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Orfeo ToolBox / otbtf
Apache License 2.0The Orfeo ToolBox (OTB) extension for Deep Learning. Enable the use of TensorFlow models on Remote Sensing images. Provides OTB applications for patches sampling, model training, model inference, hybrid models, and so on.
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LESSEM / marteloscope
MIT LicenseUpdated -
holooligo / Omnicrobe web
Apache License 2.0Updated -
MIAT-Com / Site web MIAT
MIT LicenseSite web de MIAT, avec wowchemy (hugo).
Pour voir vos modifications après un commit, la preview du site web est là : https://miat-com.pages.mia.inra.fr/miat_website
Assignez vos merges requests pour qu'elles soient passés sur le "vrai" site web, à votre correspondant d'équipe : @samuel.buchet, @gauthier.quesnel, @philippe.bordron ou @rtrepos
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ImHorPhen / QuaDS
CeCILL Free Software License Agreement v2.1A Python implementation of the catdes() function from the FactoMiner R package (http://factominer.free.fr/factomethods/description-des-modalites.html) with extras.
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CDOS-Pub / dinamis-sdk
Apache License 2.0CDS THEIA MTD Software development kit. Documentation
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TERRAZ Théophile / acoused
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterUpdated -
genotoul-bioinfo / metagWGS
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlymetagWGS is a workflow dedicated to the analysis of metagenomic data. It allows assembly, taxonomic annotation, and functional annotation of predicted genes. Since release 2.3, binning step with the possibility of cross-alignment is included. It has been developed in collaboration with several CATI BIOS4biol agents. Funded by Antiselfish Project (Labex Ecofect), ExpoMicoPig project (France Futur elevage) and SeqOccIn project (CPER - Occitanie Toulouse / FEDER), ATB_Biofilm funded by PNREST Anses, France genomique (ANR-10-INBS-09-08) and Resalab Ouest.
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in-sylva development / in-sylva.gatekeeper
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterProject used to manage security for In-Sylva Information System
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Gauthier Quesnel / irritator
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Stacomi / stacoshiny
MIT LicenseUpdated