym_t accsyn
-        WHERE accsyn.accession_id = a.accession_id
-    ),
-    'accessionNumber', a.accession_number,
-    'acquisitionDate', a.collecting_date,
-    'acquisitionSourcecode', collecting_site.environment_type,
-    'acquisitionSourceCodeDescription', -- environmentType
-    'alternadeIDs', null,
-    'ancestralData', a.pedigree,
-    'biologicalStatusOfAccessionCode', biostat.name_en,
-    'biologicalStatusOfAccessionDescription', null,
-    'breedingInstitutes', json_build_object(
-        'instituteCode', bi.fao_code,
-        'instituteName', bi.institution_name,
-    	'acronym', bi.acronym,
-    	'organisation', bi.organization,
-    	'instituteType', bi_type.name_en,
-    	'webSite', bi.internet_site,
-    	'address', trim(concat_ws(', ',
-    		CASE WHEN bi_address.address is not null and bi_address.address != '' THEN bi_address.address END,
-    		CASE WHEN bi_address.postal_box is not null and bi_address.postal_box != '' THEN bi_address.postal_box END,
-    		CASE WHEN trim(concat_ws(' ', bi_address.postcode,, bi_address.cedex)) != '' THEN trim(concat_ws(' ', bi_address.postcode,, bi_address.cedex)) END,
-    		CASE WHEN bi_address_country.name_en is not null and bi_address_country.name_en != '' THEN bi_address_country.name_en END
-    	)),
-    	'logo', bi.institution_logo
-    ),
-    'breedingMethodDbId', null,
-    'breedingMethodName', null,
-    'collection', array(
-    	SELECT json_build_object(
-    		'id', co.collection_id,
-    		'name', (
-    			CASE
-    				WHEN tr.translated_name is not null THEN tr.translated_name
-    				ELSE co.collection_code
-    			END
-    		),
-    		'type', ot.name_en,
-    		'germplasmCount', (
-    			SELECT count(distinct ac2.accession_id)
-    			FROM accession_collection_t ac2
-    			WHERE ac2.collection_id = co.collection_id
-    		)
-    	)
-    	FROM collections_t co
-    	JOIN accession_collection_t ac ON co.collection_id = ac.collection_id
-    	LEFT JOIN translations_t tr ON co.collection_id = tr.named_collection_id
-    	LEFT JOIN ontology_term_t ot ON ot.ontology_term_id = co.collection_type_id
-    	WHERE ac.accession_id = a.accession_id
-    	GROUP BY co.collection_id, ot.name_en, tr.translated_name
-    ),
-    'collectinInfo', json_build_object(
-        'collectingDate', a.collecting_date,
-        'collectingInstitutes', array(
-            SELECT json_build_object(
-                'instituteName', ci.institution_name,
-                'instituteCode', ci.fao_code,
-                'acronym', ci.acronym,
-                'organisation', ci.organization,
-                'instituteType', ci_type.name_en,
-                'webSite', ci.internet_site,
-                'instituteAddress', trim(concat_ws(', ',
-                    CASE WHEN ci_address.address is not null and ci_address.address != '' THEN ci_address.address END,
-                    CASE WHEN ci_address.postal_box is not null and ci_address.postal_box != '' THEN ci_address.postal_box END,
-                    CASE WHEN trim(concat_ws(' ', ci_address.postcode,, ci_address.cedex)) != '' THEN trim(concat_ws(' ', ci_address.postcode,, ci_address.cedex)) END,
-                    CASE WHEN ci_address_country.name_en is not null and ci_address_country.name_en != '' THEN ci_address_country.name_en END
-                )),
-                'logo', '' || ci.institution_logo
-            )
-            FROM institution_t ci
-            LEFT JOIN ontology_term_t ci_type ON ci_type.ontology_term_id = ci.institution_type_id
-            LEFT JOIN address_t ci_address ON ci_address.address_id = ci.address_id
-            LEFT JOIN ontology_term_t ci_address_country ON ci_address_country.ontology_term_id = ci_address.country_id
-            WHERE ci.institution_id = a.collector_institution_id
-        ),
-        'collectingMissionIdentifier', null,
-        'collectingNumber', a.collecting_number,
-        'collectingSite', json_build_object(
-            'coordinateUncertainty', null,
-            'elevation', collecting_site.elevation,
-            'geoReferencingMethod', null,
-            'latitudeDecimal', collecting_site.latitude,
-            'latitudeDegrees', -- formule collecting_site.latitude,
-            'locationDescription', collecting_site.description,
-            'longitudeDecimal', collecting_site.longitude,
-            'longitudeDegrees', -- formule collecting_site.longitude,
-            'spatialReferenceSystem', null,
-        	'locationDbId', collecting_site.site_id,
-        	'locationName', collecting_site.site_name
-        	),
-        'materialType', cmt.name_en,
-        'collectors', a.collectors_list
-    ),
-    'commonCropName', (
-        CASE
-    	    WHEN ta.dataset_id = (select dataset_id from dataset_t where dataset_name = 'Forest tree taxa') AND a.taxon_group != 'Cherry' AND a.taxon_group != 'Walnut' THEN 'Forest tree'
-    		ELSE a.taxon_group
-    	END
-    ),
-    'countryOfOriginCode', originCountry.name_en,
-    'originSite', json_build_object(
-        'siteId', origin_site.site_id,
-    	'siteName', origin_site.site_name,
-    	'latitude', origin_site.latitude,
-    	'longitude', origin_site.longitude,
-    	'siteType', origin_site.site_type
-    ),
-    'defaultDisplayName', a.accession_name,
-    'documentationURL', null,
-    'donorInfo', array(
-        SELECT json_build_object(
-            'donorAccessionNumber', a.donor_accession_number,
-            'donorAccessionPUI', null,
-            'donorInstitute', json_build_object(
-            'instituteName', donor.institution_name,
-                'instituteCode', donor.fao_code,
-                'acronym', donor.acronym,
-                'organisation', donor.organization,
-                'instituteType', donor_type.name_en,
-                'webSite', donor.internet_site,
-                'address', trim(concat_ws(', ',
-                	CASE WHEN address.address is not null and address.address != '' THEN address.address END,
-                	CASE WHEN address.postal_box is not null and address.postal_box != '' THEN address.postal_box END,
-                	CASE WHEN trim(concat_ws(' ', address.postcode,, address.cedex)) != '' THEN trim(concat_ws(' ', address.postcode,, address.cedex)) END,
-                	CASE WHEN address_country.name_en is not null and address_country.name_en != '' THEN address_country.name_en END
-                )),
-                'logo', donor.institution_logo
-            ),
-            'donationDate', a.donation_date
-    	)
-    	FROM institution_t donor
-    	LEFT JOIN ontology_term_t donor_type ON donor_type.ontology_term_id = donor.institution_type_id
-    	LEFT JOIN address_t address ON address.address_id = donor.address_id
-    	LEFT JOIN ontology_term_t address_country ON address_country.ontology_term_id = address.country_id
-    	WHERE donor.institution_id = a.donor_institution_id
-    ),
-    'externalReferences', --,
-    'genus', (
-        CASE
-    	    WHEN ta.genus is not null AND ta.genus != '' THEN ta.genus
-    		ELSE ''
-    	END
-    ),
-    'germplasmDbId', text(a.accession_id),
-    'germplasmName', a.accession_name,
-    'germplasmPUI', a.puid,
-    'instituteCode', hi.fao_code,
-    'instituteName', hi.institution_name,
-    'holdingInstitute', json_build_object(
-        'instituteName', hi.institution_name,
-    	'instituteCode', hi.fao_code,
-    	'acronym', hi.acronym,
-    	'organisation', hi.organization,
-    	'instituteType', hi_type.name_en,
-    	'webSite', hi.internet_site,
-    	'address', trim(concat_ws(', ',
-    		CASE WHEN hi_address.address is not null and hi_address.address != '' THEN hi_address.address END,
-    		CASE WHEN hi_address.postal_box is not null and hi_address.postal_box != '' THEN hi_address.postal_box END,
-    		CASE WHEN trim(concat_ws(' ', hi_address.postcode,, hi_address.cedex)) != '' THEN trim(concat_ws(' ', hi_address.postcode,, hi_address.cedex)) END,
-    		CASE WHEN hi_address_country.name_en is not null and hi_address_country.name_en != '' THEN hi_address_country.name_en END
-    	)),
-    	'logo', hi.institution_logo
-    ),
-    'holdingGenbank', json_build_object (
-    	'instituteName', (
-    		CASE
-    			WHEN grc_name.translated_name is not null and grc_name.translated_name != '' THEN grc_name.translated_name
-    			ELSE ''
-    		END
-    	),
-    	'instituteCode', grc.grc_code,
-    	'webSite', grc.internet_site,
-    	'logo',
-    		CASE
-    			WHEN grc.grc_code is not null THEN ''
-    			ELSE ''
-    		END
-    ),
-    'mlsStatus', (
-        SELECT
-            CASE string_agg(distinct(ott.textual_code), ', ')
-                WHEN 'MLS' THEN '1'
-                ELSE '0'
-                END
-        FROM accession_distributor_t ad
-        JOIN ontology_term_t ott ON ott.ontology_term_id = ad.distribution_status_id
-        WHERE ad.accession_id = a.accession_id
-    ),
-    'pedigree', a.pedigree,
-    'remarks', agg_accession_comments.accession_comments,
-    'species', ta.species,
-    'speciesAuthority', species.author_list,
-    'safetyDuplicateInstitutes', json_build_object (
-        'instituteCode', hi.fao_code,
-    	'instituteName', hi.institution_name
-    ),
-    'storageType', null,
-    'subtaxa', trim(concat_ws(' ',
-        CASE WHEN ta.subspecies is not null AND ta.subspecies != '' THEN 'subsp. ' || ta.subspecies END,
-    	CASE WHEN ta.variety is not null AND ta.variety != '' THEN 'var. ' || ta.variety END,
-    	CASE WHEN ta.cultivar is not null AND ta.cultivar != '' THEN 'cv. ' || ta.cultivar END,
-    	CASE WHEN ta.form is not null AND ta.form != '' THEN 'f. ' || ta.form END,
-    	CASE WHEN ta.tax_group is not null AND ta.tax_group != '' THEN 'gr. ' || ta.tax_group END,
-    	CASE WHEN ta.subgroup is not null AND ta.subgroup != '' THEN 'sgr. ' || ta.subgroup END
-    )),
-    'subtaxaAuthority', (
-        CASE
-    	    WHEN (ta.subspecies is not null AND ta.subspecies != '')
-    		    OR (ta.variety is not null AND ta.variety != '')
-    			OR (ta.cultivar is not null AND ta.cultivar != '')
-    			OR (ta.form is not null AND ta.form != '')
-    			OR (ta.tax_group is not null AND ta.tax_group != '')
-    			OR (ta.subgroup is not null AND ta.subgroup != '')
-    			THEN ta.author_list
-    		ELSE ''
-    	END
-    ),
-    'synonyms', null,
-    'taxonIds', ta.taxon_external_ids,
-    'groupId', a.group_id,
-    'seedSource', null,
-    'source', 'INRAE-URGI',
-    'typeOfGermplasmStorageCode', null,
-    'genusSpecies', (
-    	CASE
-        	WHEN ta.species is not null AND ta.species != '' THEN
-    			CASE
-    				WHEN ta.subgenus is not null AND ta.subgenus != '' and ta.subgenus != '-' THEN ta.subgenus || ' ' || ta.species
-    				WHEN ta.genus is not null AND ta.genus != '' THEN ta.genus || ' ' || ta.species
-    				ELSE ta.species
-    			END
-    		ELSE ''
-    	END
-    ),
-    'speciesAuthority', species.author_list,
-    'genusSpeciesSubtaxa', (
-    	CASE
-    		WHEN (ta.subspecies is not null AND ta.subspecies != '')
-    			OR (ta.variety is not null AND ta.variety != '')
-    			OR (ta.cultivar is not null AND ta.cultivar != '')
-    			OR (ta.form is not null AND ta.form != '')
-    			OR (ta.tax_group is not null AND ta.tax_group != '')
-    			OR (ta.subgroup is not null AND ta.subgroup != '')
-    			THEN concat_ws(' ',
-    				CASE
-    					WHEN ta.subgenus is not null AND ta.subgenus != '' and ta.subgenus != '-' THEN ta.subgenus || ' ' || ta.species
-    					WHEN ta.genus is not null AND ta.genus != '' THEN ta.genus || ' ' || ta.species
-    					ELSE ta.species
-    				END,
-    				CASE WHEN ta.subspecies is not null AND ta.subspecies != '' THEN 'subsp. ' || ta.subspecies END,
-    				CASE WHEN ta.variety is not null AND ta.variety != '' THEN 'var. ' || ta.variety END,
-    				CASE WHEN ta.cultivar is not null AND ta.cultivar != '' THEN 'cv. ' || ta.cultivar END,
-    				CASE WHEN ta.form is not null AND ta.form != '' THEN 'f. ' || ta.form END,
-    				CASE WHEN ta.tax_group is not null AND ta.tax_group != '' THEN 'gr. ' || ta.tax_group END,
-    				CASE WHEN ta.subgroup is not null AND ta.subgroup != '' THEN 'sgr. ' || ta.subgroup END
-    			)
-    		ELSE ''
-    	END
-    ),
-    'taxonSynonyms', array(
-    	SELECT distinct ts.taxon_synonym_name as ta_synonym_name
-    	FROM taxon_t ta
-    	JOIN taxon_synonym_taxon_t tst ON tst.taxons_id = ta.taxon_id
-    	JOIN taxon_synonym_t ts ON ts.taxon_synonym_id = tst.taxon_synonyms_id
-    	JOIN ontology_term_t ot ON ot.ontology_term_id = ts.name_type_id
-    	WHERE ot.textual_code = 'SCIENTIFIC'
-    	AND ta.taxon_id = a.taxon_id
-    ),
-    'taxonCommonNames', array(
-    	SELECT distinct ts.taxon_synonym_name as ta_common_name
-    	FROM taxon_t ta
-    	JOIN taxon_synonym_taxon_t tst ON tst.taxons_id = ta.taxon_id
-    	JOIN taxon_synonym_t ts ON ts.taxon_synonym_id = tst.taxon_synonyms_id
-    	JOIN ontology_term_t ot ON ot.ontology_term_id = ts.name_type_id
-    	WHERE ot.textual_code != 'SCIENTIFIC'
-    	AND ta.taxon_id = a.taxon_id
-    ),
-    'taxonComment', ta.taxon_comment_en,
-    'geneticNature', genetic_nature.name_en,
-    'photo', json_build_object(
-    	'file', (
-    		'' ||
-    		CASE
-    			WHEN grc.grc_code is not null and grc.grc_code != '' THEN grc.grc_code || '/' || photo.file_name
-    			ELSE photo.file_name
-    		END
-    	),
-    	'thumbnailFile', (
-    		'' ||
-    		CASE
-    			WHEN grc.grc_code is not null and grc.grc_code != '' THEN grc.grc_code || '/' || photo.thumbnail_file_name
-    			ELSE photo.thumbnail_file_name
-    		END
-    	),
-    	'photoName', photo.photo_name_en,
-    	'description', photo.description_en,
-    	'copyright', trim(concat_ws(' ',, photo.photo_year))
-    ),
-    'holdingGenbank', json_build_object (
-    	'instituteName', (
-    		CASE
-    			WHEN grc_name.translated_name is not null and grc_name.translated_name != '' THEN grc_name.translated_name
-    			ELSE ''
-    		END
-    	),
-    	'instituteCode', grc.grc_code,
-    	'webSite', grc.internet_site,
-    	'logo',
-    		CASE
-    			WHEN grc.grc_code is not null THEN ''
-    			ELSE ''
-    		END
-    ),
