diff --git a/jalhyd_branch b/jalhyd_branch
index 16cc54ad77db05c20884afc3b44ba04d67f8db09..7f8147304dea3e5f1ef135be121d42f63648ed3f 100644
--- a/jalhyd_branch
+++ b/jalhyd_branch
@@ -1 +1 @@
diff --git a/src/app/calculators/remous/remous.config.json b/src/app/calculators/remous/remous.config.json
index 2e0c26fc12efa3f382c2b77e0b16c9cc1bee0752..5abc2662d643c4e80977e7bb0856c11c3d25993c 100644
--- a/src/app/calculators/remous/remous.config.json
+++ b/src/app/calculators/remous/remous.config.json
@@ -27,8 +27,9 @@
         "fields": [
-            "If",
-            "YB"
+            "YB",
+            "ZF1",
+            "ZF2"
@@ -36,8 +37,8 @@
         "type": "fieldset",
         "fields": [
-            "Yaval",
-            "Yamont"
+            "Z1",
+            "Z2"
diff --git a/src/app/calculators/remous/remous.en.json b/src/app/calculators/remous/remous.en.json
index fadadf72f0ebf7c16258cb8e2725e3394c9abd4e..39ad2d88e3ff517beb05011e0e83d945a02042fe 100644
--- a/src/app/calculators/remous/remous.en.json
+++ b/src/app/calculators/remous/remous.en.json
@@ -14,17 +14,19 @@
     "LargeurBerge": "Width at embankment level",
     "fs_bief": "Features reach",
     "Ks": "Strickler coefficient",
+    "Hs": "Head",
     "Long": "Length of reach",
-    "If": "Bottom slope",
     "YB": "Embankment elevation",
     "fs_condlim": "Boundary conditions",
     "Q": "Upstream flow",
     "S": "Wet surface",
-    "Yaval": "Water level imposed at downstream",
-    "Yamont": "Water level imposed at upstream",
     "fs_param_calc": "Calculation parameters",
     "Dx": "Discretisation step",
     "select_resolution": "Resolution method",
+    "Z1": "Upstream water elevation",
+    "Z2": "Downstream water elevation",
+    "ZF1": "Upstream bottom elevation",
+    "ZF2": "Downstream bottom elevation",
     "UNIT_FLU": "m",
     "UNIT_HS": "m",
@@ -48,7 +50,7 @@
     "fs_target_data": "Data to compute",
     "select_target": "Choice of the data to compute",
     "select_target_none": "None",
-    "select_target_Hs": "Specific head (m)",
+    "select_target_Hs": "Head (m)",
     "select_target_Hsc": "Critical head (m)",
     "select_target_B": "Surface width (m)",
     "select_target_P": "Wetted perimeter (m)",
diff --git a/src/app/calculators/remous/remous.fr.json b/src/app/calculators/remous/remous.fr.json
index ed9116978b353c4e710cc629faaa181fda1e5593..6c6d61121e0bf756d89b8dc2f5530fa3747d3e1e 100644
--- a/src/app/calculators/remous/remous.fr.json
+++ b/src/app/calculators/remous/remous.fr.json
@@ -14,16 +14,18 @@
     "LargeurBerge": "Largeur de berge",
     "fs_bief": "Caractéristiques du bief",
     "Ks": "Coefficient de Strickler",
+    "Hs": "Charge",
     "Long": "Longueur du bief",
-    "If": "Pente du fond",
     "YB": "Hauteur de berge",
     "fs_condlim": "Conditions aux limites",
     "Q": "Débit amont",
     "S": "Surface mouillée",
-    "Yaval": "Tirant d'eau imposé à l'aval",
-    "Yamont": "Tirant d'eau imposé à l'amont",
     "Dx": "Pas de discrétisation",
     "select_resolution": "Méthode de résolution",
+    "Z1": "Cote de l'eau à l'amont",
+    "Z2": "Cote de l'eau à l'aval",
+    "ZF1": "Cote du fond à l'amont",
+    "ZF2": "Cote du fond à l'aval",
     "UNIT_FLU": "m",
     "UNIT_HS": "m",
@@ -47,7 +49,7 @@
     "fs_target_data": "Donnée à calculer",
     "select_target": "Choix de la donnée à calculer",
     "select_target_none": "Aucune",
-    "select_target_Hs": "La charge spécifique (m)",
+    "select_target_Hs": "La charge (m)",
     "select_target_Hsc": "La charge critique (m)",
     "select_target_B": "La largeur au miroir (m)",
     "select_target_P": "Le périmètre mouillé (m)",
diff --git a/src/app/calculators/section-param/section-param.en.json b/src/app/calculators/section-param/section-param.en.json