-    'accessionHolder', (
-    	CASE
-    		WHEN (select string_agg(distinct(coll.collection_code), ', ')
-    		      from accession_collection ac
-    		      join collections coll on coll.collection_id = ac.collection_id
-    		      where a.accession_id = ac.accession_id
-    		      group by ac.accession_id) like '%BRC4Forest_CMD%' THEN
-    			CASE
-    				WHEN ds.dataset_name = 'Salicaceae' THEN 'Forest BRC - Orleans'
-    				WHEN ds.dataset_name = 'Pinus Portal' or ds.dataset_name = 'Quercus Portal' THEN 'Forest BRC - Pierroton'
-    				WHEN ds.dataset_name = 'PlantaExp' THEN 'Forest BRC - Avignon'
-    				ELSE 'Forest BRC'
-    			END
-    		--WHEN grc.grc_code is not null and grc.grc_code != 'BRC4Forest' THEN replace(grc.grc_code, '_', ' ')
-    		ELSE ''
-           END
-    ),
-    'presenceStatus', pres_status.name_en,
-    'genealogy', json_build_object(
-    	'crossingPlan', genea.crossing_plan,
-    	'crossingYear', genea.crossing_year,
-    	'familyCode', genea.family_code,
-    	'firstParentName', fp.accession_name,
-    	'firstParentPUI', fp.puid,
-    	'firstParentType', fp_type.name_en,
-    	'secondParentName', CASE WHEN sp.accession_name != 'None' THEN sp.accession_name ELSE '' END,
-    	'secondParentPUI', CASE WHEN sp.accession_name != 'None' THEN sp.puid ELSE '' END,
-    	'secondParentType', CASE WHEN sp.accession_name != 'None' THEN sp_type.name_en ELSE '' END,
-    	'sibblings', array(
-    		SELECT json_build_object(
-    			'pui', acc.puid,
-    			'name', acc.accession_name
-    		)
-    		FROM accession_t acc
-    		WHERE acc.genealogy_id = genea.genealogy_id AND acc.accession_id != a.accession_id
-    	)
-    ),
-    'children', array(
-    	SELECT json_build_object(
-    		'firstParentName', p1.accession_name,
-    		'firstParentPUI', p1.puid,
-    		'secondParentName', CASE WHEN p2.accession_name != 'None' THEN p2.accession_name ELSE '' END,
-    		'secondParentPUI', CASE WHEN p2.accession_name != 'None' THEN p2.puid ELSE '' END,
-    		'sibblings', array(
-    			SELECT json_build_object(
-    				'pui', acc.puid,
-    				'name', acc.accession_name
-    			)
-    			FROM accession_t acc
-    			WHERE acc.genealogy_id = g.genealogy_id
-    		)
-    	)
-    	FROM genealogy_t g
-    	JOIN accession_t p1 ON p1.accession_id = g.first_parent_id
-    	LEFT JOIN accession_t p2 ON p2.accession_id = g.second_parent_id
-    	WHERE p1.accession_id = a.accession_id OR p2.accession_id = a.accession_id
-    ),
-    'descriptors', array(
-    	SELECT json_build_object(
-    		'name', ot.name_en,
-    		'value', ad.descriptor_value
-    		)
-    	FROM accession_descriptor_t ad
-    	JOIN ontology_term_t ot ON ot.ontology_term_id = ad.descriptor_id
-    	WHERE ad.accession_id = a.accession_id
-    ),
-    'originSite', json_build_object(
-    	'siteId', origin_site.site_id,
-    	'siteName', origin_site.site_name,
-    	'latitude', origin_site.latitude,
-    	'longitude', origin_site.longitude,
-    	'siteType', origin_site.site_type
-    ),
-    'collectingSite', json_build_object(
-    	'siteId', collecting_site.site_id,
-    	'siteName', collecting_site.site_name,
-    	'latitude', collecting_site.latitude,
-    	'longitude', collecting_site.longitude,
-    	'siteType', collecting_site.site_type
-    ),
-    'evaluationSites', array(
-    	SELECT json_build_object(
-    		'siteId', s.site_id,
-    		'siteName', s.site_name,
-    		'latitude', s.latitude,
-    		'longitude', s.longitude,
-    		'siteType', ot.name_en
-    	)
-    	FROM site_t s
-    	JOIN ontology_term_t ot ON ot.ontology_term_id = s.site_type_id
-    	JOIN trial_t t ON t.site_id = s.site_id
-    	JOIN trial_lot_t tl ON tl.trials_id = t.trial_id
-    	JOIN lot_t l ON l.lot_id = tl.lots_id
-    	WHERE l.accession_id = a.accession_id
-    	GROUP BY s.site_id, s.site_name, s.latitude, s.longitude, ot.name_en
-    ),
-    'distributors', array(
-        SELECT json_build_object(
-    		'institute', json_build_object(
-    			'instituteName', di.institution_name,
-    			'instituteCode', di.fao_code,
-    			'acronym', di.acronym,
-    			'organisation', di.organization,
-    			'instituteType', di_type.name_en,
-    			'webSite', di.internet_site,
-    			'address', trim(concat_ws(', ',
-    				CASE WHEN di_address.address is not null AND di_address.address != '' THEN di_address.address END,
-    				CASE WHEN di_address.postal_box is not null AND di_address.postal_box != '' THEN di_address.postal_box END,
-    				CASE WHEN trim(concat_ws(' ', di_address.postcode,, di_address.cedex)) != '' THEN trim(concat_ws(' ', di_address.postcode,, di_address.cedex)) END,
-    				CASE WHEN di_address_country.name_en is not null AND di_address_country.name_en != '' THEN di_address_country.name_en END
-    			)),
-    			'logo', di.institution_logo
-    		),
-    		'accessionNumber', ad.distributor_accession_number,
-    		'distributionStatus', ot.name_en
-    	)
-    	FROM accession_distributor_t ad
-    	JOIN ontology_term_t ot ON ot.ontology_term_id = ad.distribution_status_id
-    	JOIN institution_t di ON di.institution_id = ad.distributor_institution_id
-    	LEFT JOIN ontology_term_t di_type ON di_type.ontology_term_id = di.institution_type_id
-    	LEFT JOIN address_t di_address ON di_address.address_id = di.address_id
-    	LEFT JOIN ontology_term_t di_address_country ON di_address_country.ontology_term_id = di_address.country_id
-    	WHERE ad.accession_id = a.accession_id
-    ),
-    'panel', array(
-    	SELECT json_build_object(
-    		'id', pa.panel_id,
-    		'name', pa.panel_name,
-    		'germplasmCount', (
-    			SELECT count(distinct l2.accession_id)
-    			FROM lot_t l2
-    			JOIN panel_lot_t pl2 on pl2.lot_id = l2.lot_id
-    			WHERE pl2.panel_id = pa.panel_id
-    		)
-    	)
-    	FROM panel_t pa
-    	JOIN panel_lot_t pl ON pa.panel_id = pl.panel_id
-    	JOIN lot_t l ON pl.lot_id = l.lot_id
-    	WHERE l.accession_id = a.accession_id
-    	GROUP BY pa.panel_id, pa.panel_name
-    ),
-    'collection', array(
-    	SELECT json_build_object(
-    		'id', co.collection_id,
-    		'name', (
-    			CASE
-    				WHEN tr.translated_name is not null THEN tr.translated_name
-    				ELSE co.collection_code
-    			END
-    		),
-    		'type', ot.name_en,
-    		'germplasmCount', (
-    			SELECT count(distinct ac2.accession_id)
-    			FROM accession_collection_t ac2
-    			WHERE ac2.collection_id = co.collection_id
-    		)
-    	)
-    	FROM collections_t co
-    	JOIN accession_collection_t ac ON co.collection_id = ac.collection_id
-    	LEFT JOIN translations_t tr ON co.collection_id = tr.named_collection_id
-    	LEFT JOIN ontology_term_t ot ON ot.ontology_term_id = co.collection_type_id
-    	WHERE ac.accession_id = a.accession_id
-    	GROUP BY co.collection_id, ot.name_en, tr.translated_name
-    ),
-    'population', array(
-    	SELECT json_build_object(
-    		'id', prg.population_id,
-    		'name', prg.population_name,
-    		'type', ot.name_en,
-    		'germplasmRef', json_build_object(
-    			'pui', acc.puid,
-    			'name', acc.accession_name
-    		),
-    		'germplasmCount', (
-    			SELECT count(distinct aprg2.accession_id)
-    			FROM accession_population_rg_t aprg2
-    			WHERE aprg2.population_id = prg.population_id
-    		)
-    	)
-    	FROM population_rg_t prg
-    	JOIN accession_population_rg_t aprg ON aprg.population_id = prg.population_id
-    	JOIN ontology_term_t ot ON ot.ontology_term_id = prg.population_type_id
-    	LEFT JOIN accession_t acc ON acc.accession_id = prg.ref_accession_id
-    	WHERE aprg.accession_id = a.accession_id
-    		OR acc.accession_id = a.accession_id
-    	GROUP BY prg.population_id, prg.population_name, ot.name_en, acc.puid, acc.accession_name
-    ),
-    -- List of trial number in which this germplasm is used
-    'studyDbIds', array(
-    	SELECT DISTINCT t.trial_number
-    	FROM trial_t t
-    	JOIN trial_lot_t tl ON tl.trials_id = t.trial_id
-    	JOIN lot_t l ON l.lot_id = tl.lots_id
-    	WHERE l.accession_id = a.accession_id
-    ),
-    -- IN MCPD --
-    'breederAccessionNumber', a.breeder_accession_number,
-    'breedingCreationYear', a.breeding_creation_year,
-    'catalogRegistrationYear', a.catalog_registration_year,
-    'catalogDeregistrationYear', a.catalog_deregistration_year
-FROM accession_t a
--- taxon
-JOIN taxon_t ta ON a.taxon_id = ta.taxon_id
--- Recursive join to get species authors
-	WITH RECURSIVE tax(descendant_id, rank, taxon_id, parent_id) AS (
-		SELECT descendant_id,, tax.taxon_id, tax.parent_id, tax.author_list
-		FROM taxon_t tax
-		JOIN taxon_path_t tax_path ON tax_path.ascendant_id = tax.taxon_id
-		JOIN bio_type_t bt ON bt.bio_type_id = tax.rank_id
-		SELECT tax.descendant_id,, parent_tax.taxon_id, parent_tax.parent_id, parent_tax.author_list
-		FROM tax
-		JOIN taxon_t parent_tax ON parent_tax.taxon_id = tax.parent_id
-		JOIN bio_type_t bt ON bt.bio_type_id = parent_tax.rank_id
-	)
-	WHERE RANK = 'species'
-) AS species ON species.descendant_id = ta.taxon_id
--- biological status
-LEFT JOIN ontology_term_t biostat ON biostat.ontology_term_id = a.biological_status_id
--- genetic nature
-LEFT JOIN ontology_term_t genetic_nature ON genetic_nature.ontology_term_id = a.genetic_nature_id
--- aggregates accession comments in one line
-	SELECT acc.accession_id, string_agg(distinct(translated_name), ', ') AS accession_comments
-	FROM translations_t tra
-	JOIN accession_t acc ON tra.commented_accession_id = acc.accession_id
-	GROUP BY acc.accession_id
-) AS agg_accession_comments ON agg_accession_comments.accession_id = a.accession_id
--- photo
-LEFT JOIN photo_t photo ON photo.photo_id = a.photo_id
--- holding institution
-LEFT JOIN institution_t hi ON hi.institution_id = a.holding_institution_id
-LEFT JOIN ontology_term_t hi_type ON hi_type.ontology_term_id = hi.institution_type_id
-LEFT JOIN address_t hi_address ON hi_address.address_id = hi.address_id
-LEFT JOIN ontology_term_t hi_address_country ON hi_address_country.ontology_term_id = hi_address.country_id
--- grc
-LEFT JOIN grc_t grc ON grc.grc_id = a.grc_id
-	SELECT grc_tra.named_grc_id, grc_tra.translated_name
-	FROM translations_t grc_tra
-	JOIN languages_t l ON grc_tra.language_id = l.language_id
-	WHERE l.language_code = 'en'
-) AS grc_name ON grc_name.named_grc_id = a.grc_id
--- presence status
-LEFT JOIN ontology_term_t pres_status ON pres_status.ontology_term_id = a.presence_status_id
--- genealogy
-LEFT JOIN genealogy_t genea on genea.genealogy_id = a.genealogy_id
-LEFT JOIN accession_t fp ON fp.accession_id = genea.first_parent_id
-LEFT JOIN ontology_term_t fp_type ON fp_type.ontology_term_id = genea.first_parent_type_id
-LEFT JOIN accession_t sp ON sp.accession_id = genea.second_parent_id
-LEFT JOIN ontology_term_t sp_type ON sp_type.ontology_term_id = genea.second_parent_type_id
--- origin site
-	SELECT s.site_id, s.site_name, s.latitude, s.longitude, ot.name_en AS site_type
-	FROM site_t s
-	JOIN ontology_term_t ot ON ot.ontology_term_id = s.site_type_id
-) AS origin_site ON origin_site.site_id = a.origin_site_id
--- Recursive join on site_t.geographical_location_id = ontology_term_t.ontology_term_id
--- Select geographical location level = COUNTRY or OLD_COUNTRY
-	WITH RECURSIVE geo(site_id, level_textual_code, ontology_term_id, parent_id, textual_code, name_en) AS (
-		SELECT location.site_id, level.textual_code, geo.ontology_term_id, geo.parent_id, geo.textual_code, geo.name_en
-		FROM ontology_term_t geo
-		JOIN site_t location ON location.geographical_location_id = geo.ontology_term_id
-		LEFT JOIN ontology_term_t level ON level.ontology_term_id = geo.term_level_id
-		SELECT geo.site_id, level.textual_code, parent_geo.ontology_term_id, parent_geo.parent_id, parent_geo.textual_code, parent_geo.name_en
-		FROM geo
-		JOIN ontology_term_t parent_geo ON parent_geo.ontology_term_id = geo.parent_id
-		LEFT JOIN ontology_term_t level ON level.ontology_term_id = parent_geo.term_level_id
-	)
-	SELECT DISTINCT ON (site_id) site_id, level_textual_code, ontology_term_id, parent_id, textual_code, name_en
-	FROM geo
-	WHERE level_textual_code = 'COUNTRY' OR level_textual_code = 'OLD_COUNTRY'
-) AS originCountry ON originCountry.site_id = a.origin_site_id
--- collecting site
---	SELECT s.site_id, s.site_name, s.latitude, s.longitude, ot.name_en AS site_type
---	FROM site_t s
---	JOIN ontology_term_t ot ON ot.ontology_term_id = s.site_type_id
---) AS collecting_site ON collecting_site.site_id = a.site_id
--- collecting site Mcpd
-    SELECT s.site_id, s.site_name, s.latitude, s.longitude, s.elevation, ot.name_en AS site_type, ot2.numeric_code AS environment_type, string_agg(distinct(t.translated_name), ', ') AS description
-    FROM site_t s
-             JOIN ontology_term_t ot ON ot.ontology_term_id = s.site_type_id
-             LEFT JOIN ontology_term_t ot2 ON ot2.ontology_term_id = s.environment_type_id
-             LEFT JOIN translations_t t ON t.commented_site_id = s.site_id
-    GROUP BY s.site_id, s.site_name, s.latitude, s.longitude, s.elevation, site_type, environment_type
-) AS collecting_site ON collecting_site.site_id = a.site_id
--- collector
-LEFT JOIN institution_t ci ON ci.institution_id = a.collector_institution_id
-LEFT JOIN ontology_term_t ci_type ON ci_type.ontology_term_id = ci.institution_type_id
-LEFT JOIN address_t ci_address ON ci_address.address_id = ci.address_id
-LEFT JOIN ontology_term_t ci_address_country ON ci_address_country.ontology_term_id = ci_address.country_id
--- collected material type
-LEFT JOIN ontology_term_t cmt ON cmt.ontology_term_id = a.collected_material_type_id
--- breeder
-LEFT JOIN institution_t bi ON bi.institution_id = a.breeder_institution_id
-LEFT JOIN ontology_term_t bi_type ON bi_type.ontology_term_id = bi.institution_type_id
-LEFT JOIN address_t bi_address ON bi_address.address_id = bi.address_id
-LEFT JOIN ontology_term_t bi_address_country ON bi_address_country.ontology_term_id = bi_address.country_id
--- dataset
-LEFT JOIN dataset_t ds ON ds.dataset_id = a.dataset_id
-WHERE a.accession_id between :startPageId and :endPageId
-ORDER BY a.accession_id
---LIMIT 5
\ No newline at end of file

From 22193565f6e47345aa99896a9a1e45de680e5ad5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Nicolas Francillonne <>
Date: Mon, 14 Aug 2023 17:13:59 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 07/23] Ajout du code numerique et de la description du status
 biologique des accessions

 etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/germplasm.sql | 4 ++--
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/germplasm.sql b/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/germplasm.sql
index ad9aab6..7d5d6c9 100644
--- a/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/germplasm.sql
+++ b/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/germplasm.sql
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ SELECT json_build_object(
     -- environmentType  'acquisitionSourceCodeDescription',
     'alternadeIDs', null,
     'ancestralData', a.pedigree,
-    'biologicalStatusOfAccessionCode', biostat.name_en,
-    'biologicalStatusOfAccessionDescription', null,
+    'biologicalStatusOfAccessionCode', biostat.numeric_code,
+    'biologicalStatusOfAccessionDescription', biostat.name_en,
     'breedingInstitutes', json_build_object(
         'instituteCode', bi.fao_code,
         'instituteName', bi.institution_name,

From b633481e7d2636fd7bdd0c56ce32a0e2a6b38895 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "maud.marty" <>
Date: Mon, 23 Oct 2023 15:42:03 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 08/23] Add BrapiV2 fields - study.sql

 .../gnpis-pg-to-json/study.sql                | 287 ++++++++++--------
 1 file changed, 159 insertions(+), 128 deletions(-)