index 09723fabfc1197facf051bcd018377a3f9fc6b49..915cdb5055cb5218113354b196c051f533179875 100644
--- a/src/app/calculators/section-param/section-param.en.json
+++ b/src/app/calculators/section-param/section-param.en.json
@@ -20,8 +20,8 @@
     "Q": "Flow",
     "Y": "Draft",
     "fs_param_calc": "Calculation parameters",
-    "Hs": "Specific cahrge",
-    "Hsc": "Critical charge",
+    "Hs": "Specific head",
+    "Hsc": "Critical head",
     "B": "Width at mirror",
     "P": "Wet perimeter",
     "S": "Wet surface",
diff --git a/src/app/components/remous-results/remous-results.component.ts b/src/app/components/remous-results/remous-results.component.ts
index bed67125d94dd8488c4e38f4d71075618a553633..ab9f3f71800041e327cad3c6cec6cc8e0ef655db 100644
--- a/src/app/components/remous-results/remous-results.component.ts
+++ b/src/app/components/remous-results/remous-results.component.ts
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 import { Component, ViewChild, DoCheck } from "@angular/core";
-import { ArrayReverseIterator, ResultElement, INumberIterator } from "jalhyd";
+import { INumberIterator, CourbeRemousParams, CourbeRemous } from "jalhyd";
 import { I18nService } from "../../services/internationalisation.service";
 import { LogComponent } from "../../components/log/log.component";
@@ -165,6 +165,20 @@ class ChartData {
+    /**
+     * Dessigne une ligne droite entre y0 (abscisse 0) et ymax (abscisse max),
+     * sans passer par les méthodes mapPoint() et mapY() utilisées dans drawLine
+     */
+    public drawSimpleLine(y0: number, ymax: number, prof: number, color: string, lbl: string, fillColor?: string) {
+        const l = this.newLine(prof);
+        l.setPoint(0, y0);
+        l.setPoint(this._longBief, ymax);
+        l.data = {
+            label: lbl, fill: fillColor !== undefined, tension: 0, spanGaps: true,
+            borderColor: color, backgroundColor: fillColor, pointRadius: 0
+        };
+    }
     public get data() {
         const ds = [];
         this._lines.sort((a, b) => {
@@ -384,62 +398,26 @@ export class RemousResultsComponent extends ResultsComponent implements DoCheck
     private connectRessaut(lineFlu: LineData, lineTor: LineData) {
         if (lineFlu !== undefined && lineTor !== undefined) {
-            const tX = lineFlu.tx.slice(0); // copie
-            tX.sort((a, b) => {
-                if (a > b) {
-                    return 1;
-                }
-                if (a < b) {
-                    return -1;
-                }
-                return 0;
-            });
-            let minXflu; // abscisse de début de la courbe fluviale
-            let itX = this.abscisseIterator;
-            for (const re of this._remousResults.result.resultElements) {
-                if (!itX.hasNext) {
-                    throw new Error("RemousResultsComponent.connectRessaut() : erreur interne (itérateur sur x)");
-                }
-                const x = itX.next().value;
-                if (re.getValue("flu") !== undefined) {
-                    minXflu = x;
-                    break;
+            const p = this._remousResults.varResults.variatedParameters[0].paramDefinition;
+            const xs = p.getInferredValuesList();
+            // 1e passe : prolonger la torrentielle
+            outerloop1:
+            for (let i = 0; i < xs.length; i++) {
+                const x = xs[i];
+                if (lineTor.getYat(x) === null) {
+                    lineTor.setPoint(x, lineFlu.getYat(x));
+                    break outerloop1;
-            if (minXflu !== undefined && minXflu !== tX[0]) {
-                // la courbe fluviale ne démarre pas au début, on ajoute un point de raccord avec la ligne torrentielle
-                const i = tX.indexOf(minXflu);
-                const xflu = tX[i - 1];