diff --git a/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/study.sql b/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/study.sql
index 56a6b5d..ef0617b 100644
--- a/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/study.sql
+++ b/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/study.sql
@@ -12,69 +12,15 @@
 SELECT json_build_object(
-	'groupId', study_pheno.group_id,
-	-- Study = GnpIS trial
-	'documentationURL', (
-		CASE study_pheno.group_id
-			WHEN 0 THEN CONCAT(:'gnpisBaseURL', 'ephesis/ephesis/', study_pheno.trial_id)
-		END
-	),
-	'studyDbId', text(study_pheno.trial_number),
-	'studyName',,
-	'name',,
-	'startDate', to_char(study_pheno.date_begin, 'YYYY-MM-dd'),
-	'endDate', to_char(study_pheno.date_end, 'YYYY-MM-dd'),
 	'active', status.textual_code LIKE '%ACTIVE%',
-	'studyType', (
-			WHEN type.name_en is null THEN 'Phenotyping Study'
-			ELSE type.name_en
-		END
-	),
-	'lastUpdate', json_build_object(
-		'version', NULL,
-		-- Print ISO date format ex: "2017-06-21T16:06:56Z"
-		'timestamp', to_char(study_pheno.update_date::timestamp at time zone 'UTC', 'YYYY-MM-DD"T"HH24:MI:SS"Z"')
-	),
-	-- Trials = GnpIS trial set
-	'trialDbId', NULL,
-	'trialName', NULL,
-	'trialDbIds', array(
-		SELECT DISTINCT text(trial.trial_set_id)
-		FROM trial_set_t trial
-		JOIN trial_trial_set_t trialStudy ON trialStudy.trial_sets_id = trial.trial_set_id AND trialStudy.trials_id = study_pheno.trial_id
-	),
-	-- Program = GnpIS project
-	'programDbId', text(program.project_code),
-	'programName', program.project_name,
-	-- Seasons = GnpIS phenotyping campaigns
-	'seasons', array(
-		FROM phenotyping_campaign_t season
-		WHERE study_pheno.trial_id = season.trial_id
-	),
-	-- Location = GnpIS site
-	'locationDbId', text(location.site_id),
-	'locationName', location.site_name,
-	-- Location for study details => fetch location detail from location index
-	'location', json_build_object('locationDbId', text(location.site_id)),
-	-- Data links = GnpIS trial data files
-	'dataLinks', array(
-		SELECT json_build_object(
-			'name', dataLink.file_name,
-			'type',,
-			'url', '' || dataLink.file_path || '/' || dataLink.file_name
-		)
-		FROM data_file_t dataLink
-		JOIN bio_type_t dataLinkType ON dataLinkType.bio_type_id = dataLink.file_type_id
-		WHERE dataLink.trial_id = study_pheno.trial_id
+	-- Additional info = GnpIS trial info
+	'additionalInfo', (
+		SELECT json_object_agg(key, value)
+		FROM trial_info_t studyAdditionalInfo
+		WHERE studyAdditionalInfo.trial_id = study_pheno.trial_id
+	'commonCropName', NULL,
 	-- Contacts = GnpIS contacts
 	'contacts', array(
@@ -96,13 +42,37 @@ SELECT json_build_object(
 		JOIN trial_contact_t studyContact ON contact.contact_id = studyContact.contact_id AND studyContact.trial_id = study_pheno.trial_id
-	-- Observation variables = GnpIS observation variables
-	'observationVariableDbIds', array(
-		SELECT DISTINCT observationVariable.term_identifier
-		FROM observation_variable_t observationVariable
-		JOIN trial_observation_variable_t tov ON observationVariable.observation_variable_id = tov.observation_variables_id AND tov.trials_id = study_pheno.trial_id
+	'culturalPractices', NULL,
+	-- Data links = GnpIS trial data files
+	'dataLinks', array(
+		SELECT json_build_object(
+		    'dataFormat', NULL,
+            'description', NULL,
+            'fileFormat', NULL,
+			'name', dataLink.file_name,
+			'provenance', NULL,
+			'scientifiqueType',,
+			'url', '' || dataLink.file_path || '/' || dataLink.file_name,
+			'version', NULL
+		)
+		FROM data_file_t dataLink
+		JOIN bio_type_t dataLinkType ON dataLinkType.bio_type_id = dataLink.file_type_id
+		WHERE dataLink.trial_id = study_pheno.trial_id
+	-- Study = GnpIS trial
+	'documentationURL', (
+		CASE study_pheno.group_id
+			WHEN 0 THEN CONCAT(:'gnpisBaseURL', 'ephesis/ephesis/', study_pheno.trial_id)
+		END
+	'endDate', to_char(study_pheno.date_end, 'YYYY-MM-dd'),
+    'environmentParameters', NULL,
+	'experimentaDesign', NULL,
+	'externalReferences', NULL,
 	-- Germplasm = GnpIS accessions
 	'germplasmDbIds', array(
 		SELECT DISTINCT text(germplasm.accession_id)
@@ -110,12 +80,62 @@ SELECT json_build_object(
 		JOIN lot_t lot ON lot.accession_id = germplasm.accession_id
 		JOIN trial_lot_t studyLot ON studyLot.lots_id = lot.lot_id AND studyLot.trials_id = study_pheno.trial_id
+	'groupId', study_pheno.group_id,
+    'growthFacility', NULL,
+	'lastUpdate', json_build_object(
+		'version', NULL,
+		-- Print ISO date format ex: "2017-06-21T16:06:56Z"
+		'timestamp', to_char(study_pheno.update_date::timestamp at time zone 'UTC', 'YYYY-MM-DD"T"HH24:MI:SS"Z"')
+	),
+    'license', NULL,
-	-- Additional info = GnpIS trial info
-	'additionalInfo', (
-		SELECT json_object_agg(key, value)
-		FROM trial_info_t studyAdditionalInfo
-		WHERE studyAdditionalInfo.trial_id = study_pheno.trial_id
+	-- Location for study details => fetch location detail from location index
+	'location', json_build_object('locationDbId', text(location.site_id)),
+	-- Location = GnpIS site
+	'locationDbId', text(location.site_id),
+	'locationName', location.site_name,
+	'name',,
+	'observationLevels', NULL,
+	'observationUnitsDescription', NULL,
+	-- Observation variables = GnpIS observation variables
+	'observationVariableDbIds', array(
+		SELECT DISTINCT observationVariable.term_identifier
+		FROM observation_variable_t observationVariable
+		JOIN trial_observation_variable_t tov ON observationVariable.observation_variable_id = tov.observation_variables_id AND tov.trials_id = study_pheno.trial_id
+	),
+	-- Program = GnpIS project
+	'programDbId', text(program.project_code),
+	'programName', program.project_name,
+	-- Seasons = GnpIS phenotyping campaigns
+	'seasons', array(
+		FROM phenotyping_campaign_t season
+		WHERE study_pheno.trial_id = season.trial_id
+	),
+	'startDate', to_char(study_pheno.date_begin, 'YYYY-MM-dd'),
+	'studyCode', NULL,
+	'studyDbId', text(study_pheno.trial_number),
+	'studyDescription', NULL,
+	'studyName',,
+	'studyPUI', NULL,
+	'studyType', (
+			WHEN type.name_en is null THEN 'Phenotyping Study'
+			ELSE type.name_en
+		END
+	),	
+	-- Trials = GnpIS trial set
+	'trialDbId', NULL,
+	'trialName', NULL,
+	'trialDbIds', array(
+		SELECT DISTINCT text(trial.trial_set_id)
+		FROM trial_set_t trial
+		JOIN trial_trial_set_t trialStudy ON trialStudy.trial_sets_id = trial.trial_set_id AND trialStudy.trials_id = study_pheno.trial_id
 FROM trial_t study_pheno
@@ -138,62 +158,10 @@ WHERE study_pheno.trial_id = :trialId OR :trialId IS NULL
 SELECT json_build_object(
-	'groupId', study_geno.group_id,
-	-- Study = GnpIS genotyping experiment
-	'documentationURL', (
-		CASE study_geno.group_id
-			WHEN 0 THEN CONCAT(:'gnpisBaseURL', 'GnpSNP/snp/genotyping/', study_geno.genotyping_experiment_id)
-		END
-	),
-	'studyDbId', text(study_geno.genotyping_experiment_id),
-	'studyName', study_geno.genotyping_experiment_name,
-	'name', study_geno.genotyping_experiment_name,
-	'startDate', NULL,
-	'endDate', NULL,
 	'active', NULL,
-	'studyType', (
-			WHEN is null THEN 'Genotyping Study'
-			ELSE
-		END
-	),
-	'lastUpdate', json_build_object(
-		'version', NULL,
-		-- Print ISO date format ex: "2017-06-21T16:06:56Z"
-		'timestamp', to_char(study_geno.update_date::timestamp at time zone 'UTC', 'YYYY-MM-DD"T"HH24:MI:SS"Z"')
-	),
-	-- Trials = NA
-	'trialDbId', NULL,
-	'trialName', NULL,
-	'trialDbIds', NULL,
-	-- Program = GnpIS project
-	'programDbId', text(program.project_code),
-	'programName', program.project_name,
-	-- Seasons = NA
-	'seasons', NULL,
-	-- Location = NA
-	'locationDbId', NULL,
-	'locationName', NULL,
-	-- Location for study details => fetch location detail from location index
-	'location', NULL,
-	-- Data links = GnpIS data files
-	'dataLinks', array(
-		SELECT json_build_object(
-			'name', dataLink.file_name,
-			'type',,
-			'url', '' || dataLink.file_path || '/' || dataLink.file_name
-		)
-		FROM data_file_t dataLink
-		JOIN bio_type_t dataLinkType ON dataLinkType.bio_type_id = dataLink.file_type_id
-		WHERE dataLink.file_id = study_geno.datafile_id
-	),
+	'additionalInfo', NULL,
+	'commonCropName', NULL,
 	-- Contacts = GnpIS contacts
 	'contacts', array(
 		SELECT json_build_object(
@@ -213,9 +181,35 @@ SELECT json_build_object(
 		JOIN institution_t contactInstitution ON contact.institution_id = contactInstitution.institution_id
 		WHERE contact.contact_id = study_geno.contact_id
+	'culturalPractices', NULL,
-	-- Observation variables = NA
-	'observationVariableDbIds', NULL,
+	-- Data links = GnpIS data files
+	'dataLinks', array(
+		SELECT json_build_object(
+		    'dataFormat', NULL,
+            'description', NULL,
+            'fileFormat', NULL,
+        	'name', dataLink.file_name,
+        	'provenance', NULL,
+        	'scientifiqueType',,
+        	'url', '' || dataLink.file_path || '/' || dataLink.file_name,
+        	'version', NULL
+        )
+		FROM data_file_t dataLink
+		JOIN bio_type_t dataLinkType ON dataLinkType.bio_type_id = dataLink.file_type_id
+		WHERE dataLink.file_id = study_geno.datafile_id
+	),
+	-- Study = GnpIS genotyping experiment
+	'documentationURL', (
+		CASE study_geno.group_id
+			WHEN 0 THEN CONCAT(:'gnpisBaseURL', 'GnpSNP/snp/genotyping/', study_geno.genotyping_experiment_id)
+		END
+	),
+	'endDate', NULL,
+	'environmentParameters', NULL,
+	'experimentaDesign', NULL,
+	'externalReferences', NULL,
 	-- Germplasm = GnpIS accessions
 	'germplasmDbIds', array(
@@ -225,9 +219,46 @@ SELECT json_build_object(
 		JOIN genotyping_exp_lot_t studyLot ON studyLot.lot_id = lot.lot_id
 		WHERE studyLot.genotyping_experiment_id = study_geno.genotyping_experiment_id
+	'groupId', study_geno.group_id,
+	'growthFacility', NULL,
+	'lastUpdate', json_build_object(
+		'version', NULL,
+		-- Print ISO date format ex: "2017-06-21T16:06:56Z"
+		'timestamp', to_char(study_geno.update_date::timestamp at time zone 'UTC', 'YYYY-MM-DD"T"HH24:MI:SS"Z"')
+	),
+	'license', NULL,
-	-- Additional info = NA
-	'additionalInfo', NULL
+	-- Location for study details => fetch location detail from location index
+	'location', NULL,
+	'locationDbId', NULL,
+	'locationName', NULL,
+	'name', study_geno.genotyping_experiment_name,
+	'observationLevels', NULL,
+	'observationUnitsDescription', NULL,
+	'observationVariableDbIds', NULL,
+	-- Program = GnpIS project
+	'programDbId', text(program.project_code),
+	'programName', program.project_name,
+	'seasons', NULL,
+	'startDate', NULL,
+	'studyCode', NULL,
+	'studyDbId', text(study_geno.genotyping_experiment_id),
+	'studyDescription', NULL,
+	'studyName', study_geno.genotyping_experiment_name,
+	'studyPUI', NULL,
+	'studyType', (
+			WHEN is null THEN 'Genotyping Study'
+			ELSE
+		END
+	),
+	-- Trials = NA
+	'trialDbId', NULL,
+	'trialName', NULL,
+	'trialDbIds', NULL	
 FROM genotyping_experiment_t study_geno

From d2a956ed84064aeb8ce32744d447f3c014670a63 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "maud.marty" <>
Date: Mon, 23 Oct 2023 17:40:28 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 09/23] WIP: location.sql

 .../gnpis-pg-to-json/location.sql             | 127 ++++++++++--------
 1 file changed, 69 insertions(+), 58 deletions(-)

diff --git a/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/location.sql b/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/location.sql
index 10d1eb2..2d058b0 100644
--- a/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/location.sql
+++ b/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/location.sql
@@ -8,44 +8,9 @@
 \set ON_ERROR_STOP true
 SELECT json_build_object(
-	'groupId', location.group_id,
-	-- Location = GnpIS site
-	'documentationURL', NULL,
-	'locationDbId', text(location.site_id),
+    'locationDbId', text(location.site_id),
 	'locationName', location.site_name,
-	'name', location.site_name, --removed in BrAPI v2
 	'abbreviation', NULL,
-	'locationType', locationType.name_en,
-	-- Country = GnpIS geographical location ontology term
-	'countryCode', locationCountry.textual_code,
-	'countryName', locationCountry.name_en,
-	-- Institution = GnpIS site landowner
-	'instituteName', locationInstitution.institution_name,
-	'instituteAddress', nullif(concat_ws(
-		', ',
-		nullif(concat_ws(
-			' ',
-			nullif(locationInstitutionAddress.postal_box, ''),
-			nullif(locationInstitutionAddress.address, '')
-		), ''),
-		nullif(concat_ws(
-			' ',
-			nullif(nullif(locationInstitutionAddress.postcode, ''), '_'),
-			nullif(, ''),
-			nullif(locationInstitutionAddress.cedex, '')
-		), ''),
-		nullif(locationInstitutionAddressCountry.name_en, '')
-	), ''),
-	'altitude', location.elevation,
-	'latitude', location.latitude,
-	'longitude', location.longitude,
 	-- Additional info = GnpIS site info
 	'additionalInfo', (
@@ -55,22 +20,11 @@ SELECT json_build_object(
 			FROM site_info_t locationAdditionalInfo
 			WHERE locationAdditionalInfo.site_id = location.site_id
-			SELECT 'Site status' AS key, ot.name_en AS value
-			FROM ontology_term_t ot
-			WHERE location.status_id = ot.ontology_term_id
 			SELECT 'Coordinates precision' AS key, ot.name_en AS value
 			FROM ontology_term_t ot
 			WHERE location.coordinates_precision_id = ot.ontology_term_id
-			SELECT 'Slope' AS key, location.slope AS value
-			SELECT 'Exposure'AS key, location.exposure AS value
 			SELECT 'Geographical location'AS key, string_agg(geoLocation.name_en, ' > ') AS value
 			FROM site_t site
@@ -99,22 +53,79 @@ SELECT json_build_object(
 			FROM ontology_term_t directionFromCity
 			WHERE location.direction_from_city_id = directionFromCity.ontology_term_id
-			SELECT 'Environment type' AS key, environmentType.name_en AS value
-			FROM ontology_term_t environmentType
-			WHERE location.environment_type_id = environmentType.ontology_term_id
-			SELECT 'Topography' AS key, topography.name_en AS value
-			FROM ontology_term_t topography
-			WHERE topography.ontology_term_id = location.topography_id
 			SELECT 'Comment' AS key, string_agg(distinct(tra.translated_name), ', ') AS value
 			FROM translations_t tra
 			WHERE tra.commented_site_id = location.site_id --group by location.site_id
 		) AS addInfo
-	)
+	),
+	'coordinateDescription', NULL,
+	'coordinateUncertainty', NULL,
+	'coordinates', json_build_object(
+	    'geometry', NULL,
+	    'type', NULL
+	),
+	-- Country = GnpIS geographical location ontology term
+    'countryCode', locationCountry.textual_code,
+    'countryName', locationCountry.name_en,
+    'documentationURL', NULL,
+    'environmentType', (
+        SELECT environmentType.name_en
+        FROM ontology_term_t environmentType
+        WHERE location.environment_type_id = environmentType.ontology_term_id
+    ),
+    'exposure', location.exposure,
+    'externalReferences', json_build_object(
+        'referenceID', NULL,
+        'referenceId', NULL,
+        'referenceSource', NULL
+    ),
+	'groupId', location.group_id,
+	-- Institution = GnpIS site landowner
+    'instituteAddress', nullif(concat_ws(
+    		', ',
+    		nullif(concat_ws(
+    			' ',
+    			nullif(locationInstitutionAddress.postal_box, ''),
+    			nullif(locationInstitutionAddress.address, '')
+    		), ''),
+    		nullif(concat_ws(
+    			' ',
+    			nullif(nullif(locationInstitutionAddress.postcode, ''), '_'),
+    			nullif(, ''),
+    			nullif(locationInstitutionAddress.cedex, '')
+    		), ''),
+    		-- COUNTRY
+    		nullif(locationInstitutionAddressCountry.name_en, '')
+    	), ''),
+	'instituteName', locationInstitution.institution_name,
+	'locationType', locationType.name_en,
+    'parentLocationDbId', NULL,
+    'parentLocationName', NULL,
+    'siteStatus', (
+        SELECT ot.name_en
+    	FROM ontology_term_t ot
+    	WHERE location.status_id = ot.ontology_term_id
+    ),
+    'slope', location.slope,
+    'topography', (
+        SELECT topography.name_en
+    	FROM ontology_term_t topography
+    	WHERE topography.ontology_term_id = location.topography_id
+    ),
+	'altitude', location.elevation,
+	'latitude', location.latitude,
+	'longitude', location.longitude
 FROM site_t location