-                const yflu = lineTor.getYat(xflu);
-                lineFlu.setPoint(xflu, yflu);
-            }
-            let maxXtor; // abscisse de fin de la courbe torrentielle
-            const itRE = new ArrayReverseIterator<ResultElement>(this._remousResults.result.resultElements);
-            itX = this.abscisseIterator;
-            for (const r of itRE) {
-                if (!itX.hasNext) {
-                    throw new Error("RemousResultsComponent.connectRessaut() : erreur interne (itérateur sur x)");
-                }
-                const x = itX.next();
-                if (r.getValue("tor") !== undefined) {
-                    maxXtor = x;
-                    break;
+            // 2e passe : prolonger la fluviale
+            outerloop2:
+            for (let i = xs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+                const x = xs[i];
+                if (lineFlu.getYat(x) === null) {
+                    lineFlu.setPoint(x, lineTor.getYat(x));
+                    break outerloop2;
-            if (maxXtor !== undefined && maxXtor !== tX[tX.length - 1]) {
-                // la courbe torrentielle ne finit pas à la fin des abscisses, on ajoute un point de raccord avec la ligne fluviale
-                const i = tX.indexOf(maxXtor);
-                const xflu = tX[i + 1];
-                const yflu = lineFlu.getYat(xflu);
-                lineTor.setPoint(xflu, yflu);
-            }
@@ -452,6 +430,11 @@ export class RemousResultsComponent extends ResultsComponent implements DoCheck
             this.varResultsComponent.results = this._remousResults.varResults;
+        const nub = this._remousResults.result.sourceNub as CourbeRemous;
+        const params = nub.prms as CourbeRemousParams;
+        const ZF1 = params.ZF1.singleValue;
+        const ZF2 = params.ZF2.singleValue;
+        const hauteurBerge = nub.section.prms.YB.singleValue;
         const penteFond: number = this._remousResults.penteFond;
         // abscisses
@@ -480,29 +463,30 @@ export class RemousResultsComponent extends ResultsComponent implements DoCheck
         // ligne de fond
-        gr1.drawLine(0, 0, 3, "#753F00", this.uitextFond, "#753F00");
+        gr1.drawSimpleLine(ZF1, ZF2, 3, "#753F00", this.uitextFond, "#753F00");
         // ligne de berge
-        if (this._remousResults.hautBerge) {
-            gr1.drawLine(this._remousResults.hautBerge, this._remousResults.hautBerge, 4, "#C58F50", this.uitextBerge);
+        if (hauteurBerge) {
+            gr1.drawSimpleLine(ZF1 + hauteurBerge, ZF2 + hauteurBerge, 4, "#C58F50", this.uitextBerge);
         // hauteur normale
         if (this._remousResults.hautNormale !== undefined && this._remousResults.hautNormale.ok) {
-            gr1.drawLine(this._remousResults.hautNormale.vCalc, this._remousResults.hautNormale.vCalc,
+            const Yn = this._remousResults.hautNormale.vCalc;
+            gr1.drawSimpleLine(Yn + ZF1, Yn + ZF2,
                 5, "#A4C537", this.uitextTirantNormal
         // hauteur critique
         if (this._remousResults.hautCritique !== undefined && this._remousResults.hautCritique.ok) {
-            gr1.drawLine(this._remousResults.hautCritique.vCalc, this._remousResults.hautCritique.vCalc,
+            const Yc = this._remousResults.hautCritique.vCalc;
+            gr1.drawSimpleLine(Yc + ZF1, Yc + ZF2,
                 6, "#FF0000", this.uitextTirantCritique
         // lignes d'eau torrentielle et fluviale
         let lineFlu: LineData;
         if (this._remousResults.hasFluData) {
             lineFlu = gr1.newLine(0);
@@ -529,17 +513,17 @@ export class RemousResultsComponent extends ResultsComponent implements DoCheck
             const x = itX.next().value;
             const yExtra = re.getValue(this._remousResults.extraParamSymbol);