From e70051082d19b586c3d6e68f659fbf7e234577c8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "maud.marty" <>
Date: Mon, 23 Oct 2023 17:40:37 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 10/23] WIP: trial.sql

 .../gnpis-pg-to-json/trial.sql                | 108 ++++++++++--------
 1 file changed, 61 insertions(+), 47 deletions(-)

diff --git a/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/trial.sql b/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/trial.sql
index 98a8c45..b1f85cd 100644
--- a/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/trial.sql
+++ b/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/trial.sql
@@ -8,58 +8,72 @@
 \set ON_ERROR_STOP true
 SELECT json_build_object(
-	'groupId', trial.group_id,
-	'documentationURL', (
-		CASE trial.group_id
-			WHEN 0 THEN CONCAT(:'gnpisBaseURL', 'ephesis/ephesis/', trial.trial_set_id)
-		END
-	),
+    'trialDbId', text(trial.trial_set_id),
+    'trialName', trial.trial_set_name,
-	-- Trial = GnpIS trial set
-	'trialDbId', text(trial.trial_set_id),
-	'trialPUI', nullif(trial.pui, ''),
-	'trialName', trial.trial_set_name,
-	'trialType',,
-	'startDate', NULL,
-	'endDate', NULL,
-	'active', NULL,
-	'datasetAuthorship', json_build_object(
-		'license', NULL,
-		'datasetPUI', nullif(trial.pui, '')
-	),
+    'active', NULL,
+    'additionalInfo', NULL,
+    'commonCropName', NULL,
-	-- Contacts = GnpIS trial contacts
-	'contacts', array(
-		SELECT json_build_object(
-			'contactDbId', text(contact.contact_id),
-			'name', contact.first_name || ' ' || contact.last_name,
-			'institutionName', nullif(contactInstitution.institution_name, 'unknown'),
-			'email',,
-			'type', studyContact.contact_type,
-			'orcid', NULL
-		)
-		FROM contact_t contact
-		JOIN trial_trial_set_t trialStudy ON trialStudy.trial_sets_id = trial.trial_set_id
-		JOIN trial_contact_t studyContact ON contact.contact_id = studyContact.contact_id AND studyContact.trial_id = trialStudy.trials_id
-		LEFT JOIN institution_t contactInstitution ON contact.institution_id = contactInstitution.institution_id
-		GROUP BY contact.contact_id, contactInstitution.institution_name, studyContact.contact_type
-	),
+    -- Contacts = GnpIS trial contacts
+    'contacts', array(
+        SELECT json_build_object(
+    	    'contactDbId', text(contact.contact_id),
+    		'name', contact.first_name || ' ' || contact.last_name,
+    		'instituteName', nullif(contactInstitution.institution_name, 'unknown'),
+    		'email',,
+    		'type', studyContact.contact_type,
+    		'orcid', NULL
+    	)
+    	FROM contact_t contact
+   		JOIN trial_trial_set_t trialStudy ON trialStudy.trial_sets_id = trial.trial_set_id
+   		JOIN trial_contact_t studyContact ON contact.contact_id = studyContact.contact_id AND studyContact.trial_id = trialStudy.trials_id
+   		LEFT JOIN institution_t contactInstitution ON contact.institution_id = contactInstitution.institution_id
+   		GROUP BY contact.contact_id, contactInstitution.institution_name, studyContact.contact_type
+   	),
-	-- Studies = GnpIS trials
-	'studies', array(
-		SELECT json_build_object(
-			'studyDbId', text(study.trial_number),
-			'studyName',,
-			'locationDbId', text(studyLocation.site_id),
-			'locationName', studyLocation.site_name
-		)
-		FROM trial_t study
-		JOIN trial_trial_set_t trialStudy ON trialStudy.trials_id = study.trial_id AND trialStudy.trial_sets_id = trial.trial_set_id
-		LEFT JOIN site_t studyLocation ON studyLocation.site_id = study.site_id
+    'datasetAuthorships', json_build_object(
+        'datasetPUI', nullif(trial.pui, ''),
+        'license', NULL,
+        'publicReleaseDate', NULL,
+        'submissionDate', NULL
+    ),
+    'documentationURL', (
+    	CASE trial.group_id
+    		WHEN 0 THEN CONCAT(:'gnpisBaseURL', 'ephesis/ephesis/', trial.trial_set_id)
+    	END
+    ),
+    'endDate', NULL,
+    'externalReferences', json_build_object(
+        'referenceID', NULL,
+        'referenceId', NULL,
+        'referenceSource', NULL
+    ),
+	'groupId', trial.group_id,
+	'programDbId', NULL,
+	'programName', NULL,
+	'publications', json_build_object(
+	    'publicationPUI', NULL,
+	    'publicationReference', NULL
+    'startDate', NULL,
+    -- Studies = GnpIS trials
+    'studies', array(
+    	SELECT json_build_object(
+    		'studyDbId', text(study.trial_number),
+    		'studyName',,
+    		'locationDbId', text(studyLocation.site_id),
+    		'locationName', studyLocation.site_name
+    	)
+    	FROM trial_t study
+    	JOIN trial_trial_set_t trialStudy ON trialStudy.trials_id = study.trial_id AND trialStudy.trial_sets_id = trial.trial_set_id
+    	LEFT JOIN site_t studyLocation ON studyLocation.site_id = study.site_id
+    ),
+	'trialPUI', nullif(trial.pui, ''),
+	'trialType',
-	-- Additional info
-	'additionalInfo', NULL
 FROM trial_set_t trial

From 5a62ad77cfbdf539805010de03069f24020a29fc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "maud.marty" <>
Date: Mon, 23 Oct 2023 17:40:56 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 11/23] WIP: program.sql

 .../gnpis-pg-to-json/program.sql              | 25 +++++++++++++------
 1 file changed, 17 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diff --git a/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/program.sql b/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/program.sql
index 61f115b..90290c0 100644
--- a/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/program.sql
+++ b/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/program.sql
@@ -8,14 +8,22 @@
 \set ON_ERROR_STOP true
 SELECT json_build_object(
+    'programDbId', text(program.project_code),
+    'programName', program.project_name,
+    'abbreviation', program.project_code,
+    'additionalInfo', NULL,
+    'commonCropName', NULL,
+    'documentationURL', NULL,
+    'externalReferences', json_build_object(
+        'referenceID', NULL,
+        'referenceId', NULL,
+        'referenceSource', NULL
+    ),
+    'fundingInformation', NULL,
 	'groupId', program.group_id,
-	-- Program = GnpIS project
-	'documentationURL', NULL,
-	'programDbId', text(program.project_code),
-	'programName', program.project_name,
-	'abbreviation', program.project_code,
-	'commonCropName', NULL,
 	'leadPerson', (
 		SELECT programLeadPerson.first_name || ' ' || programLeadPerson.last_name
 		FROM project_coordinator_t programLead
@@ -25,7 +33,8 @@ SELECT json_build_object(
 	), --removed in BrAPI v2
 	--'leadPersonDbId', leadPerson.contact_id,
-	'objective', NULL
+	'objective', NULL,
+	'programType', NULL
 FROM project_t program

From 14d028f8e24aeb3cabeda488d03bc2fce2854831 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "maud.marty" <>
Date: Mon, 23 Oct 2023 17:41:43 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 12/23] Delete specific germplasmMcpd

 .../gnpis-pg-to-json/germplasmMcpd.sql        | 345 ------------------
 1 file changed, 345 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/germplasmMcpd.sql