             if (yExtra !== undefined) {
-                lineExtra.mapPoint(x, yExtra);
+                lineExtra.setPoint(x, yExtra);
             const yFlu = re.getValue("flu");
             if (yFlu !== undefined) {
-                lineFlu.mapPoint(x, yFlu);
+                lineFlu.setPoint(x, yFlu);
             const yTor = re.getValue("tor");
             if (yTor !== undefined) {
-                lineTor.mapPoint(x, yTor);
+                lineTor.setPoint(x, yTor);
@@ -558,11 +542,9 @@ export class RemousResultsComponent extends ResultsComponent implements DoCheck
         // raccordement ligne fluviale -> torrentielle pour dessiner le ressaut
         this.connectRessaut(lineFlu, lineTor);
         // ajout des données au graphique
         if (lineTor !== undefined) {
             lineTor.data = {
                 label: this.uitextLigneTorrentielle,
diff --git a/src/app/formulaire/definition/form-compute-courbe-remous.ts b/src/app/formulaire/definition/form-compute-courbe-remous.ts
index 2491a2683b2a8a97f8b522e7396ed9d7606b22d1..2a837d31a92a47b78f5306e8604dc84df2fe10e0 100644
--- a/src/app/formulaire/definition/form-compute-courbe-remous.ts
+++ b/src/app/formulaire/definition/form-compute-courbe-remous.ts
@@ -40,7 +40,8 @@ export class FormComputeCourbeRemous extends FormCompute {
         this.remousResults.extraParamSymbol = this._formBase.currentNub.properties.getPropValue("varCalc");
         // calcul
-        this.remousResults.result = cr.calculRemous(this.remousResults.extraParamSymbol);
+        // this.remousResults.result = cr.calculRemous(this.remousResults.extraParamSymbol);
+        this.remousResults.result = cr.CalcSerie();
         // données du graphe
         this.remousResults.hauteurNormale = this.resultYn.resultElement;
diff --git a/src/app/formulaire/definition/form-compute.ts b/src/app/formulaire/definition/form-compute.ts
index 0917ded925a3e3d16c44fe4872c584d289db850e..e733e6e51e7a8da49c8a527db1c87e917c0784d2 100644
--- a/src/app/formulaire/definition/form-compute.ts
+++ b/src/app/formulaire/definition/form-compute.ts
@@ -36,66 +36,8 @@ export abstract class FormCompute implements Observer {
      * Lance le calcul d'un paramètre en déterminant une valeur initiale.
      * Si nécessaire déclenche un calcul en chaîne des modules en amont.
-    protected runNubCalc(nub: Nub, computedParam?: ParamDefinition): Result {
-        let init: number;
-        // by default, use Nub's calculatedParam
-        if (computedParam === undefined) {
-            computedParam = nub.calculatedParam;
-        }
-        if (computedParam === undefined) {
-            // modules that have no calculated param (ex: Grille)
-            return nub.CalcSerie();
-        } else {
-            // const computedParamValue = computedParam.getValue();
-            const computedParamValue = computedParam.singleValue;
-            switch (computedParam.domain.domain) {
-                case ParamDomainValue.ANY:
-                    if (computedParam && computedParam.isDefined) {
-                        init = computedParamValue;
-                    }
-                    if (init === undefined) {
-                        init = 0;
-                    }
-                    break;
-                case ParamDomainValue.POS_NULL:
-                    if (computedParam && computedParam.isDefined) {
-                        init = Math.max(computedParamValue, 0);
-                    }
-                    if (init === undefined) {
-                        init = 0;
-                    }
-                    break;
-                case ParamDomainValue.INTERVAL:
-                    init = (computedParam.domain.minValue + computedParam.domain.maxValue) / 2;
-                    break;
-                case ParamDomainValue.NOT_NULL:
-                    if (computedParam && computedParam.isDefined) {
-                        init = computedParamValue;
-                    }
-                    if (init === undefined || init === 0) {
-                        init = 1e-8;
-                    }
-                    break;
-                case ParamDomainValue.POS:
-                    if (computedParam && computedParam.isDefined) {
-                        init = Math.max(computedParamValue, 1e-8);
-                    }
-                    if (init === undefined) {
-                        init = 1e-8;
-                    }
-                    break;
-            }
-            return nub.CalcSerie(init, this.getParameterRefid(computedParam));
-        }
+    protected runNubCalc(nub: Nub): Result {
+        return nub.CalcSerie();
     protected getComputedParameter(): NgParameter {
diff --git a/src/app/results/remous-results.ts b/src/app/results/remous-results.ts
index ba7c03a9590464f90bbcbcefe1274d3766abfec0..60b6b6a7485ac3244311042a9fdb2b532b615b6a 100644
--- a/src/app/results/remous-results.ts
+++ b/src/app/results/remous-results.ts
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ export class RemousResults extends CalculatorResults {
         // série de valeurs de X
         this._xValues = new ParamDefinition(p, "Abscisse", ParamDomainValue.POS_NULL);
-        this._xValues.paramValues.setValues(0, Long, Dx);
+        this._xValues.setValues(0, Long, Dx);
     public get log() {
diff --git a/src/locale/messages.en.json b/src/locale/messages.en.json
index 9e11bf181847bb5f14b4bec7979d25d67fb79fea..e8cbdf1d3a141377537f4acc845dc41418d5d792 100644
--- a/src/locale/messages.en.json
+++ b/src/locale/messages.en.json
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
     "ERROR_PARAMDOMAIN_INTERVAL_BOUNDS": "invalid %minValue%/%maxValue% min/max boundaries for 'interval' parameter definition domain",
     "ERROR_PARAMDOMAIN_INVALID": "parameter '%symbol%: non supported '%domain%' definition domain",
     "ERROR_PROBLEM_LOADING_SESSION": "Session loaded, with errors",
+    "ERROR_REMOUS_NO_WATER_LINE": "No water line can be calculated",
     "ERROR_REMOUS_PAS_CALCUL_DEPUIS_AMONT": "Upstream boundary condition < Critical elevation: no possible calculation from upstream",
     "ERROR_REMOUS_PAS_CALCUL_DEPUIS_AVAL": "Downstream boundary condition < Critical elevation: no possible calculation from downstream",
     "ERROR_REMOUS_PENTE_FORTE": "The water line slope is too steep at abscissa %x% m (the discretisation step should be reduced)",
@@ -49,6 +50,7 @@
     "ERROR_SECTION_NON_CONVERGENCE_NEWTON_HNORMALE": "Non convergence of the calculation of the normal depth (Newton's method)",
     "ERROR_SECTION_PENTE_NEG_NULLE_HNORMALE_INF": "The slope is negative or zero, the normal depth is infinite",
     "ERROR_STRUCTURE_Q_TROP_ELEVE": "The flow passing through the other devices is too high: the requested parameter is not calculable.",
+    "ERROR_SECTION_SURFACE_NULLE": "Section : calcul impossible à cause d'une surface nulle",
     "INFO_CALCULATOR_CALC_NAME": "Calculator name",
     "INFO_CALCULATOR_CLONE": "Duplicate",
@@ -448,5 +450,9 @@
     "WARNING_VANLEV_ZDV_SUP_MAX": "Regulated weir: maximum sill elevation reached",
     "WARNING_GRILLE_ALPHA_GREATER_THAN_45": "Recommendation for fish guiding : α ≤ 45°",
     "WARNING_GRILLE_BETA_GREATER_THAN_26": "Recommendation for fish guiding : β ≤ 26°",
-    "WARNING_GRILLE_VN_GREATER_THAN_05": "Recommendation to prevent fish getting stuck on grid plan (physical barrier) or prematurely passing through the grid (behavioural barrier) : VN ≤ 0.5 m/s.<br>Above average value calculated here, refer to the recommendations taken from experimental caracterisation of effective speed values."