diff --git a/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/germplasmMcpd.sql b/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/germplasmMcpd.sql
deleted file mode 100644
index 2785ced..0000000
--- a/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/germplasmMcpd.sql
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,345 +0,0 @@
--- Warning: The name of this file is used as the elasticsearch document type name
--- Example of usage:
--- psql --host -p 9122 -U scratchy -d scratchy -A -t -f germplasmMcpd.sql -v faidareURL= > germplasmMcpd.json
--- Making sure to stop psql with non-zero exit code on any error
-\set ON_ERROR_STOP true
-SELECT json_build_object(
-	'groupId', a.group_id,
-	'germplasmDbId', text(a.accession_id),
-	'germplasmPUI', a.puid,
-	'accessionNumber', a.accession_number,
-	'alternateIDs', array[
-		a.accession_number,
-		a.puid,
-		text(a.accession_id)
-	],
-	'accessionNames', array(
-		select a.accession_name
-		select distinct(accsyn.accession_synonym_name)
-		from accession_synonym_t accsyn
-		where accsyn.accession_id = a.accession_id
-	),
-	'commonCropName', (
-			WHEN ta.dataset_id = (select dataset_id from dataset_t where dataset_name = 'Forest tree taxa') AND a.taxon_group != 'Cherry' AND a.taxon_group != 'Walnut' THEN 'Forest tree'
-			ELSE a.taxon_group
-		END
-	),
-	'acquisitionDate', a.collecting_date,
-	'acquisitionSourceCode', collecting_site.environment_type,
-	'ancestralData', a.pedigree,
-	'biologicalStatusOfAccessionCode', biostat.numeric_code,
-	'breedingInstitutes', array(
-		SELECT json_build_object(
-			'instituteName', bi.institution_name,
-			'instituteCode', bi.fao_code,
-			'acronym', bi.acronym,
-			'organisation', bi.organization,
-			'instituteType', bi_type.name_en,
-			'webSite', bi.internet_site,
-			'instituteAddress', trim(concat_ws(', ',
-				CASE WHEN bi_address.address is not null and bi_address.address != '' THEN bi_address.address END,
-				CASE WHEN bi_address.postal_box is not null and bi_address.postal_box != '' THEN bi_address.postal_box END,
-				CASE WHEN trim(concat_ws(' ', bi_address.postcode,, bi_address.cedex)) != '' THEN trim(concat_ws(' ', bi_address.postcode,, bi_address.cedex)) END,
-				CASE WHEN bi_address_country.name_en is not null and bi_address_country.name_en != '' THEN bi_address_country.name_en END
-			)),
-			'logo', '' || bi.institution_logo
-		)
-		FROM institution_t bi
-		LEFT JOIN ontology_term_t bi_type ON bi_type.ontology_term_id = bi.institution_type_id
-		LEFT JOIN address_t bi_address ON bi_address.address_id = bi.address_id
-		LEFT JOIN ontology_term_t bi_address_country ON bi_address_country.ontology_term_id = bi_address.country_id
-		WHERE bi.institution_id = a.breeder_institution_id
-	),
-	'breederAccessionNumber', a.breeder_accession_number,
-	'breedingCreationYear', a.breeding_creation_year,
-	'catalogRegistrationYear', a.catalog_registration_year,
-	'catalogDeregistrationYear', a.catalog_deregistration_year,
-	'collectingInfo', json_build_object(
-		'collectingDate', a.collecting_date,
-		'collectingInstitutes', array(
-			SELECT json_build_object(
-				'instituteName', ci.institution_name,
-				'instituteCode', ci.fao_code,
-				'acronym', ci.acronym,
-				'organisation', ci.organization,
-				'instituteType', ci_type.name_en,
-				'webSite', ci.internet_site,
-				'instituteAddress', trim(concat_ws(', ',
-					CASE WHEN ci_address.address is not null and ci_address.address != '' THEN ci_address.address END,
-					CASE WHEN ci_address.postal_box is not null and ci_address.postal_box != '' THEN ci_address.postal_box END,
-					CASE WHEN trim(concat_ws(' ', ci_address.postcode,, ci_address.cedex)) != '' THEN trim(concat_ws(' ', ci_address.postcode,, ci_address.cedex)) END,
-					CASE WHEN ci_address_country.name_en is not null and ci_address_country.name_en != '' THEN ci_address_country.name_en END
-				)),
-				'logo', '' || ci.institution_logo
-			)
-			FROM institution_t ci
-			LEFT JOIN ontology_term_t ci_type ON ci_type.ontology_term_id = ci.institution_type_id
-			LEFT JOIN address_t ci_address ON ci_address.address_id = ci.address_id
-			LEFT JOIN ontology_term_t ci_address_country ON ci_address_country.ontology_term_id = ci_address.country_id
-			WHERE ci.institution_id = a.collector_institution_id
-		),
-		'collectingMissionIdentifier', null,
-		'collectingNumber', a.collecting_number,
-		'collectors', a.collectors_list,
-		'materialType', cmt.name_en,
-		'collectingSite', json_build_object(
-			'locationDbId', text(collecting_site.site_id),
-			'locationName', collecting_site.site_name,
-			'coordinateUncertainty', null,
-			'elevation', collecting_site.elevation,
-			'georeferencingMethod', null,
-			'latitudeDecimal', collecting_site.latitude,
-			'latitudeDegrees', null,
-			'locationDescription', collecting_site.description,
-			'longitudeDecimal', collecting_site.longitude,
-			'longitudeDegrees', null,
-			'spatialReferenceSystem', null
-		)
-	),
-	'countryOfOriginCode', originCountry.name_en,
-	'originLocationDbId', text(origin_site.site_id),
-	'originLocationName', origin_site.site_name,
-	'donorInfo', array(
-		SELECT json_build_object(
-			'donorAccessionNumber', a.donor_accession_number,
-			'donorInstitute', json_build_object(
-				'instituteName', donor.institution_name,
-				'instituteCode', donor.fao_code,
-				'acronym', donor.acronym,
-				'organisation', donor.organization,
-				'instituteType', donor_type.name_en,
-				'webSite', donor.internet_site,
-				'instituteAddress', trim(concat_ws(', ',
-					CASE WHEN address.address is not null and address.address != '' THEN address.address END,
-					CASE WHEN address.postal_box is not null and address.postal_box != '' THEN address.postal_box END,
-					CASE WHEN trim(concat_ws(' ', address.postcode,, address.cedex)) != '' THEN trim(concat_ws(' ', address.postcode,, address.cedex)) END,
-					CASE WHEN address_country.name_en is not null and address_country.name_en != '' THEN address_country.name_en END
-				)),
-				'logo', '' || donor.institution_logo
-			),
-			'donationDate', a.donation_date
-		)
-		FROM institution_t donor
-		LEFT JOIN ontology_term_t donor_type ON donor_type.ontology_term_id = donor.institution_type_id
-		LEFT JOIN address_t address ON address.address_id = donor.address_id
-		LEFT JOIN ontology_term_t address_country ON address_country.ontology_term_id = address.country_id
-		WHERE donor.institution_id = a.donor_institution_id
-	),
-	'genus', (
-			WHEN ta.genus is not null AND ta.genus != '' THEN ta.genus
-			ELSE ''
-		END
-	),
-	'species', ta.species,
-	'speciesAuthority', species.author_list,
-	'subtaxon', trim(concat_ws(' ',
-		CASE WHEN ta.subspecies is not null AND ta.subspecies != '' THEN 'subsp. ' || ta.subspecies END,
-		CASE WHEN ta.variety is not null AND ta.variety != '' THEN 'var. ' || ta.variety END,
-		CASE WHEN ta.cultivar is not null AND ta.cultivar != '' THEN 'cv. ' || ta.cultivar END,
-		CASE WHEN ta.form is not null AND ta.form != '' THEN 'f. ' || ta.form END,
-		CASE WHEN ta.tax_group is not null AND ta.tax_group != '' THEN 'gr. ' || ta.tax_group END,
-		CASE WHEN ta.subgroup is not null AND ta.subgroup != '' THEN 'sgr. ' || ta.subgroup END
-	)),
-	'subtaxonAuthority', (
-			WHEN (ta.subspecies is not null AND ta.subspecies != '')
-				OR (ta.variety is not null AND ta.variety != '')
-				OR (ta.cultivar is not null AND ta.cultivar != '')
-				OR (ta.form is not null AND ta.form != '')
-				OR (ta.tax_group is not null AND ta.tax_group != '')
-				OR (ta.subgroup is not null AND ta.subgroup != '')
-				THEN ta.author_list
-			ELSE ''
-		END
-	),
-	'instituteCode', hi.fao_code,
-	'holdingInstitute', json_build_object(
-		'instituteName', hi.institution_name,
-		'instituteCode', hi.fao_code,
-		'acronym', hi.acronym,
-		'organisation', hi.organization,
-		'instituteType', hi_type.name_en,
-		'webSite', hi.internet_site,
-		'instituteAddress', trim(concat_ws(', ',
-			CASE WHEN hi_address.address is not null and hi_address.address != '' THEN hi_address.address END,
-			CASE WHEN hi_address.postal_box is not null and hi_address.postal_box != '' THEN hi_address.postal_box END,
-			CASE WHEN trim(concat_ws(' ', hi_address.postcode,, hi_address.cedex)) != '' THEN trim(concat_ws(' ', hi_address.postcode,, hi_address.cedex)) END,
-			CASE WHEN hi_address_country.name_en is not null and hi_address_country.name_en != '' THEN hi_address_country.name_en END
-		)),
-		'logo', '' || hi.institution_logo
-	),
-	'holdingGenbank', json_build_object (
-		'instituteName', (
-			CASE WHEN grc_name.translated_name is not null and grc_name.translated_name != '' THEN grc_name.translated_name END
-		),
-		'instituteCode', grc.grc_code,
-		'webSite', grc.internet_site,
-		'logo', CASE WHEN grc.grc_code is not null THEN '' END
-	),
-    'mlsStatus', (
-        select
-            CASE string_agg(distinct(ott.textual_code), ', ')
-                WHEN 'MLS' THEN '1'
-                ELSE '0'
-                END
-        from accession_distributor_t ad
-        join ontology_term_t ott on ott.ontology_term_id = ad.distribution_status_id
-        where ad.accession_id = a.accession_id
-    ),
-	'geneticNature', genetic_nature.name_en,
-	'presenceStatus', pres_status.name_en,
-	'remarks', agg_accession_comments.accession_comments,
-	'safetyDuplicateInstitues', array[
-		json_build_object(
-			'instituteCode', null,
-			'instituteName', null
-		)
-	],
-	'storageTypeCodes', array[''],
-	'distributorInfos', array(
-		SELECT json_build_object(
-			'institute', json_build_object(
-				'instituteName', di.institution_name,
-				'instituteCode', di.fao_code,
-				'acronym', di.acronym,
-				'organisation', di.organization,
-				'instituteType', di_type.name_en,
-				'webSite', di.internet_site,
-				'instituteAddress', trim(concat_ws(', ',
-					CASE WHEN di_address.address is not null AND di_address.address != '' THEN di_address.address END,
-					CASE WHEN di_address.postal_box is not null AND di_address.postal_box != '' THEN di_address.postal_box END,
-					CASE WHEN trim(concat_ws(' ', di_address.postcode,, di_address.cedex)) != '' THEN trim(concat_ws(' ', di_address.postcode,, di_address.cedex)) END,
-					CASE WHEN di_address_country.name_en is not null AND di_address_country.name_en != '' THEN di_address_country.name_en END
-				)),
-				'logo', '' || di.institution_logo
-			),
-			'accessionNumber', ad.distributor_accession_number,
-			'distributionStatus', ot.name_en
-		)
-		FROM accession_distributor_t ad
-		JOIN ontology_term_t ot ON ot.ontology_term_id = ad.distribution_status_id
-		JOIN institution_t di ON di.institution_id = ad.distributor_institution_id
-		LEFT JOIN ontology_term_t di_type ON di_type.ontology_term_id = di.institution_type_id
-		LEFT JOIN address_t di_address ON di_address.address_id = di.address_id
-		LEFT JOIN ontology_term_t di_address_country ON di_address_country.ontology_term_id = di_address.country_id
-		WHERE ad.accession_id = a.accession_id
-	)
-FROM accession_t a
--- taxon
-JOIN taxon_t ta ON a.taxon_id = ta.taxon_id
--- Recursive join to get species authors
-    WITH RECURSIVE tax(taxon_id, rank, parent_id, author_list) AS (
-        SELECT tax.taxon_id,, tax.parent_id, tax.author_list
-        FROM taxon_t tax
-                 JOIN bio_type_t bt ON bt.bio_type_id = tax.rank_id
-        UNION ALL
-        SELECT tax.taxon_id,, parent_tax.parent_id, parent_tax.author_list
-        FROM tax
-                 JOIN taxon_t parent_tax ON parent_tax.taxon_id = tax.parent_id
-                 JOIN bio_type_t bt ON bt.bio_type_id = parent_tax.rank_id
-    )
-    SELECT * FROM tax
-    WHERE rank = 'species'
-) AS species ON species.taxon_id = ta.taxon_id
--- biological status
-LEFT JOIN ontology_term_t biostat ON biostat.ontology_term_id = a.biological_status_id
--- genetic nature
-LEFT JOIN ontology_term_t genetic_nature ON genetic_nature.ontology_term_id = a.genetic_nature_id
--- aggregates accession comments in one line
-	SELECT acc.accession_id, string_agg(distinct(translated_name), ', ') AS accession_comments
-	FROM translations_t tra
-	JOIN accession_t acc ON tra.commented_accession_id = acc.accession_id
-	GROUP BY acc.accession_id
-) AS agg_accession_comments ON agg_accession_comments.accession_id = a.accession_id
--- holding institution
-LEFT JOIN institution_t hi ON hi.institution_id = a.holding_institution_id
-LEFT JOIN ontology_term_t hi_type ON hi_type.ontology_term_id = hi.institution_type_id
-LEFT JOIN address_t hi_address ON hi_address.address_id = hi.address_id
-LEFT JOIN ontology_term_t hi_address_country ON hi_address_country.ontology_term_id = hi_address.country_id
--- grc
-LEFT JOIN grc_t grc ON grc.grc_id = a.grc_id
-	SELECT grc_tra.named_grc_id, grc_tra.translated_name
-	FROM translations_t grc_tra
-	JOIN languages_t l ON grc_tra.language_id = l.language_id
-	WHERE l.language_code = 'en'
-) AS grc_name ON grc_name.named_grc_id = a.grc_id
--- presence status
-LEFT JOIN ontology_term_t pres_status ON pres_status.ontology_term_id = a.presence_status_id
--- origin site
-	SELECT s.site_id, s.site_name, s.latitude, s.longitude, ot.name_en AS site_type
-	FROM site_t s
-	JOIN ontology_term_t ot ON ot.ontology_term_id = s.site_type_id
-) AS origin_site ON origin_site.site_id = a.origin_site_id
--- Recursive join on site_t.geographical_location_id = ontology_term_t.ontology_term_id
--- Select geographical location level = COUNTRY or OLD_COUNTRY
-	WITH RECURSIVE geo(site_id, level_textual_code, ontology_term_id, parent_id, textual_code, name_en) AS (
-		SELECT location.site_id, level.textual_code, geo.ontology_term_id, geo.parent_id, geo.textual_code, geo.name_en
-		FROM ontology_term_t geo
-		JOIN site_t location ON location.geographical_location_id = geo.ontology_term_id
-		LEFT JOIN ontology_term_t level ON level.ontology_term_id = geo.term_level_id
-		SELECT geo.site_id, level.textual_code, parent_geo.ontology_term_id, parent_geo.parent_id, parent_geo.textual_code, parent_geo.name_en
-		FROM geo
-		JOIN ontology_term_t parent_geo ON parent_geo.ontology_term_id = geo.parent_id
-		LEFT JOIN ontology_term_t level ON level.ontology_term_id = parent_geo.term_level_id
-	)
-    SELECT DISTINCT ON (site_id) site_id, level_textual_code, ontology_term_id, parent_id, textual_code, name_en
-    FROM geo
-	WHERE level_textual_code = 'COUNTRY' OR level_textual_code = 'OLD_COUNTRY'
-) AS originCountry ON originCountry.site_id = a.origin_site_id
--- collecting site
-    SELECT s.site_id, s.site_name, s.latitude, s.longitude, s.elevation, ot.name_en AS site_type, ot2.numeric_code AS environment_type, string_agg(distinct(t.translated_name), ', ') AS description
-    FROM site_t s
-             JOIN ontology_term_t ot ON ot.ontology_term_id = s.site_type_id
-             LEFT JOIN ontology_term_t ot2 ON ot2.ontology_term_id = s.environment_type_id
-             LEFT JOIN translations_t t ON t.commented_site_id = s.site_id
-    GROUP BY s.site_id, s.site_name, s.latitude, s.longitude, s.elevation, site_type, environment_type
-) AS collecting_site ON collecting_site.site_id = a.site_id
--- collector
-LEFT JOIN institution_t ci ON ci.institution_id = a.collector_institution_id
-LEFT JOIN ontology_term_t ci_type ON ci_type.ontology_term_id = ci.institution_type_id
-LEFT JOIN address_t ci_address ON ci_address.address_id = ci.address_id
-LEFT JOIN ontology_term_t ci_address_country ON ci_address_country.ontology_term_id = ci_address.country_id
--- breeder
-LEFT JOIN institution_t bi ON bi.institution_id = a.breeder_institution_id
-LEFT JOIN ontology_term_t bi_type ON bi_type.ontology_term_id = bi.institution_type_id
-LEFT JOIN address_t bi_address ON bi_address.address_id = bi.address_id
-LEFT JOIN ontology_term_t bi_address_country ON bi_address_country.ontology_term_id = bi_address.country_id
--- collected material type
-LEFT JOIN ontology_term_t cmt ON cmt.ontology_term_id = a.collected_material_type_id
--- dataset
-LEFT JOIN dataset_t ds ON ds.dataset_id = a.dataset_id
-WHERE a.accession_id between :startPageId and :endPageId
---ORDER BY a.insertion_date