+    "WARNING_GRILLE_VN_GREATER_THAN_05": "Recommendation to prevent fish getting stuck on grid plan (physical barrier) or prematurely passing through the grid (behavioural barrier) : VN ≤ 0.5 m/s.<br>Above average value calculated here, refer to the recommendations taken from experimental caracterisation of effective speed values.",
+    "WARNING_UPSTREAM_BOTTOM_HIGHER_THAN_WATER": "Upstream water elevation is lower or equal to bottom elevation",
+    "WARNING_DOWNSTREAM_BOTTOM_HIGHER_THAN_WATER": "Downstream water elevation is lower or equal to bottom elevation",
+    "WARNING_YN_SECTION_PENTE_NEG_NULLE_HNORMALE_INF": "Normal depth: slope is negative or zero, normal depth is infinite",
+    "WARNING_YN_SECTION_NON_CONVERGENCE_NEWTON_HNORMALE": "Normal depth: non convergence of the calculation (Newton's method)"
diff --git a/src/locale/messages.fr.json b/src/locale/messages.fr.json
index 56324143c725e03322a2ee308787071667c66397..f2199ec48ec6217d359dedb84a5a225299f8cd82 100644
--- a/src/locale/messages.fr.json
+++ b/src/locale/messages.fr.json
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
     "ERROR_PARAMDOMAIN_INTERVAL_BOUNDS": "Les bornes (%minValue%/%maxValue%) de l'intervalle sont incorrectes",
     "ERROR_PARAMDOMAIN_INVALID": "Paramètre '%symbol%'&nbsp;: le domaine de définition '%domain%' est incorrect",
     "ERROR_PROBLEM_LOADING_SESSION": "Session chargée, avec des erreurs",
+    "ERROR_REMOUS_NO_WATER_LINE": "Aucune ligne d'eau ne peut être calculée",
     "ERROR_REMOUS_PAS_CALCUL_DEPUIS_AMONT": "Condition limite amont > Hauteur critique&nbsp;: pas de calcul possible depuis l'amont",
     "ERROR_REMOUS_PAS_CALCUL_DEPUIS_AVAL": "Condition limite aval < Hauteur critique&nbsp;: pas de calcul possible depuis l'aval",
     "ERROR_REMOUS_PENTE_FORTE": "La pente de la ligne d'eau est trop forte à l'abscisse %x% m (il faudrait réduire le pas de discrétisation)",
@@ -48,6 +49,7 @@
     "ERROR_SECTION_NON_CONVERGENCE_NEWTON_HCOR": "Non convergence du calcul de la hauteur correspondante (Méthode de Newton)",
     "ERROR_SECTION_NON_CONVERGENCE_NEWTON_HNORMALE": "Non convergence du calcul de la hauteur normale (Méthode de Newton)",
     "ERROR_SECTION_PENTE_NEG_NULLE_HNORMALE_INF": "La pente est négative ou nulle, la hauteur normale est infinie",
+    "ERROR_SECTION_SURFACE_NULLE": "Section: calculation is impossible when surface is null",
     "ERROR_STRUCTURE_Q_TROP_ELEVE": "Le débit passant par les autres ouvrages est trop élevé: le paramètre demandé n'est pas calculable.",
     "INFO_CALCULATOR_CALC_NAME": "Nom du module de calcul",
@@ -447,5 +449,9 @@
     "WARNING_VANLEV_ZDV_SUP_MAX": "Seuil régulé&nbsp;: cote maximale de seuil atteinte",
     "WARNING_GRILLE_ALPHA_GREATER_THAN_45": "Préconisation pour le guidage des poissons : α ≤ 45°",
     "WARNING_GRILLE_BETA_GREATER_THAN_26": "Préconisation pour le guidage des poissons : β ≤ 26°",
-    "WARNING_GRILLE_VN_GREATER_THAN_05": "Préconisation pour éviter le placage des poissons sur le plan de grille (barrière physique) ou leur passage prématuré au travers (barrière comportementale) : VN ≤ 0.5 m/s.<br>Au-delà de la valeur moyenne calculée ici, se reporter aux préconisations tirées de la caractérisation expérimentale des valeurs effectives de vitesses."
+    "WARNING_GRILLE_VN_GREATER_THAN_05": "Préconisation pour éviter le placage des poissons sur le plan de grille (barrière physique) ou leur passage prématuré au travers (barrière comportementale) : VN ≤ 0.5 m/s.<br>Au-delà de la valeur moyenne calculée ici, se reporter aux préconisations tirées de la caractérisation expérimentale des valeurs effectives de vitesses.",
+    "WARNING_UPSTREAM_BOTTOM_HIGHER_THAN_WATER": "La cote de l'eau à l'amont est plus basse ou égale à la cote de fond",
+    "WARNING_DOWNSTREAM_BOTTOM_HIGHER_THAN_WATER": "La cote de l'eau à l'aval est plus basse ou égale à la cote de fond",
+    "WARNING_YN_SECTION_PENTE_NEG_NULLE_HNORMALE_INF": "Hauteur normale: pente négative ou nulle, hauteur normale infinie",
+    "WARNING_YN_SECTION_NON_CONVERGENCE_NEWTON_HNORMALE": "Hauteur normale: non convergence du calcul (méthode de Newton)"