From 969e7b666649bea924bb81d47e355ba750b6fba2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "maud.marty" <>
Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2023 17:15:07 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 13/23] Typo

 etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/study.sql | 4 ++--
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/study.sql b/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/study.sql
index ef0617b..53a769e 100644
--- a/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/study.sql
+++ b/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/study.sql
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ SELECT json_build_object(
 	'endDate', to_char(study_pheno.date_end, 'YYYY-MM-dd'),
     'environmentParameters', NULL,
-	'experimentaDesign', NULL,
+	'experimentalDesign', NULL,
 	'externalReferences', NULL,
 	-- Germplasm = GnpIS accessions
@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ SELECT json_build_object(
 	'endDate', NULL,
 	'environmentParameters', NULL,
-	'experimentaDesign', NULL,
+	'experimentalDesign', NULL,
 	'externalReferences', NULL,
 	-- Germplasm = GnpIS accessions

From d221492cf32c96cc4b1951e2568de53b8e56eb3a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "maud.marty" <>
Date: Wed, 15 Nov 2023 15:17:42 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 14/23] Some corrections

 etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/study.sql | 10 +++++-----
 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/study.sql b/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/study.sql
index 53a769e..9d8ba22 100644
--- a/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/study.sql
+++ b/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/study.sql
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ SELECT json_build_object(
 	'endDate', to_char(study_pheno.date_end, 'YYYY-MM-dd'),
     'environmentParameters', NULL,
-	'experimentalDesign', NULL,
+	'experimentalDesign', trial_t.trial_design,
 	'externalReferences', NULL,
 	-- Germplasm = GnpIS accessions
@@ -117,9 +117,9 @@ SELECT json_build_object(
 	'startDate', to_char(study_pheno.date_begin, 'YYYY-MM-dd'),
-	'studyCode', NULL,
+	'studyCode', trial_t.trial_number,
 	'studyDbId', text(study_pheno.trial_number),
-	'studyDescription', NULL,
+	'studyDescription', trial_t.description,
 	'studyPUI', NULL,
 	'studyType', (
@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ SELECT json_build_object(
 	'endDate', NULL,
 	'environmentParameters', NULL,
-	'experimentalDesign', NULL,
+	'experimentalDesign', trial_t.trial_design,
 	'externalReferences', NULL,
 	-- Germplasm = GnpIS accessions
@@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ SELECT json_build_object(
 	'programName', program.project_name,
 	'seasons', NULL,
 	'startDate', NULL,
-	'studyCode', NULL,
+	'studyCode', trial_t.trial_number,
 	'studyDbId', text(study_geno.genotyping_experiment_id),
 	'studyDescription', NULL,
 	'studyName', study_geno.genotyping_experiment_name,

From 2d62e148f7a4fbe3ad68496a556807f2df15be4f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "maud.marty" <>
Date: Wed, 15 Nov 2023 15:53:03 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 15/23] Corrections

 .../gnpis-pg-to-json/program.sql              |  5 ++-
 .../gnpis-pg-to-json/study.sql                | 32 ++++++++++++++++---
 .../gnpis-pg-to-json/trial.sql                |  7 +++-
 3 files changed, 37 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/program.sql b/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/program.sql
index 90290c0..dbfc081 100644
--- a/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/program.sql
+++ b/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/program.sql
@@ -13,7 +13,10 @@ SELECT json_build_object(
     'programName', program.project_name,
     'abbreviation', program.project_code,
-    'additionalInfo', NULL,
+    'additionalInfo', (
+        SELECT project_t.short_remark
+        FROM project_t
+    ),
     'commonCropName', NULL,
     'documentationURL', NULL,
     'externalReferences', json_build_object(
diff --git a/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/study.sql b/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/study.sql
index 9d8ba22..1b91ede 100644
--- a/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/study.sql
+++ b/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/study.sql
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ SELECT json_build_object(
 		FROM data_file_t dataLink
 		JOIN bio_type_t dataLinkType ON dataLinkType.bio_type_id = dataLink.file_type_id
 		WHERE dataLink.trial_id = study_pheno.trial_id
+	),
 	-- Study = GnpIS trial
 	'documentationURL', (
@@ -69,8 +69,19 @@ SELECT json_build_object(
 	'endDate', to_char(study_pheno.date_end, 'YYYY-MM-dd'),
-    'environmentParameters', NULL,
-	'experimentalDesign', trial_t.trial_design,
+    'environmentParameters', json_build_object(
+        "description", NULL,
+        "parameterName", NULL,
+        "parameterPUI", NULL,
+        "unit", NULL,
+        "unitPUI", NULL,
+        "value", NULL,
+        "valuePUI", NULL
+    ),
+	"experimentalDesign", json_build_object(
+	    "PUI", NULL,
+	    "description", trial_t.trial_design
+	),
 	'externalReferences', NULL,
 	-- Germplasm = GnpIS accessions
@@ -207,8 +218,19 @@ SELECT json_build_object(
 	'endDate', NULL,
-	'environmentParameters', NULL,
-	'experimentalDesign', trial_t.trial_design,
+	'environmentParameters', json_build_object(
+        "description", NULL,
+        "parameterName", NULL,
+        "parameterPUI", NULL,
+        "unit", NULL,
+        "unitPUI", NULL,
+        "value", NULL,
+        "valuePUI", NULL
+    ),
+    "experimentalDesign", json_build_object(
+        "PUI", NULL,
+        "description", trial_t.trial_design
+    ),
 	'externalReferences', NULL,
 	-- Germplasm = GnpIS accessions
diff --git a/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/trial.sql b/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/trial.sql
index b1f85cd..2b0ac75 100644
--- a/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/trial.sql
+++ b/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/trial.sql
@@ -51,7 +51,12 @@ SELECT json_build_object(
 	'groupId', trial.group_id,
 	'programDbId', NULL,
-	'programName', NULL,
+	'programName', (
+	    SELECT project_t.title
+	    FROM project_t, trial_t
+	    WHEN trial_t.project_id = project_t.project_id
+	    LIMIT 1
+	),
 	'publications', json_build_object(
 	    'publicationPUI', NULL,
 	    'publicationReference', NULL

From 0f179d46b294cbcecb19273c0ca7fdf386aa43a8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Cyril Pommier <>
Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2023 15:31:05 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 16/23] Correct quote errors. Remove unused trialId parameter.
 Add commented filter on trial_set_id to export exemplar datasets.

 .../gnpis-pg-to-json/study.sql                | 55 +++++++++----------
 1 file changed, 27 insertions(+), 28 deletions(-)

diff --git a/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/study.sql b/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/study.sql
index 1b91ede..86d2129 100644
--- a/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/study.sql
+++ b/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/study.sql
@@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
 -- Warning: The name of this file is used as the elasticsearch document type name
--- Warning: The 'trialId' argument must always be set. Set it to NULL if you want to export all Ephesis trials as BrAPI studies: 'psql -v trialId=NULL'
 -- Example of usage:
--- psql --host -p 9122 -U scratchy -d scratchy -A -t -f study.sql -v trialId=NULL -v gnpisBaseURL= > study.json
+-- psql --host -p 9122 -U scratchy -d scratchy -A -t -f study.sql -v gnpisBaseURL= > study.json
 -- Making sure to stop psql with non-zero exit code on any error
 \set ON_ERROR_STOP true
@@ -63,24 +62,24 @@ SELECT json_build_object(
 	-- Study = GnpIS trial
 	'documentationURL', (
-		CASE study_pheno.group_id
+		CASE study_pheno.group_id--That's wrong, there should always be a URL even for confidential data
 			WHEN 0 THEN CONCAT(:'gnpisBaseURL', 'ephesis/ephesis/', study_pheno.trial_id)
 	'endDate', to_char(study_pheno.date_end, 'YYYY-MM-dd'),
     'environmentParameters', json_build_object(
-        "description", NULL,
-        "parameterName", NULL,
-        "parameterPUI", NULL,
-        "unit", NULL,
-        "unitPUI", NULL,
-        "value", NULL,
-        "valuePUI", NULL
+        'description', NULL,
+        'parameterName', NULL,
+        'parameterPUI', NULL,
+        'unit', NULL,
+        'unitPUI', NULL,
+        'value', NULL,
+        'valuePUI', NULL
-	"experimentalDesign", json_build_object(
-	    "PUI", NULL,
-	    "description", trial_t.trial_design
+	'experimentalDesign', json_build_object(
+	    'PUI', NULL,
+	    'description', study_pheno.trial_design
 	'externalReferences', NULL,
@@ -128,9 +127,9 @@ SELECT json_build_object(
 	'startDate', to_char(study_pheno.date_begin, 'YYYY-MM-dd'),
-	'studyCode', trial_t.trial_number,
+	'studyCode', study_pheno.trial_number,
 	'studyDbId', text(study_pheno.trial_number),
-	'studyDescription', trial_t.description,
+	'studyDescription', study_pheno.description,
 	'studyPUI', NULL,
 	'studyType', (
@@ -160,8 +159,8 @@ LEFT JOIN site_t location ON study_pheno.site_id = location.site_id
 -- Program
 LEFT JOIN project_t program ON study_pheno.project_id = program.project_id
+--JOIN trial_trial_set_t tts on tts.trials_id=study_pheno.trial_id WHERE tts.trial_sets_id in (24, 7 )
-WHERE study_pheno.trial_id = :trialId OR :trialId IS NULL
@@ -219,18 +218,18 @@ SELECT json_build_object(
 	'endDate', NULL,
 	'environmentParameters', json_build_object(
-        "description", NULL,
-        "parameterName", NULL,
-        "parameterPUI", NULL,
-        "unit", NULL,
-        "unitPUI", NULL,
-        "value", NULL,
-        "valuePUI", NULL
-    ),
-    "experimentalDesign", json_build_object(
-        "PUI", NULL,
-        "description", trial_t.trial_design
+        'description', NULL,
+        'parameterName', NULL,
+        'parameterPUI', NULL,
+        'unit', NULL,
+        'unitPUI', NULL,
+        'value', NULL,
+        'valuePUI', NULL
+    --'experimentalDesign', json_build_object( -- meaningless for geno study
+    --    'PUI', NULL,
+    --    'description', study_geno.trial_design
+    --),
 	'externalReferences', NULL,
 	-- Germplasm = GnpIS accessions
@@ -264,7 +263,7 @@ SELECT json_build_object(
 	'programName', program.project_name,
 	'seasons', NULL,
 	'startDate', NULL,
-	'studyCode', trial_t.trial_number,
+	'studyCode', NULL,
 	'studyDbId', text(study_geno.genotyping_experiment_id),
 	'studyDescription', NULL,
 	'studyName', study_geno.genotyping_experiment_name,

From a19f8c422d6a9d0aaead03a34d30830375fd2ec4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Cyril Pommier <>
Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2023 16:36:12 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 17/23] Add commented filter on trial_set_id to export exemplar

 etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/germplasm.sql       | 2 ++
 .../gnpis-pg-to-json/germplasmAttribute.sql               | 1 +
 .../gnpis-pg-to-json/germplasmPedigree.sql                | 1 +
 .../gnpis-pg-to-json/germplasmProgeny.sql                 | 1 +
 etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/location.sql        | 1 +
 etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/observationUnit.sql | 8 +++-----
 etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/trial.sql           | 4 +++-
 7 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diff --git a/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/germplasm.sql b/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/germplasm.sql
index 7d5d6c9..32a3d17 100644
--- a/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/germplasm.sql
+++ b/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/germplasm.sql
@@ -664,6 +664,8 @@ LEFT JOIN ontology_term_t bi_address_country ON bi_address_country.ontology_term
 LEFT JOIN dataset_t ds ON ds.dataset_id = a.dataset_id
 WHERE a.accession_id between :startPageId and :endPageId
+--AND exists (select 1 from lot_t l JOIN trial_lot_t tl on tl.lots_id=l.lot_id JOIN trial_trial_set_t tts on tts.trials_id=tl.trials_id WHERE l.accession_id=a.accession_id  AND tts.trial_sets_id in (24, 7))
 ORDER BY a.accession_id
 --LIMIT 5
diff --git a/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/germplasmAttribute.sql b/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/germplasmAttribute.sql
index bd65ded..dc5ea9e 100644
--- a/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/germplasmAttribute.sql
+++ b/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/germplasmAttribute.sql
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ SELECT json_build_object(
 FROM accession_t germplasm
 WHERE exists (select 1 from accession_descriptor_t ad where germplasm.accession_id = ad.accession_id)
+--AND exists (select 1 from lot_t l JOIN trial_lot_t tl on tl.lots_id=l.lot_id JOIN trial_trial_set_t tts on tts.trials_id=tl.trials_id WHERE l.accession_id=germplasm.accession_id  AND tts.trial_sets_id in (24, 7))
diff --git a/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/germplasmPedigree.sql b/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/germplasmPedigree.sql
index e8fb160..310f7cd 100644
--- a/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/germplasmPedigree.sql
+++ b/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/germplasmPedigree.sql
@@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ LEFT JOIN accession_t fp ON fp.accession_id = genea.first_parent_id
 LEFT JOIN ontology_term_t fp_type ON fp_type.ontology_term_id = genea.first_parent_type_id
 LEFT JOIN accession_t sp ON sp.accession_id = genea.second_parent_id
 LEFT JOIN ontology_term_t sp_type ON sp_type.ontology_term_id = genea.second_parent_type_id
+--WHERE exists (select 1 from lot_t l JOIN trial_lot_t tl on tl.lots_id=l.lot_id JOIN trial_trial_set_t tts on tts.trials_id=tl.trials_id WHERE l.accession_id=a.accession_id  AND tts.trial_sets_id in (24, 7))
diff --git a/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/germplasmProgeny.sql b/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/germplasmProgeny.sql
index 5cb25ab..c4232ff 100644
--- a/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/germplasmProgeny.sql
+++ b/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/germplasmProgeny.sql
@@ -54,5 +54,6 @@ SELECT json_build_object(
 FROM accession_t a
 WHERE exists (select 1 from genealogy_t ge where ge.first_parent_id = a.accession_id or ge.second_parent_id = a.accession_id)
+--AND exists (select 1 from lot_t l JOIN trial_lot_t tl on tl.lots_id=l.lot_id JOIN trial_trial_set_t tts on tts.trials_id=tl.trials_id WHERE l.accession_id=a.accession_id  AND tts.trial_sets_id in (24, 7))
diff --git a/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/location.sql b/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/location.sql
index 2d058b0..e486999 100644
--- a/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/location.sql
+++ b/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/location.sql
@@ -153,6 +153,7 @@ LEFT JOIN ontology_term_t locationType ON location.site_type_id = locationType.o
 LEFT JOIN institution_t locationInstitution ON locationInstitution.institution_id = location.landowner_id
 LEFT JOIN address_t locationInstitutionAddress ON locationInstitutionAddress.address_id = locationInstitution.address_id
 LEFT JOIN ontology_term_t locationInstitutionAddressCountry ON locationInstitutionAddressCountry.ontology_term_id = locationInstitutionAddress.country_id
+--JOIN trial_t t on t.site_id=location.site_id JOIN trial_trial_set_t tts on tts.trials_id=t.trial_id WHERE tts.trial_sets_id in (24, 7 )
diff --git a/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/observationUnit.sql b/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/observationUnit.sql
index 22387d8..7466233 100644
--- a/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/observationUnit.sql
+++ b/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/observationUnit.sql
@@ -1,10 +1,8 @@
 -- Warning: The name of this file is used as the elasticsearch document type name
--- Warning: The 'trialId' argument must always be set. Set it to NULL if you want to export for all trials: 'psql -v trialId=NULL'
 -- Example of usage:
--- psql --host -p 9122 -U scratchy -d scratchy -A -t -f observationUnit.sql -v trialId=NULL > observationUnit.json
+-- psql --host -p 9122 -U scratchy -d scratchy -A -t -f observationUnit.sql > observationUnit.json
 -- Making sure to stop psql with non-zero exit code on any error
 \set ON_ERROR_STOP true
@@ -21,8 +19,7 @@ WITH observation_unit_document AS (
 	JOIN phenotype_t observation ON observationUnit.study_subject_id = observation.study_subject_id
 	LEFT JOIN phenotyping_campaign_t season ON observation.phenotyping_campaign_id = season.phenotyping_campaign_id
 	JOIN trial_t study ON study.trial_id = observationUnit.trial_id
-	WHERE (:trialId IS NULL OR study.trial_id = :trialId)
-    AND observationUnit.study_subject_id between :startPageId and :endPageId
+	WHERE observationUnit.study_subject_id between :startPageId and :endPageId
 	GROUP BY docId, observationUnit.study_subject_id, season.phenotyping_campaign_id
@@ -159,6 +156,7 @@ LEFT JOIN project_t program ON program.project_id = study.project_id
 LEFT JOIN site_t location ON location.site_id = study.site_id
 JOIN lot_t lot ON observationUnit.lot_id = lot.lot_id
 JOIN accession_t germplasm ON lot.accession_id = germplasm.accession_id
+--JOIN trial_trial_set_t tts on tts.trials_id=study.trial_id WHERE tts.trial_sets_id in (24, 7 )
diff --git a/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/trial.sql b/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/trial.sql
index 2b0ac75..7dc7b01 100644
--- a/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/trial.sql
+++ b/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/trial.sql
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ SELECT json_build_object(
 	'programName', (
 	    SELECT project_t.title
 	    FROM project_t, trial_t
-	    WHEN trial_t.project_id = project_t.project_id
+	    WHERE trial_t.project_id = project_t.project_id
 	    LIMIT 1
 	'publications', json_build_object(
@@ -84,5 +84,7 @@ FROM trial_set_t trial
 LEFT JOIN bio_type_t trialType ON trial.trial_set_type_id = trialType.bio_type_id
+--WHERE trial.trial_set_id in (24, 7 ) --42 = Drops)

From d90a31097c3f935f8f8a84759d98c2efac16496b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "maud.marty" <>
Date: Thu, 4 Jan 2024 12:05:57 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 18/23] Add accession synonym

 etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/germplasm.sql | 11 ++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/germplasm.sql b/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/germplasm.sql
index 32a3d17..1b4b7e3 100644
--- a/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/germplasm.sql
+++ b/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/germplasm.sql
@@ -230,7 +230,16 @@ SELECT json_build_object(
     		ELSE ''
-    'synonyms', null,
+    'synonyms', array(
+        SELECT json_build_object(
+            'synonym', array (
+                SELECT distinct accsyn.accession_synonym_name AS synonyms
+                FROM accession_synonym_t accsyn
+                WHERE accsyn.accession_id = a.accession_id
+            ),
+            'type', null
+        )
+    ),
     'taxonIds', ta.taxon_external_ids,
     'groupId', a.group_id,

From 4de395dbc7dcd35cc87d175a1f5177bea62cc199 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "maud.marty" <>
Date: Fri, 19 Jan 2024 10:23:29 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 19/23] program.sql correction

 etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/program.sql | 9 +++------
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diff --git a/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/program.sql b/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/program.sql
index dbfc081..f807e82 100644
--- a/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/program.sql
+++ b/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/program.sql
@@ -11,11 +11,11 @@ SELECT json_build_object(
     'programDbId', text(program.project_code),
     'programName', program.project_name,
     'abbreviation', program.project_code,
-    'additionalInfo', (
+    'additionalInfo',(
         SELECT project_t.short_remark
         FROM project_t
+        LIMIT 1
     'commonCropName', NULL,
     'documentationURL', NULL,
@@ -26,16 +26,13 @@ SELECT json_build_object(
     'fundingInformation', NULL,
 	'groupId', program.group_id,
 	'leadPerson', (
 		SELECT programLeadPerson.first_name || ' ' || programLeadPerson.last_name
 		FROM project_coordinator_t programLead
 		JOIN contact_t programLeadPerson ON programLeadPerson.contact_id = programLead.contact_coordinator_id
 		WHERE programLead.project_coordinator_id = program.project_id
 		LIMIT 1
-	), --removed in BrAPI v2
-	--'leadPersonDbId', leadPerson.contact_id,
-	--'leadPersonName',,
+	),
 	'objective', NULL,
 	'programType', NULL

From 651175f2e73354dedb0adc9d4ae1cf0989314a7b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "maud.marty" <>
Date: Tue, 23 Jan 2024 10:50:48 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 20/23] Add coordinates values

 etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/location.sql | 13 ++++++++++---
 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/location.sql b/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/location.sql
index e486999..0cbec95 100644
--- a/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/location.sql
+++ b/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/location.sql
@@ -63,8 +63,16 @@ SELECT json_build_object(
 	'coordinateDescription', NULL,
 	'coordinateUncertainty', NULL,
 	'coordinates', json_build_object(
-	    'geometry', NULL,
-	    'type', NULL
+	    'geometry', json_build_object (
+	        'coordinates', (
+	        CASE
+	            WHEN location.longitude is not null AND location.latitude is not null THEN location.longitude || ', ' || location.latitude
+	            WHEN location.longitude is not null AND location.latitude is not null AND location.elevation is not null THEN  location.longitude || ', ' || location.latitude || ', ' || location.elevation
+	        END
+            ),
+	        'type', CASE WHEN location.longitude is not null AND location.latitude is not null THEN 'Point' END
+	    ),
+	    'type', CASE WHEN location.longitude is not null AND location.latitude is not null THEN 'Feature' END
 	-- Country = GnpIS geographical location ontology term
@@ -121,7 +129,6 @@ SELECT json_build_object(
     	WHERE topography.ontology_term_id = location.topography_id
 	'altitude', location.elevation,
 	'latitude', location.latitude,
 	'longitude', location.longitude

From a6d00795bdfdc1b6609b389475fbd6e69b53ec95 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "maud.marty" <>
Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2024 15:28:56 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 21/23] Add trialDbId and trialName

 etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/study.sql | 14 ++++++++++++--
 1 file changed, 12 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/study.sql b/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/study.sql
index 86d2129..b5d9b09 100644
--- a/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/study.sql
+++ b/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/study.sql
@@ -140,8 +140,18 @@ SELECT json_build_object(
 	-- Trials = GnpIS trial set
-	'trialDbId', NULL,
-	'trialName', NULL,
+	'trialDbId', (
+        SELECT text(trial.trial_set_id)
+        FROM trial_set_t trial
+        JOIN trial_trial_set_t trialStudy ON trialStudy.trial_sets_id = trial.trial_set_id AND trialStudy.trials_id = study_pheno.trial_id
+        LIMIT 1
+    ),
+    'trialName', (
+        SELECT trial.trial_set_name
+        FROM trial_set_t trial
+        JOIN trial_trial_set_t trialStudy ON trialStudy.trial_sets_id = trial.trial_set_id AND trialStudy.trials_id = study_pheno.trial_id
+        LIMIT 1
+    ),
 	'trialDbIds', array(
 		SELECT DISTINCT text(trial.trial_set_id)
 		FROM trial_set_t trial

From 7bf8514e24f92a2c088bb70ba3bf9651bb030b51 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "maud.marty" <>
Date: Thu, 23 May 2024 11:56:21 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 22/23] Correct request

 etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/study.sql | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/study.sql b/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/study.sql
index b5d9b09..58eb868 100644
--- a/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/study.sql
+++ b/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/study.sql
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ SELECT json_build_object(
 	-- Trials = GnpIS trial set
 	'trialDbId', (
-        SELECT text(trial.trial_set_id)
+        SELECT DISTINCT text(trial.trial_set_id)
         FROM trial_set_t trial
         JOIN trial_trial_set_t trialStudy ON trialStudy.trial_sets_id = trial.trial_set_id AND trialStudy.trials_id = study_pheno.trial_id
         LIMIT 1

From 6843ab6ae421ca354f4c3fb099009ee2c0ddb46c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "maud.marty" <>
Date: Thu, 23 May 2024 11:58:27 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 23/23] Typos

 .../gnpis-pg-to-json/germplasm.sql            | 40 +------------------
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 39 deletions(-)

diff --git a/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/germplasm.sql b/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/germplasm.sql
index 1b4b7e3..97b39b5 100644
--- a/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/germplasm.sql
+++ b/etl_gnpis-core_brapi/gnpis-pg-to-json/germplasm.sql
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ SELECT json_build_object(
     	WHERE ac.accession_id = a.accession_id
     	GROUP BY co.collection_id, ot.name_en, tr.translated_name
-    'collectinInfo', json_build_object(
+    'collectingInfo', json_build_object(
         'collectingDate', a.collecting_date,
         'collectingInstitutes', array(
             SELECT json_build_object(
@@ -324,21 +324,6 @@ SELECT json_build_object(
 )::jsonb ||
-    'holdingGenbank', json_build_object (
-    	'instituteName', (
-    		CASE
-    			WHEN grc_name.translated_name is not null and grc_name.translated_name != '' THEN grc_name.translated_name
-    			ELSE ''
-    		END
-    	),
-    	'instituteCode', grc.grc_code,
-    	'webSite', grc.internet_site,
-    	'logo',
-    		CASE
-    			WHEN grc.grc_code is not null THEN ''
-    			ELSE ''
-    		END
-    ),
     'accessionHolder', (
     		WHEN (select string_agg(distinct(coll.collection_code), ', ')
@@ -480,29 +465,6 @@ SELECT json_build_object(
     	WHERE l.accession_id = a.accession_id
     	GROUP BY pa.panel_id, pa.panel_name
-    'collection', array(
-    	SELECT json_build_object(
-    		'id', co.collection_id,
-    		'name', (
-    			CASE
-    				WHEN tr.translated_name is not null THEN tr.translated_name
-    				ELSE co.collection_code
-    			END
-    		),
-    		'type', ot.name_en,
-    		'germplasmCount', (
-    			SELECT count(distinct ac2.accession_id)
-    			FROM accession_collection_t ac2
-    			WHERE ac2.collection_id = co.collection_id
-    		)
-    	)
-    	FROM collections_t co
-    	JOIN accession_collection_t ac ON co.collection_id = ac.collection_id
-    	LEFT JOIN translations_t tr ON co.collection_id = tr.named_collection_id
-    	LEFT JOIN ontology_term_t ot ON ot.ontology_term_id = co.collection_type_id
-    	WHERE ac.accession_id = a.accession_id
-    	GROUP BY co.collection_id, ot.name_en, tr.translated_name
-    ),
     'population', array(
     	SELECT json_build_object(
     		'id', prg.population_id,